facebook connect setup issue - facebook

I'm trying to add facebook connect to my online mafia game that I own.
When trying to add my domain name I get this:
App Domain: http://www.redhotglockz.com/ is not a valid domain.
It is valid cause I am logged in right now, the site is working fine.
I had to pay money to add this to my site, after purchase I go into my site control panel and into the newly available facebook connect option. It gave me an app name and game url and a link to facebook to create a new app. I followed this link and added the info as instructed, and result was invalid domain name. I used copy and paste to enter info. And url shown is correct.
Any idea how i can fix this?
thank you in advance.

i figured out my problem...
i was posting app domain as www.ReDHoTGLoCKz.com
facebook wouldn't accept it using caps.
it worked using www.redhotglockz.com
thanks for your responses!

check your facebook app configuration at https://developers.facebook.com/apps . make sure in basic setting, you set your App Domain with your url.

That's not a domain, that's a URL.
Enter just redhotglockz.com and it should work fine.


Facebook app shows doamin as "This url has been identified as malicious and/or abusive"

I am new to facebook app. I have just purchased one domain and trying to integrate facebook login with my website. My website is with SSL. I have purchased SSL even. But when I try to add domain in App Platform it gives me error as "This url has been identified as malicious and/or abusive".
I am not able to understand how this is possible. Is there any way out to remove this error or to contact facebook for same.
Solution according to: https://www.forbes.com/sites/caroltice/2013/03/15/when-facebook-calls-you-abusive-reclaim-your-reputation/
First go to: https://global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com/
and check if your URL appears as non safe or as Untested
Click on reclassify --> url reclassification request
Then select the option SAFE
Suggest a category
Add your email
click the button to proceed, then go to yuour email and click the link that trendmicro sent to you, then wait
other links: https://global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com/index.php
Website name and details should follow all the terms and conditions of Facebook.

facebook external login not redirect back

I have a MVC5 application with external login. When I use Facebook login, after I put in my login information into facebook login page, facebook fails to direct me back to my application.
I got a white page with the following URL in Chrome's URL bar:
If I use IE, I got "The website cannot display the page" error page with the following URL on the borwser's URL bar:
Anyone has an answer to this problem? Thanks!
Thanks Nathan, clear cache on browser didn't help. I tried to clear cache/cookies on both IE and Chrome several times before I post the question.
The weird thing is that if I create an app under my personal facebook account and use the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret for my app, the external login works fine. That's how I did all my testing.
But when I try to deploy the website I want to create the app under company's facebook account. I set up the app under the company's facebook account exactly the same way as I did when using my personal facebook account, then I got this redirect problem. If I switch back the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret to the one I created under my personal account, everything works fine. That's even more puzzling.
I finally figured out the problem. I forgot to turn on "make this app and all its live features available to the general public" setting for the app I created in Facebook. So the login was only available to the developer who created the app. After I turn that setting on (it is under the Status and Review Tab), everything works fine.

Facebook sharing link error

I'm using this working example to create a share link:
I change app_id to one which I created, and links which are placed in app settings too.
It is working if i'm logged in with account which I used to create the app. But if I send link to another person it shows an error:
"An error occurred. Please try again later."
Maybe I need to apply some settings in fb app? or any other ideas?
I had the same issue a while back,
Go to your application dashboard and the app that uses the ID you require and see if the application is live to the public.
If this doesnt work try a diffrent app to test the link.

How do I get access to my client ID and auth? Original developers moved on

OK, here is my situation. We had two developers create a Social Networking program for us. They created a feature that allows it to link to your Facebook account. They said they used a the standard Facebook API and that it uses a token for authorization. The feature worked great when the code was on our dev site, dev.maizing.com, but now that it is on www.maizing.com we are having a problem.
I searched and found one PHP file that had several references to dev.maizing.com and I changed them to www.maizing.com In our app now when I try to link to my Facebook account, I get a long error url. I noticed it includes ....
I won't include the whole client_id here.
What I was told is that my original client ID was hardcoded to work with dev and not www. My original developers are gone and are unreachable. I think they have the client_id under another account and I don't have access to it. Have can I get the access to now make our
client_id point to the right server?
Your AppID shown on your app dashboard page is the client_id.
Sounds like you need access to the apps settings, found here:
As this page says, "The URL you specify must be a URL with the same base domain specified in your app's settings..."
So unless you get access to your app settings, you have to stay with "dev.maizing.com"
There is a silver lining though, if you change your app domain to "maizing.com" instead of "dev.maizing.com" then you can us this app from "*.maizing.com" as stated on the tool tip for app domain.

Problems registering Facebook App

I am writing a website using which a user would be able to change his status on facebook. Now for this, I have to register my website on facebook. When I go to register my website on Facebook, there are various options like 'MobileApp', 'FacebookApp', 'Website' etc. Can anyone please suggest which one of these is a correct option for me. An article explaining me the same would be useful. Thanks
What sort of app do you want to build? Those options are for configuring the different places your app will be accessed by users.
It sounds from your description that you probably want 'Website' since you said you're building a website.
You have to Create a New App from developers.facebook.com .
Then you go Settings > Basic and select App on Facebook from bottom section.
Enter your "return url" and its done.