Facebook sharing link error - facebook

I'm using this working example to create a share link:
I change app_id to one which I created, and links which are placed in app settings too.
It is working if i'm logged in with account which I used to create the app. But if I send link to another person it shows an error:
"An error occurred. Please try again later."
Maybe I need to apply some settings in fb app? or any other ideas?

I had the same issue a while back,
Go to your application dashboard and the app that uses the ID you require and see if the application is live to the public.
If this doesnt work try a diffrent app to test the link.


Facebook developer account creation issue (Error found while validating app-ads.txt)

I am trying to setting up my Facebook developer account for using Facebook login in my Flutter app. I have entered all the required basic details and when I am entering Privacy policy, Terms and conditions URL first time it's save without any error and when I am refreshing it goes blank.
Also I am regularly getting "Confirm Membership" many times and updated all required changes and every time getting Error found while validating app-ads.txt. com.lifestars.app: We couldn't find your developer website URL in your app's store listing. error.
Here are the required informations which we need to be updated:
Play store screenshot where we need to add development URL:
App Store URL where we need to add development URL:
Also I have attached add-ads.txt file in my root folder so URL is working fine as per suggestions. But still getting the below issue when click on the confirm membership:
Here is screenshot of Facebook developer account:
Please if anyone resolved same kind of issue then help me into this.

Using Facebook Authentication

In my Angular2 app I have used the following code:
loginfb() {
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider());
But the problem is I am getting an error App Not Set Up: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.
So I went to Facebook developers, created an app, added the Facebook Login product, went to the product's settings and set the Valid OAuth redirect URIs with the URI given in the firebase console.
But even then when I am trying to login, I am facing the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This error comes when your app is not live.There are a bunch of possible things which could trigger this error.I am not sure and as you are getting error "you don't have access to it",may be you are trying to login through your test version of the Facebook app and you may have not added the user Roles as Testers in Roles section and the you have to add the email address of the Facebook account you are trying to login in setting section.
Then ,make sure that the user you added accepts the request sent before you try to test otherwise it will fail.
And for error "Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
When you create new app on Facebook, its by default only visible to you and not to public and others won't be able to use it for social login and they will get this error. You may have to go to Go to your Facebook app's dashboard, Select the "Status and Review" tab and set YES or ON.
You can find similar question and answer is there in this link App Not Set Up.and
This app is still in development mode

Facebook Testers Can't run my Facebook Dev Canvas App

I have taken the following steps:
On the Facebook dashboard, I created a Facebook App.
Also on the dashboard, I created a test app as a child of the Facebook app (the Dev version, for testing).
I uploaded a build of my app, and confirmed I could run it from the
admin account.
I gave two of my real-world Facebook friends the Tester role in the
When the real-world friends try running the app, they get 404 errors
"the requested URL was not found on this server" when it tries loading
I am using Facebook's Simple Application Hosting. The url for the app is "https://apps.facebook.com/APP_ID". When the admin hits this it works fine, when the Tester hits it they get the error. Some have suggested that there is a sandbox setting that needs to be turned off, but I see no such thing in any of the settings on the Dashboard. Any insights you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if it helps anyone figure it out, but the app consists only of a data file, a Javascript file (xxx.js), and an index.html.
Holy moly - alright I'm hoping this helps someone else out. Apparently, when you create an app, and then create a test app so that you can establish a dev environment for testing - which is standard procedure - you have to add any testers to the parent (production) app under "Roles". I was only adding it under "Roles" for the test app, which apparently is not enough. If anyone from Facebook is reading this, please update your docs, or update the dashboard to issue a warning to people who only add testers under the test app.
We also have to push the app to production (though yet to approved),
If the status is set to "testing", only admin user can find it in my case.

Facebook Login Error iOS Application

My iOS application allows me to login using my own facebook account successfully. But when I send it on test flight to a friend, the app downloads but when he presses connect to Facebook (which works on my simulator and personal device), it won't let him log in. Doesn't even give him the option to, just spits out an error (com.facebook.sdk error 2). What am I missing? What would cause it to work for me, but not for others? I'm just looking for a general answer here because I followed all the facebook tutorials and I can't imagine what kind of thing could be going wrong.
I just figured out the problem. Should have been SUPER obvious, but being new to development I didn't realize I needed to change the sandbox setting to disabled in order to allow others to access facebook through my app.
This error pops up when your app is not authenticated properly.
You need to keep your BundleId the same at all places.
Change your bundleId in the app that you have registered on Facebook as com.asdad.casd instead of < teamId >.com.asdad.casd

facebook connect setup issue

I'm trying to add facebook connect to my online mafia game that I own.
When trying to add my domain name I get this:
App Domain: http://www.redhotglockz.com/ is not a valid domain.
It is valid cause I am logged in right now, the site is working fine.
I had to pay money to add this to my site, after purchase I go into my site control panel and into the newly available facebook connect option. It gave me an app name and game url and a link to facebook to create a new app. I followed this link and added the info as instructed, and result was invalid domain name. I used copy and paste to enter info. And url shown is correct.
Any idea how i can fix this?
thank you in advance.
i figured out my problem...
i was posting app domain as www.ReDHoTGLoCKz.com
facebook wouldn't accept it using caps.
it worked using www.redhotglockz.com
thanks for your responses!
check your facebook app configuration at https://developers.facebook.com/apps . make sure in basic setting, you set your App Domain with your url.
That's not a domain, that's a URL.
Enter just redhotglockz.com and it should work fine.