mvc2 with ajax table enabling back button [closed] -

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have created my application that has search form and below contains results for the search.
Now i want to be able to add history, button back functionality.
The problem is i am caught in infinitive loop of loading page and i am not sure why, this is in FireFox.
I have followed this tutorial how to do this:
My code is:
<% =Html.JQuery() %>
<script src="../../../../Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _currentCaseId = -1;
function OnBegin() {
var caseId = $("#SelectDeceased_hidden").val();
Sys.Application.addHistoryPoint({ "caseId": caseId });
$(document).ready(function () {
function OnSuccess() {
function OnFailure() {
alert("Something went wrong. Try again...");
function pageInit() {
// Enable history
// Add Handler for history
function navigate(sender, e) {
// Get groupId from address bar
var caseId = e.get_state().caseId;
// if cases does not match
if (_currentCaseId != caseId) {
// assign the case id
_currentCaseId = caseId;
$(document).ready(function () {
url: "/PostItems/UmiTable?currentCase="
+ _currentCaseId
+ "&EntityType=-1",
success: function (data) {
And my html
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("UmiTable", new AjaxOptions() {
OnFailure = "OnFailure",
OnBegin = "OnBegin",
LoadingElementId = "divLoading",
UpdateTargetId = "divTableContainer" })) %>
<% { %>
<% using (Html.MooseFieldWrapper("Find case", "StandardForm"))
{ %>
<%= Html.CutomTextBox("Case") %>
<li class="Button"><input type="submit" value="Go" /></li>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<div id="divLoading">
<div><img src="Indicator.gif" alt="loading data" />Loading</div>
<div id="divTableContainer"></div>

in the end
i have used jquery history script to manage navigation.


Cordova Facebook login

I installed the plugin as mentioned in the docs
I cant find a way to get it working.
When I run the apk on android I get this:
Uncaught ReferenceError: facebookConnectPlugin is not defined(…)
Here are me files.
<div class="app">
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<h1>Apache Cordova</h1>
<div id="deviceready" class="blink">
<p class="event listening">Connecting to Device</p>
<p class="event received">Device is Ready</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
var app = {
// Application Constructor
initialize: function() {
// Bind Event Listeners
// Bind any events that are required on startup. Common events are:
// 'load', 'deviceready', 'offline', and 'online'.
bindEvents: function() {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false);
// deviceready Event Handler
// The scope of 'this' is the event. In order to call the 'receivedEvent'
// function, we must explicitly call 'app.receivedEvent(...);'
onDeviceReady: function() {
// Update DOM on a Received Event
receivedEvent: function(id) {
var parentElement = document.getElementById(id);
var listeningElement = parentElement.querySelector('.listening');
var receivedElement = parentElement.querySelector('.received');
listeningElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
receivedElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:block;');
console.log('Received Event: ' + id);
//FB login
function (error) { alert("" + error) }
var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) {
alert("UserInfo: " + JSON.stringify(userData));
I've had issues with using the FB plugin in my app development too. Sometimes it's necessary to include the FacebookConnectPlugin.js file in your index.html, as well as include this script, which injects the Facebook Javascript SDK into your app.
Other threads about the same issue:
Cordova/Phonegap-facebook-plugin Android: facebookConnectPlugin is not defined
facebookConnectPlugin is not defined
facebookConnectPlugin is not defined (ngCordova, Ionic app)

ng-click and ngRouting on mobile devices

I am completely new to Angularjs and haven’t been doing any code for ages. I started setting up my website again with Angularjs. I have a main page and an about page, to which the user gets via ngRoute on ng-click (or hitting space). Once on the about page, the user can go back by clicking somewhere on the page and so on.
var app = angular.module("MyApp", ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($locationProvider, $routeProvider) {
.when("/teaser", {
.when("/about", {
templateUrl: "about.html"
app.controller("mainCtrl", function($scope, $http, $location) {
$scope.v = {
inverted: false,
display: true,
offwhite: true,
$scope.$on("space", function() {
if ($scope.v.teaser) {
$scope.v.teaser = false
} else {
$scope.v.teaser = true
$scope.goHome = function(){
app.directive("ngMobileClick", [function () {
return function (scope, clickElement, attrs) {
clickElement.bind("touchstart click", function (e) {
<body ng-controller="mainCtrl as main" ng-mobile-click="goHome()" ng-class="{inverted: v.inverted, bg: v.offwhite}" space>
<div class="content" ng-view ng-hide="v.display"></div>
//My body code
<script ng-init="sw = 'some website'; id="about.html" type="text/ng-template">
<div class="about">
<p class="text" ng-click="next(); $event.stopPropagation()">
<p>some text</p>
<a ng-href="{{mail}}" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()">some address</a>
The code for the about page is written into a script and it has hyperlinks (ng-href). Now my issue: As you can see, I changed my ng-click to ng-mobile-click for the body-section. If I also change it in the script for the hyperlinks, something weird is happening which I can’t really figure out (links change to hover color, but still no redirection to the ng-href.
For the desktop version, the click is triggering ngRoute, but I can also click the links. For the mobile version this is not possible any more. Any ideas how I can fix this? I know, there is no hovering possible, but somehow I need to detect the hyperlinks also on mobile devices without being redirected to the main-page.
As I said: this is my first try with Angularjs and I haven’t done any code for a while, please be as clear as possible!
There is another controller for teaser/about which I haven’t put here, as well as the directive for the keyup.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you so much in advance!

Mongodb return an Empty array

I am trying to make a range query and show the data in my ejs view
EJS View "historicos.ejs"
<form action="/historicos/buscar">
<input type="text" name='inicio' id='inicio'></li>
<input type="text" name='final' id='final'></li>
<button type="submit">Buscar</button>
<% if(typeof his !== 'undefined'){
<%= dati.temp %>
<%= dati.hum %>
<%= %>
}; %>
I am using a controller with 2 methods, 1 for render the page and one to manage the query.
Controller "grafi.js"
var Si = require('../models/sis');
exports.getPagehis = function(req, res) {
if (req.user) return res.redirect('/');
exports.getHis= function(req, res, next) {
ini = req.body.inicio;
fin =;
Si.find({"date": {"$gte":ini, "$lt":fin}},function(err, his) {
if(err) return next(err);
res.render('historicos', {
and this is my router file
router.get('/historicos', hiController.getPagehis);
router.get('/historicos/buscar', hiController.getHis);
if I write manually ini and fin to make the query(using this format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm), I mean without the req.body.inicial and, it work well but when I request the information from the view I got this fields undifined.
what can i do to solve this?
the problem was form and the request in general adding method="get" in the form and update the controller with:
var Url = require('url');
queryparams = Url.parse(req.url,true).query;
ini = queryparams.ini;
fi =;
... make the query to mongo db
with this code is possible to get the values in the input files passed in the url

Auto complete with multiple keywords

I want . Auto complete text box with multiple keyword. it's from database. if I use jQuery and do operation in client side mean. If the database size is huge, it leads to some issues. I need to know how this is done on the server side and get proper result.
I have already seen this topic but the operation is done on the client side. I need it from the database directly.
<link href="css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
.srchHilite { background: yellow; }
<script src="scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
function NewAuto() {
var availableTags = ["win the day", "win the heart of", "win the heart of someone"];
alert(availableTags); // alert = win the day,win the heart of,win the heart of someone
source: function(requestObj, responseFunc) {
var matchArry = availableTags.slice(); // Copy the array
var srchTerms = $.trim(requestObj.term).split(/\s+/);
// For each search term, remove non-matches.
$.each(srchTerms, function(J, term) {
var regX = new RegExp(term, "i");
matchArry = $.map(matchArry, function(item) {
return regX.test(item) ? item : null;
// Return the match results.
open: function(event, ui) {
// This function provides no hooks to the results list, so we have to trust the selector, for now.
var resultsList = $("ul.ui-autocomplete > li.ui-menu-item > a");
var srchTerm = $.trim($("#tags").val()).split(/\s+/).join('|');
// Loop through the results list and highlight the terms.
resultsList.each(function() {
var jThis = $(this);
var regX = new RegExp('(' + srchTerm + ')', "ig");
var oldTxt = jThis.text();
jThis.html(oldTxt.replace(regX, '<span class="srchHilite">$1</span>'));
<label for="tags">
Multi-word search:
<input type="text" id="tags" />
take a look to Select2 it may help you.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports
searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
In your code, you have provided source as array. As you mentioned in comments, problem is how to get the data to source in jquery.
To make this work,
You need to do following
load jquery in header, which is you have already done.
Provid array,string or function for the source tag. [See api for
the source tag][1]
In your serverside script, provid Jason encoded string.
If you check the API, you can see they have clear mentioned this.
Here is the jquery code
$(function() {
$( "#option_val" ).autocomplete({
dataType: "json",
source: 'search.php',
minLength: 1,
select: function( event, ui ) {
log( ui.item ?
"Selected: " + ui.item.value + " aka " + :
"Nothing selected, input was " + this.value );
Here is the php code, Sorry if you use differnt serverside script language.
// Create connection
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$result=mysqli_query($con,"select * from wp_users");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$results[] = array('label' => $row['user_login']);
echo json_encode($results);

Best option to edit CSS file on-the-fly under MVC2

I have an application that in the admin area there is options such as
Background image: [ File Upload ]
Top Illustration: [ File Upload ]
and in the front end I want to easily attach this info to the CSS, maybe teh simply way should be
.background {
background: url(<%: Model.BackgroundUrl %>);
I currently have my Css files unde ~/Content/Css
shall I have a View with this and change the content type so I can use the Model part?
What other techniques are available or this situation?
Thank you.
You cannot use the model in a static CSS file. If you want to achieve this you will need to generate it dynamically using a controller action. As an alternative you could directly use an img tag:
<img src="<%: Model.BackgroundUrl %>" alt="" />
I ended up doing a new View and set all up as:
in the Master Template
<link href="<%= Url.Content(
ViewData["CalendarUrl"])) %>"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
in the Routes
"CustomCss", // Route name
"{calurl}/Css/CustomCss.aspx", // URL with parameters
new { calurl = "none", controller = "Content", action = "CustomCss", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
in the Controller: Content, Action: CustomCss
// GET: /Css/CustomCss
public ActionResult CustomCss(string calurl)
return View();
in my View (placed in Shared):
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic>"
ContentType="text/css" %>
string company_logo = ViewData["CompanyLogo"] as string;
string company_bkg = ViewData["CompanyBackground"] as string;
.background {
<%if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(company_bkg))
{ %>background-image:url('<%: company_bkg %>');<%} %>
<%if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(company_logo ))
{ %>background-image:url('<%: company_logo %>');<%} %>