currency and value always in the same line - sapui5

i am using the currency control in a responsive table and the currency of the value pops in when the value exeeds a certin width (depends on the screen). I want them to be always displayed in the same line. Ofc i could use the width property to make the column bigger, but that doesnt seem to work out when opening the app on mobile devices.
Any ideas?
Thx in advance, Eric

According to the fiori guidelines there is only one option: move other columns to the pop-in-area to save more space for your column (
But I would be happy for you if you find a "smarter" solution then adapting column width or using pop-in-area or hiding columns on mobile devices. At the end I believe that full responsivness cannot be achieved with fixed widths ... so working with pop-in-area and hiding columns if possible is the only solution.


Can I resize an ag-grid column using the keyboard?

An accessibility issue was raised in which the user should be able to resize a column while focus is on a header cell. I don't see any built-in support for this. Perhaps it can be handled through custom code. Has anyone attempted this?
It is already provided. Go to ag-grid demo page
Navigate to column header using arrow key
Hit Ctrl+Enter - column menu will be displayed
Use arrow key to select Autosize the current OR all columns.
Although you cannot increase / decrease the size as per you choice this way.

Mark Labels Not Displaying In Tableau 2018

Others have asked this question before, but no one has provided an actual answer to it. I can't get all of the marks/labels to display in my Tableau visualizations.
Selecting "allow labels to overlap" does not fix the problem. That displays several hidden labels for the smallest of the areas, and it places those labels at the top of the bars, ignoring the formatting that sets the labels to the bottom. However, whether or not that option is checked, the empty areas in the screen shot stay empty. And those areas are clearly large enough to display the missing labels without encroaching on any other label.
I'm guessing this is a bug in Tableau because there's no reasonable explanation as to why this is happening, but I'm new to Tableau and unsure how to address this.
While I can offer no explanation, this has been a reported problem for several years. Tableau's own documentation states to check the Allow marks to overlap checkbox, yet that doesn't always work.
I don't know if it's a bug so much as it is a complicated calculation for the rendering engine to determine what will and won't fit into a space. To the human eye it will fit but it's possible the underlying calculations inside Tableau don't see it that way. I find that particularly on dual-axis charts (like yours) this happens more frequently. I've done two things to get around it when it comes up:
Change font family or font size
Put more info into the tooltips so the end user sees the data when they hover.
If you wish to pursue this as a bug, you will need to contact Tableau Support and file a case. They will ask you to submit a twbx file to reproduce the issue.
I hope that helps.
Label -> Font -> Automatic solved the problem for me
You can select individual marks, right click to pop up a menu, and specify whether to always hide or always show the labels for the selected marks (overriding the default behavior)

Resizing report to bigger size

This may seem like a stupid question, but I've been looking everywhere to fix this problem and can't seem to find the solution.
So i have a report that is set to a landscape size: 8.5"x11" and i want to set the report to be a legal size: 8.5"x14".
I have gone to page setup and turned on no printer as well as dissociate formatting page size and i have set the page to legal and changed the dimensions to 8.5"x14".
My problem is that the change only shows up in preview mode and i am unable to move the position of the fields in my report in the newly expanded width. So i would like to know if there is a way to change the size of a report in design view or how to position fields outside of the 8.5"x11" dimensions. Or is this not possible?
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Quickest answer I can give you:
Load a PDF printer driver. My favorite is CutePDF (except I am ashamed to recommend it at the office... I usually recommend the "MyPrettyPonyPDF").
Once this is loaded, it will look like you have an additional "printer" available. When you select the PDF Driver as printer, you'll have a large selection of add'l page sizes to choose from. The printer I have available has 13 defined paper sizes. With the CutePDF driver, I have 50 defined page sizes. The largest I see is 36in x 108in -- and when you orient that in Landscape, you can camp on it.
Check your margins. The margin area doesn't show up in the Design tab, but would display on the Preview tab. If 'Adjust Automatically' for margins is set, Crystal will just make your margins huge when you dissociate the paper sizes and then increase the horizontal/vertical manually.
Try deselecting 'Adjust Automatically' under the 'Margins' settings, then set 'No Printer', then select a legal paper size. Double check the margins are the size you want and you should be good.
Simplest answer I can think of: try unchecking the No Printer option, set the layout and paper size to Landscape and Legal, and then set the No Printer option on again.

Crystal report (or SSRS) flowing text around image

I want to have this layout in Crystal Reports:
How can I do this? If it cant be done in CR or SSRS, is there any other alternatives?
I don't believe this can be done with Crystal Reports. I'm not as familiar with SSRS, but after looking through the field options I don't believe it can be done with it either. In general field locations are set static in reporting solutions.
I think this would be best done with html/css or even XSL. I don't know the scope of the issue, but I'd assume that you should be able to output an html or xml file from your application which could be opened with a web browser. For html you should be able to use the align or even float attributes or text-align in css to accomplish this.
I hope this helps.
If you want to have multiple columns of static text in Crystal Reports, then you'd just have to get creative with multiple text boxes, i.e. create 2 text boxes side-by-side and add text to each one until it looks right.
If you want to have 2 columns of data, here's how:
Keep it simple and start with a blank report.
Add your fields of interest to the details section. Resize them so that they only use the first 4 inches of space.
Go into your Section Expert->Details and turn on the Format with Multiple Columns option.
A new tab will appear called Layout. For this example, let's set the Width to 4 inches and leave the Gaps at 0.
Preview your report. If you have enough data in your dataset, it will automatically flood over to the right side of your screen.
It'll take a few minutes of fidgeting with the measurements to get everything looking the way you want. You can even have more than 2 columns if you set the Detail Width small enough.
Also, there is also an option in the Layout menu called "Format Groups with multiple column". It's hard to describe in text, but play with this if you have any grouping levels.

Length of text that can just fit into one screen without scrolling

I find some iphone book apps have such feature:
One screen one page of text without scrolling. The text can just fit into the whole screen with linebreaks and indentations.
I'm curious of how to implement this. How could I decide the length of text that just fit into the screen. And also, given the whole text, I can calculate out the number of pages.
If this is not possible to be done on iPhone(runtime?), then is it possible to process the text before storing it in app? I mean I calculate how many pages I need(how to split the raw text), probably how many lines per page.
I think this is what you are looking for
iPhone SDK: How do you measure the width and height of a string using Quartz?
The accepted answer gives methods you can call on NSString to calculate sizes
What I did for TouchTomes' books was have two iPhone apps. One was the reader that showed up on the App Store. The other was a renderer that calculated what could fit on each page, that only needed to be run in the simulator to create a book DB that the reader could use.
It would throw up a bunch of text, say 100 words, and see if that overflowed or underflowed. If it underflowed, more text was added (say 20 words) and it would binary search until it found exactly how much text would fit. Then it stored in a SQLite DB a row saying "page 12 shows words 100-228" for example. The app would go through this for each font. Another table held all the words in individual rows (!). An optimization step would chop that table down, combining words that always appeared on the same page no matter what font.
I used a Webkit display so the book could include HTML formatting. Now that really complicated the page breakup (e.g. had to keep italics going from page to page) but it let me include some fancier formatting in the text.
Then the reader app had very little to do to display pages; from the page id look up what range of words go on that page, then throw that text up into a webkit view. The user could jump between pages all over the book very quickly, all the hard CPU work had already been done by the rendering app.