Porting Any OS - Where do I start? [closed] - porting

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What things must be done in order to begin with porting? Is there any documentation or something that will help me understand the steps of OS porting ?

Here is the mirror of what you want to find. But can you specify what you want to do?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for as things differ based on the platform, but it's a step in the right direction if you're interested in Linux hardware. As mentioned in your other link the Android x-86 stuff is also a place to start.

depends on what you are trying to port. If you want to port Cyanogenmod or port MIUI or from Here too, If just any rom, You can replace the files from the stock of your phone, with the new files from the wanted Rom.
If you are using ubuntu, & wanna port a rom which is Android 5.0+, You will need a package called android-tools-fsutils which can be installed by running sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils , to extract img files
NOTE : img files in android are not the same as the img files supported by ISO apps & unrar apps. Specific tools are needed.
If you want to port Ubuntu Touch, This will help.
You need to learn about the Kernel of any OS , it's how the OS interacts with hardware, Makes it boot & controls the hardware e.g CPU clock speed / GPU clock speed.
You need to learn about filsystems as well, maybe a scripting language like perl/python will be enough but it's not obligatory, you can continue your rough way, a scripting language will turn things easy.
Actually, I saw this question right now while I'm downloading cyanogen source to try to port , I don't know how actually, but I know about cpus/kernel & some programming languages. So, I think I will make it. You will find many words that you may not understand, Don't ignore.
ALWAYS try to learn every word you see, Know how apps interact with the RAM/CPU/GPU/BOARD/HDD , Know shortcuts e.g GPU > Graphics Processing Unit, This will help in trying to understand everything & will prevent your brain from mixing shortcuts like CPU/GPU/APU .
there's just something to say, If you are afraid to do something in your device & scared of failing to fix it after that, This is the 1st thing that will make you FAIL. So, Try on a device that you can leave it not working for days, Trying to make it work.


What UI mockup tools can be used to produce Eclipse UI "screenshots"? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What UI mockup tools exist that could be used to produce designs that look like Eclipse UI? Perhaps there is an Eclipse project available for this? (http://www.eclipse.org/projects/listofprojects.php doesn't make it easy to browse through all the projects and learn about them.) I would consider tools for any platform.
They are wireframe sketches rather than Eclipse-UI like mockups, but I find http://wireframesketcher.com/ or http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/wireframesketcher very useful.
It's quick and easy to use, see the feature list here:
One thing they don't seem to mention there is their SWT Spy plugin which "allows you to convert your existing SWT UI into a wireframe that you can edit and revise afterwards" (their words from the help content of the wireframe sketcher feature).
They have a 14 day trial.
I ended up buying SwordSoft Layout in the Mac OS X App Store. It's inexpensive ($6.99) and easy to use. While it doesn't have Eclipse-specific templates, it wasn't hard to create mockups that looked close enough to what I'm proposing.
We use balsamiq Balsamiq site. You can use their web version for free. Web version
However, the web version doesn't save. So you need to manually store the xml. Use export as xml and copy paste to a local file and use again import as xml to restart.
You can take a look at ForeUI, which can help creating UI mockup with various styles (Handdrawn, Wireframe, Windows xp, Mac OS X and Windows 7), and allows you to define behavior of your mockup then run HTML5 simulation in web browser.
For reference, Eclipse has a project
that actually can be used for constructing plugin mockups and to start off the plugin project through generating much of the UI stuff. Since it is an Eclipse project using all Eclipse artefacts as they show in Eclipse, there's probably no better tool at the moment.
You can use MockupUI. It is a desktop user interface mockup software. Not using Eclipse, but it lets you draw high fidelity UI screens with a native Windows 7,8 or 10 look and feel.

How to program a plug-in? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hey Folks, I need to create a plug-in that updates an application.
Look, I have a host application, but probably I will update it with to more functions. I am working in Windows with Delphi 7.
Basically, "my plugin" should add 2 or 3 new functions to the host application.
How can I program a plug-in (or a functionality) that inserts new code (new functions) in the host application without re-compiling it??
Note: I am sorry about my English. My natural language is Spanish.
Thanks anymore,
You didn't specify the language or the platform on which you are working, so I can only give you a generic answer.
Plugins can be implemented in several different ways. The simplest (YMMV) is to compile the plugin to a Dynamically Linked Library (DLL in Windows) or a Shared Object (.so under Linux), and then you use the appropriate function to get specific functions from the DLL and call them.
Search the internet for the function LoadLibrary() on Windows or dlopen() on Un*x/Linux systems for more information.
An alternative is to embed a scripting language interpreter in your program. Firefox, for example, is implemented in C/C++ and exposes its internals to its JavaScript interpreter (SpiderMonkey) - in this way, all Firefox plugins can be written in JavaScript.
There are different ways to accomplish this, I will give you one of the most basic.
Say you are programming with C# on Windows (Other languages and environments are similar)
Part 1. You need to be able to load an assembly (if C++ a DLL). You might want to take this from a configuration file. Do this for every piece of functionality you want the plugin applications to extend.
Part 2. You need to be able to invoke code from this plugin, so put the functionality in an interface. For example, the main application will code to an interface IMyPluginCapability and your plugin will include some class which implements this interface. You can figure out which class through reflection.
Part 3. Invoke the functions you wish your plugin to extend.
Your language, environment will surely have similar capabilities. You can lookup details for that environment.

What are the most important features of an IDE for Perl development? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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As some of you might know I am the lead developer of Padre, The Perl IDE. In the first year of its development, Padre became an acceptable text editor with some extra features for Perl development.
I'd like to ask the Stack Overflow community for some help in driving the project further to turn it into an exceptional IDE for Perl development. So I'd be glad to read what do you think are the most important features of an IDE that are still missing from Padre?.
Especially I'd be interested in people who currently use Eclipse+EPIC, Komodo, Visual Studio, or any of the text editors for programmers.
The most important feature of an IDE for Perl development (including Padre) is:
an interactive debugger that actually works. E.g. remembering breakpoints, ability to drill down into complicated data structures, and copy (to clipboard) should work on watched variables - including a menu command Copy Special that allows putting it in various formats; say CSV, XML or tab-separated.
The two most invaluable features I find:
line-by-line debugging, watchpoints, breakpoints, and so on, so I can properly debug my code.
code completion so I don't have to go looking up docs (even online).
OK, here's my third answer, although I hate to say it.
The competition is pretty easy to install. Padre isn't. I tried to update to the latest release today and, once again, got failing tests.
I am a heavy Perl EPIC user and my biggest gripe is not being able to jump to a function that is clearly defined in the current context (usually by pressing F3). It is pretty
much hit or miss at this point.
Stability. People turn away quickly if their editor crashes and they lose their work.
I work with Komodo. I also use other editors but I come back to Komodo most of the time. A good IDE shoud have:
A good Debugger. Breakpoints, watch lists, everything you need.
Remote debugging. Threads debugging capability.
Syntax highlighting including weighted fonts as well ( I was pretty disappointed by Oxygen, for example, an XSLT IDE, where I can not use bold fonts to emphasize reserved terms)
Syntax completion.
Project management tools, preferable extendable by plugins.
Good VCS integration. This is something that I absolutely love in Eclipse: You instantly see what files have local changes and which aren't added to the repository yet. And you get to browse the different versions and have a nice diff view just one mouse click away.
A project manager. It's essential for me to be able to define the set of files and folders that comprise a particular codebase. Sessions are useful but not a replacement.
Testing integration.
Perl has great unit testing tools. When I run my test suite and get a failure, I want to see the code for the test that failed.
Having a good way to jump through test results and see the code for the failed test along with the expected and actual results would be a great boon.
The first thing I look for is some kind of overview of the currently active file. I'd like to see methods/functions and, if possible, the used modules and especially any use base statements.
You solved that pretty well in Padre.
Visual-Studio style refactoring for variables and function names and extraction of functions.
Visual studio searches your whole module for all references and allows you to see all changed lines in case you do not want to change one instance (for whatever reason)...
The question seems more debatable than answerable.
Risking myself of being accused copyright abuser, I will post contents that I remember from the book "Interactive programming environments" by David R. Barstow, Howard E. Shrobe, Erik Sandewall.
It will not be exactly the same, as I have read the book many years ago and I've jotted down it in another language.
1: Know the user
+ Know the previous knowledge and practice of the user
2: Minimize the memorization
+ Selection and not characters entering
+ Names and not numbers
+ Predictable behavior: the user should have a previous impression of what the system will do
+ Possible access and changing of the parameters of the system
3: Optimization of operations
+ Fast execution of common operations
+ Inertia of visualization: the screen should change the less possible
+ Memorization of system operation in user's memory
+ The meaning of specific operations should have a simple relationship with the state of the system
+ The system must be prepared to accept more than 10 followed commands per second, so that it can operate on the user's muscular memory
+ The system should be prepared to organize the parameters of a command
4: Engineer for the errors
+ Provide good error messages.
+ Engineer it to remove away the common errors.
+ The system should provide reversible actions.
+ Redundancy: the operations should have more than one way of being done.
+ Integrity of data structures.
The ability to configure and run external (command-line) tools. Plug-ins are great but end-users won't necessarily want to author one just to integrate with an external tool. Allowing users to configure their own tools provides a great deal of extensibility with minimal barriers to entry.
My editor of choice is UltraEdit. It's not an IDE, but through its support for user tools, I've been able to integrate IDE features such as lint, version control, debugging, and more.
This can be possibly achieved via use strict; but could be as well a valuable feature even if not use'd explicitly, namely:
the other day we spent about 10-20 minutes debugging the following behavior:
my %hash;
$hash->{'key1'} = value1;
# on reading in a different module
print $hash{'key1'}; # is, of course, empty, but was so easy to overlook in the code above
proper Perl type safety brought in by the IDE.
It might be already implemented in Padre, though, as it turned out not in Eclipse+EPIC
I use emacs. I would like a system that helps me refactor code, especially when I'm working on ugly 1999 code that uses the begin-at-the-beginning-go-to-the-end philosophy combined with duplicate-and-modify.
I looked at Eclipse, but I can't work with a system that requires me to create a project before I can make a one-character correction to a file.
I looked at Padre, but it's slow and crashes.
I looked at Kod which claims to be configured by CSS, but I can't find a man page that will tell me where to put the CSS.
Integration of a read-eval-print loop. As a heavy Emacs user, I very much appreciate Sepia. Very useful for trying things out before I commit them to code.
Ability to create and debug XS code.
The ability to use my own choice of editor (which it may have, as far as I know). That has a chance of winning over the vim/emacs people.
I don't know if Padre can do this, but the ability to split the screen is very important to me. As a VIM user, I constantly split my screen to look at another file while coding.
Line ending policies for files, by directory, and project-wide.
So, for a given project or directory, I'd like to make all line endings be LF only. While in another directory I may wish to have a mix of CRLF and LF files.
I work a lot on stuff that goes back and forth between Unix and Win32 environments.
The typical solution of automatically converting all files back and forth as one moves from platform to platform hasn't worked well for me.
When a file gets created in the wrong format by accident, it can be a real pain.

Emacs Wishlist: what features is emacs lacjing right now? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Emacs is great. To me at least, Emacs is a metaphor of all software. Still, I know that it lacks some features sometimes that you have to actually migrate to other environments. Given emacs is so customizable, and great and everything, we only have to wish for it right? What do you think is a feature that emacs lacks right now?
Note: As of Emacs 23, there is support for M-x butterfly.
There is a wishlist on EmacsWiki.
I'd like to see a better package manager for emacs. Perhaps something like RIP? ELPA looks interesting, but I don't like that it's trying host and consolidate all the packages. I'd prefer to be able to add modules from any git or cvs repository I find. I'd also like the modules in this theoretical package manager to have a standard way to include icons and info file. Finally, I'd like it to have a dead-simple method of compiling all modules.
I've tried to modularize my emacs files in this style (see my github emacs.d repo), though I'd happily ditch it if something better gained widespread support.
An implementation of elisp that's not 1985's state of the art. I mean, seriously -- global variables everywhere? A non-reentrant parser? It's like they don't want people to work on it. I briefly looked at adapting Emacs to be a shared library, but I couldn't get past even parsing elisp files.
I wish a standard code sense autocompletion(hippie-expand is some kind out of date), and a better GUI to support such things as the flowing completion candidates list which should be no worse than that of VIM.
Well, since Emacs is moving to guile, meaning modern lisp is imminent, the only things I want is the ability to add buttons somewhere. A button browser, or a toolbar buffer would be nice.
On the other hand, one of the best things about emacs is that it doesn't populate your screen with just about anything.
However, the ability to for instance, make a JUnit testing buffer in it's own buffer, etc. would be great. Perhaps forcing button buffers being in it's own frame of something (a new type of frame, like GUI-frame or something?)
Oh, and better rendering capabilities, and a flash plugin so we don't have to start a separate program just to browse the web.
Edit: By "imminent" I mean imminent as in geologically imminent.
Since you have C-x M-c M-butterfly, you really don't need much else.

How to make mockup screenshots without VB [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a program to make mockup screenshots with. I first found out I could do it with Visual Basic (uglier names I have yet to hear a programming language being called) from joelonsoftware.com. I don't want to start learning VB now, especially since I am still in the process of learning Java. I then found mockupscreens.com, with the searchstring "how to make mockup screenshots". But seeing as I am going to use this program quite infrequently, I don't think paying $80 for it is worth it.
The mockups I'd like to do would be mainly for Windows XP (perhaps also for GNOME, KDE and Mac OSX, but these are not top-priority).
Edit: Balsamiq is suggested, but this is also a non-free program.
Visio works well, if you have it.
Personally, I like paper and a pen. Then I can't get bogged down in the LOOK of it, and go more for the usability and function. Same with websites.
Once you have the form infront of a customer, you have zero room to move - it you dont deliver it pixel-perfect, they get..... angry. :)
You don't have to learn the language to use the visual forms designer from Visual Studio to create mockups. Furthermore, the Express Edition of Visual Studio is freely available in several languages, namely VB, C# and C++. Take your pick. All ship with the same forms designer that generates backend code in one of the languages. But if you only need the designer, the code might not be relevant for you.
Microsoft Visio used to come with a template containing common Windows UI elements for this purpose. I don't know if it still does.
Jeff Attwood posted about this on CodingHorror - where he mentions Powerpoint prototyping
pen and paper, or if possible, whiteboard. Once you have something you personally think could work I'd go for as rough a computerized model as you can so you don't spend time agreeing font size before the workflow etc is done. The tool I have used here is my visual designer of Visual Studio (it doesn't look too good with screenshots, only good enough to convey what you'd like to build).
Pencil (runs within firefox)
As suggested, C# Express would be well for this, as like VB, it has a GUI designer, but it is also syntactically similar to Java, so - given what you are trying to learn and do with this, it might be a nice fit.
There is a pretty exhaustive list here:
Important point is whether the tool has "black&white" (or "hand-drawn") skin for your mockups, as already commented by others. Many of the tools (including my own, MockupScreens) do.
wxGlade would work as well, plus it's free software.
http://balsamiq.com/ was already mentioned, but I want to explain why I like it.
It will allow you to sketch up a screenshot, and it still looks like a pen and paper version, or a whiteboard discussion.
If you get to detailed on your screenshot, then the customer thinks you are "done" and does not understand whats taking you so long to finish the project. So this "sketchyness" serves as another layer of abstraction.
MockupUI is another one, but its mockups don't look like hand-drawn. They look like the real thing and with real data. It lets you draw wireframes as well as native widgets inheriting their appearance from your OS configuration (aka Windows visual style).
About high-fidelity mockups: The risk that a customer thinks that it's "already done" is minimal as long as you do your mockups during the design specification phase of your project (that's before starting to code). On the contrary, a sketch may be too abstract for the customer to digest, unless he is a software designer too. Sketches are for developers not customers.
Wireframes (or sketches) and mockups are not the same thing and they have different uses. One is to explain functionality, the other is a representation of what the product will look like. Check out Yisela's post about the difference between wireframes and mockups.
Your question was about mockup screenshot software, but you ended-up buying a pretty powerful wireframing software.