How to update an iPhone Application - iphone

I got an App on AppStore, but since I launched it on the store, I have made some changes. How do I update my App to appstore?
Needless to say, i JUST wan't to rename my Application so that it shows a different name on the Home screen of the user

Go to and login. Then you go on manage applications and choose your app to update. There you can prepare your app to the update with informations etc.
To Rename the app you have to look in the plist file. There is a row for the product name. This is the name that is displayed on the screen.
After this. Archive the App with the distribution provisoning file and submit mit through the organizer.

An update is pretty much the same process as the initial release. Make your changes and test on your device. When you are happy with it, build the release version and use the "Add Version" button in itunesconnect to upload the new version of the app.

In your plist you can change the "Bundle display name" key. If your bundle identifier remains the same this will just change the name of your app in springboard.

App update process is smilier to new release app but you have to remember two major things.
Change the version of your app in plist file
Add a new version of your app in ituneconnect with the same version no you entered into the plist file.


App Store application renaming [duplicate]

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
Yes, but only at the time when you submit a new version or if the app hasn't gone live yet.
Now you can rename your app's name while uploading new version. You can edit your app name inside metadata information.
Open iTunes connect page with your application.
Then open version of application and press "Edit" near "Metadata and Uploads".
You can edit there.
You can change the app name if application is not yet released in AppStore, phase 'Waiting For Review' is ok
You don't need to submit a new version (If you haven't gone live yet), Nor is it impossible.
Click on the app to go to App details. At the top beside "Version Information" click edit. Change the app name and press save.
That's it! :D
Home -> Manage Your Applications -> yourapp -> Versions (if you already have multiple versions, otherwise it will just be Version Information)
The app name is listed under Version Information but there's no way I can see to edit the Version Information of a submitted and approved app.
You can only edit the app metadata and that does not include the name.
You need to create a new version and you will be able to put in a new app name.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
You can rename the name of the app on the Applications Manager inside iTunes Connect. Choose the app. Edit it. That is simple.
To alter the name that shows under the icon you need to change the .plist config file inside the app package and upload it again. The standard is the Project name itself but you can change this in the bundle.

Any possibility of directory change when update app?

Recently, updated my app v1.0 to v1.0.1.
Then one of our tester said
'Lost all pictures that saved in app' (not photo library)
I found that installing the App with Xcode and updating the AppStore version on the device
will change the App's directory, so data will be lost. (But not all data. Some files are copied, in my case .db files. that's really odd)
But it isn't normal process, maybe it causes problem.
Is there any possibility of directory change in normal process?(Install from appstore then update from appstore)
I wanna try 'Normal process' but there's no device that have old ver.
So can't make appear 'Update' button in appstore again :(
I found that updating app causes directory changed.
So should not save 'Full Path' at Database or file.
I had the same problem: ad-hoc version of app can't upgrade to appstore version. It just removes ad-hoc and installs app store. But during normal update process app store -> app store it replaces only app package so all should work OK.

iPhone Change App Name

I am trying to change my App Name, in iTunes Connect for an app update. I do not see the option.
Is this still possible or did Apple remove this feature?
You can definitely do it. It's on the version details page, under app localizations - you need to click edit there and then you can change the app name. You can only do it when you're uploading a new version though so make sure you do that on the new version you've created in iTC rather than the existing version.
Click this
then this

App Store: Problem with UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

I've uploaded my first App to App Store, but I did NOT put on the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities that my App requires location-services and wifi. RESULT: the app does not start looking for the coordinates as it should do. (When I've installed the App through XCode in my iPhone 4 it works perfectly).
So, I've tryed to upload a new version with this UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities correctly set, and I got following error message after trying to Upload the new version:
"The Bundle is invalid. The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this Application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions."
So, as I understood, I am NOT able to set the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities to this App anymore, is that right?
My idea was: I delete this App, and after that I go through all the steps to submitt the App to the App Store again. But when I clicked on the "Delete this App" button, I got following error message:
"Deleting it will permanent remove it from iTunes Connect along with any associated in App Purchases. The Application Name and SKU will not be reusable, even once the application is deleted."
That's very bad, cause I can't change the name of my App. What Can I do to be able to upload a new version of my App with the new UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities?
For me I ran into this issue when I recently added HealthKit to my app. I fixed it by removing this row on info.plist.
Rename your app in iTunes Connect by submitting a new update which changes the App name.
Create a new App in iTunes Connect and enter the original name of your App. (The original name of the App you renamed in step 1)
Delete your old app which you have renamed in step 1
Using that trick you can realize your idea. ;-)
The only loss is that you have to enter all your app's meta data again. And don't forget that you will loose the reviews and ratings your customers left on the App Store. (BTW, a good way to get rid of bad reviews. ;-) )

How to rename your app in itunesconnect?

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
Yes, but only at the time when you submit a new version or if the app hasn't gone live yet.
Now you can rename your app's name while uploading new version. You can edit your app name inside metadata information.
Open iTunes connect page with your application.
Then open version of application and press "Edit" near "Metadata and Uploads".
You can edit there.
You can change the app name if application is not yet released in AppStore, phase 'Waiting For Review' is ok
You don't need to submit a new version (If you haven't gone live yet), Nor is it impossible.
Click on the app to go to App details. At the top beside "Version Information" click edit. Change the app name and press save.
That's it! :D
Home -> Manage Your Applications -> yourapp -> Versions (if you already have multiple versions, otherwise it will just be Version Information)
The app name is listed under Version Information but there's no way I can see to edit the Version Information of a submitted and approved app.
You can only edit the app metadata and that does not include the name.
You need to create a new version and you will be able to put in a new app name.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
You can rename the name of the app on the Applications Manager inside iTunes Connect. Choose the app. Edit it. That is simple.
To alter the name that shows under the icon you need to change the .plist config file inside the app package and upload it again. The standard is the Project name itself but you can change this in the bundle.