wrapping text in RTL language using LWUIT - netbeans

I'm developing a j2me application using Netbeans IDE and LWUIT library. I'm using Persian (RTL) language in my application using localization and showing them with bitmap font.
In order to wrap multiple line texts in a Form as Labels or in TextAreas. My problem is that they are breaking to multiple lines when they reach to the middle of screen width i.e they don’t fill one line till the end of the screen width and go to the next line. I set
Would you help me with this issue?

try using YourComponent.setPreferredW(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth());

When creating the text area set the columns number to a large value (100 or so).

In some languages like Hindi(India) where unicodes are used even though they are LTR , for that we can do TextArea.setUseStringWidth(true);
This will wrap the text according to the font glyphs of that language.


need to change colour of a selected word in a paragraph in flutter

Exactly like the attached Image i need to select a word from the paragraph and highlight the particular word.
We tried using rich text but id doesn’t meet our requirement(we need to select a word and highlight it) so we need a alternate way to achieve this using flutter
Use RichText. Text widget uses it internally. You can provide list of TextSpan with different styles.

Multi Language Textbox in unity

I've been trying to make a project that creates Flash Cards , and i wanted to make the user be able to input any text on either sides of the card , the problem I'm facing now is that since the textbox(from TextMeshPro or regular one) has certain font whenever I try to input another languages like Japanese or Arabic it simply shows as squares, I tried the suggestion to use the textmesh pro dynamic font feature but still with no luck.
my question is , is there any way to do what I'm asking for without using fallback assets for every single language?
are there any unity plugins that do the job?
Like I said the aim is to make a textbox that displays whatever language is put in it.
any tips would be appreciated
NOTE: the solution doesn't need to use textmeshpro , it can use standard text component or any other custom ones.
I think the problem is the font. You will need a font that supports all the characters.
Perhaps you could use different fonts for different languages.
TextMeshPro creates a texture from the fonts characters. This texture will get very large if you have a lot of characters (e.g. for chinese). Because of that, the standard Text-component should be easier to work with.
(But I don't exactly know how the dynamic font feature of TextMeshPro works.)
So Since this is the first time I've worked with Fonts it appears that I didn't quite understand how fonts work and now I found the right way to approach the problem so I will give here the steps that I used to solve the multi-language issue:
1)you need a Font that supports as many languages as possible i found out that "Ariel Unicode" fits this need quite well with support to most common used languages support
2)you need to create a TextMeshPro Dynamic font asset that uses the font chosen in step one. (I tried using TextMeshPro Dynamic font before but i was mistakenly under the impression that the dynamic feature "search" for a font that has a certain character rather than we need to supply the font and it searches within the font for a character, that was a bit of a stupid assumption at my part created from the fact that I didn't understand how fonts work) .Here is a link how to use Dynamic SDF textmeshPro
I hope this helps someone with this process.

currency and value always in the same line

i am using the currency control in a responsive table and the currency of the value pops in when the value exeeds a certin width (depends on the screen). I want them to be always displayed in the same line. Ofc i could use the width property to make the column bigger, but that doesnt seem to work out when opening the app on mobile devices.
Any ideas?
Thx in advance, Eric
According to the fiori guidelines there is only one option: move other columns to the pop-in-area to save more space for your column (https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/responsive-table/#responsiveness-and-adaptiveness)
But I would be happy for you if you find a "smarter" solution then adapting column width or using pop-in-area or hiding columns on mobile devices. At the end I believe that full responsivness cannot be achieved with fixed widths ... so working with pop-in-area and hiding columns if possible is the only solution.

TinyMCE 4: Plugin-Window - word wrap available?

I try to migrate our custom plugins from TinyMCE 3 to 4.
In some cases there is some text in the plugin's window to describe how to use it.
Fiddle example: http://fiddle.tinymce.com/Hndaab/1
So if the text is very long, the window width increases until some parts are out of the viewport.
How can i tell the WindowManager to use automatic word wrapping for my labels?
I already tried to define a width for the window. And in another plugin i found a param "multiline". Both didn't solve my problem.
Any ideas? Thank you
I've been trying to accomplish something similar for mobile commpability where the windows are to large for the viewport and so far the closest i've gotten is to set the css for .mce-window to
.mce-window {... max-width:100%;max-height:100%;}
maybe that will be enought to fix your specific problem, even if I still have some ways to go for it to fluidly only fill out the available viewport space on all other windows.

How to control the font size of html select boxes on iPhone

Regular HTML select boxes (such as, e.g. found here), while being "chosen" are presented by the iPhone on a native widget that seems to totally ignore regular html font sizes and whatnot. It does some ellipsing when it goes too long, but the font is way too big for a list I want to present -- even on landscape, only about 35 characters can fit.
Is there any way to tell the iPhone to use a smaller font there?
This is not possible. Use radio buttons instead.
Also, you can create custom select boxes. If created the good way, it works great. One small misstep and the UI is a disaster.