How to get second version of the same app from XCode? - iphone

I have one iPhone with the name of "Sample" in my device. I did some changes on the app for the version two. I want to install the "Sample1.1."(Second Version) app in my device without deletion or replace of first one. I have did below steps,
1. Changed the Product Name "Sample" to "Sample1.1"
2. Changed the ipa file Name "Sample" to "Sample1.1"
I have tried these steps, when i trag the "Sample1.1" ipa to iTunes the "Sample1.1" replaced with the "Sample" app. I want to install these two app in my device. What are the changes i need to do in XCode? Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.

It's not the name that makes the difference, it's the bundle ID in your app's plist file.
Change that, and then you can install two copies of your app.

Create a new target in Xcode, which will give you a second info.plist file. In your second info.plist you can change the app name and bundle ID. you can now compile either app from the same source and install them both on the same device without needing to do any manual editing after you compile.

Click on your project, then there will be project and targets, you can easily duplicate the current "Sample" and make it "Sample1.1". Next to "Run" button, you can select your "Sample1.1" and build it, it will install as different version

You can use a different provisioning profile. Then in setting uncheck the automatically manage signing option and chose the profile you added for signing.


How to create a IPA file for iphone app?

I have created a iphone app. Everything working well in simulator. I want to test it in device. Provisioning profile or certificates are created and just need to create IPA file.
Please tell me step by step how to do that, if somebody knows it well.I am searching google but not find satisfying result. Thanks a lot.
It is very simple to get .ipa file from Xcode:
Select correct provisioning profile in Project and Targets -> Build Settings -> Code Signing -> Code Signing Identity
In Targets change the Bundle Identifier by Targets -> Info -> Bundle Identifier
Clean your project
Archive your project by Product -> Archive
Organizer automatically open with separate window there you can see you project with Archive date/time and project name
Click Share button from the Organizer window
It will ask to you choose the correct Provisioning profile do this correctly
It will ask you for the location to store, select Desktop or anywhere else
In your selected location the project .ipa file will be stored
Please do the above steps. I hope you got some idea. Thanks.
This may help you out for step by step process of making ipa.
Creating an IPA is done along the same way as creating an .xcarchive: Product -> Archive. After the Archive operation completes, go to the Organizer, select your archive, select Share and in the "Select the content and options for sharing:" pane set Contents to "iOS App Store Package (.ipa) and Identity to iPhone Distribution (which should match your ad hoc/app store provisioning profile for the project).
Chances are the "iOS App Store Package (.ipa)" option may be disabled. This happens when your build produces more than a single target: say, an app and a library. All of them end up in the build products folder and Xcode gets naïvely confused about how to package them both into an .ipa file, so it merely disables the option.
A way to solve this is as follows: go through build settings for each of the targets, except the application target, and set Skip Install flag to YES. Then do the Product -> Archive tango once again and go to the Organizer to select your new archive. Now, when clicking on the Share button, the .ipa option should be enabled.
I hope this helps.

How to update an iPhone Application

I got an App on AppStore, but since I launched it on the store, I have made some changes. How do I update my App to appstore?
Needless to say, i JUST wan't to rename my Application so that it shows a different name on the Home screen of the user
Go to and login. Then you go on manage applications and choose your app to update. There you can prepare your app to the update with informations etc.
To Rename the app you have to look in the plist file. There is a row for the product name. This is the name that is displayed on the screen.
After this. Archive the App with the distribution provisoning file and submit mit through the organizer.
An update is pretty much the same process as the initial release. Make your changes and test on your device. When you are happy with it, build the release version and use the "Add Version" button in itunesconnect to upload the new version of the app.
In your plist you can change the "Bundle display name" key. If your bundle identifier remains the same this will just change the name of your app in springboard.
App update process is smilier to new release app but you have to remember two major things.
Change the version of your app in plist file
Add a new version of your app in ituneconnect with the same version no you entered into the plist file.

Generating an application bundle for submission with Xcode 4

Please help me export my application to iTunes Connect. I dont understand the documents, I have tried my best. I cant find the release of my .app, only the debug version.
I am using xcode 4. Also I dont know if I have signed the application correctly.
Here is a screenshot of my build settings, are these correct.
I setup a distribution certificate, an app ID with a wildcard mask, and a provisioning profile for the App Store, this provisioning profile is then imported into the organizer and on the screenshot below, you see I have assigned it to the Release build.
I cant find the release build at all on my system, only the debug file and would you say my certificates/profiles are set up currently.
Make sure you have configured the Archive panel for the scheme with the name of the archive to create
Then choose Product | Archive from Xcode's menu
Then have a look in your organiser's Archive section
And here are the docs you should be looking at.
First, make sure your Scheme is set to Release. Then, Build your app. If all goes well with no errors, you should be able to get your release build of your app in your Derived Data directory (this is the default Xcode 4 location).
If you don't see anything in Derived Data, check under Xcode->Preferences and go to the Locations tab. That will show you where your builds are going.
Unless I misunderstand the question, to send your app to iTunes connect from Xcode4 you choose Product -> Archive from the menu.
If your certs and IDs are correct, and they seem to be, then you will be shown the Archives view in the Organizer. Select the recent Archive and choose Validate.
If it validates, choose Submit. Your app should be submitted to iTunes Connect.

Error when importing ad-hoc distribution of iPhone app into iTunes

I'm trying to make a ad-hoc beta distribution of my app, but get this error whenever I try and import it into iTunes:
'A provisioning profile named "embedded.mobileprovision" already exists on this computer. Do you want to replace it?'
If I click Replace, the profile named embedded.mobileprovision appears in the iTunes profiles folder, but the app doesn't appear in iTunes.
The app builds with no errors, and I have already imported my ad-hoc distribution provisioning profile into iTunes.
Has anyone else had this problem, or know how to solve it? I'm using iTunes 9.2, Xcode 3.2.3 and iPhone SDK 4.0
I had this problem as well, and got around it by selecting "Application Requires iPhone Environment" in the info.plist. (also known as "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" for raw key value)
I have solved this problem.
Even though, as I explained in one of my comments, I was not able to select "Application Requires iPhone Environment" when editing Info.plist, if I make a new project in Xcode this option does appear.
After finding this I copied the Info.plist file from the new project into the project I'm currently working on. I then deleted the original one, and renamed the new one as appropriate.
After updating some of the other settings to match my project (e.g. the Bundle identifier), and building the project, I could then import the app into iTunes.

Xcode Naming Executables

So I got my first app approved by Apple, it goes on sale this week. With that out the door, I wanted to create a Lite version of the app.
I did a branch in SVN, and created a new working directory.
Original app is Trak4, Lite version is obviously Trak4 Lite
I noticed that when I build, the .app file that Xcode creates is still even though in the plist file, I've changed the Executable name to Trak4Lite, the project was renamed to Trak4Lite, etc.
In Products it says the Product is Trak4 Lite, but at the build step it's generating
What am I missing? Why is the executable name wrong?
I'm running OS3.0 GM. I'm not running Snow Leopard yet.
For free versions of my apps, I create a second target in the same project, rather than creating a branch. After you duplicate the target, you just need to change the Product Name setting for that target. I also create a new Info.plist, and point to that in the target settings.
You need to change the Product Name (PRODUCT_NAME) in your target's Build Settings, and you might want to point to a different Info.plist also.
alt text
I always get tripped up by that. I've used Rename Xcode Project to help me out.