Mongodb return an Empty array - mongodb

I am trying to make a range query and show the data in my ejs view
EJS View "historicos.ejs"
<form action="/historicos/buscar">
<input type="text" name='inicio' id='inicio'></li>
<input type="text" name='final' id='final'></li>
<button type="submit">Buscar</button>
<% if(typeof his !== 'undefined'){
<%= dati.temp %>
<%= dati.hum %>
<%= %>
}; %>
I am using a controller with 2 methods, 1 for render the page and one to manage the query.
Controller "grafi.js"
var Si = require('../models/sis');
exports.getPagehis = function(req, res) {
if (req.user) return res.redirect('/');
exports.getHis= function(req, res, next) {
ini = req.body.inicio;
fin =;
Si.find({"date": {"$gte":ini, "$lt":fin}},function(err, his) {
if(err) return next(err);
res.render('historicos', {
and this is my router file
router.get('/historicos', hiController.getPagehis);
router.get('/historicos/buscar', hiController.getHis);
if I write manually ini and fin to make the query(using this format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm), I mean without the req.body.inicial and, it work well but when I request the information from the view I got this fields undifined.
what can i do to solve this?

the problem was form and the request in general adding method="get" in the form and update the controller with:
var Url = require('url');
queryparams = Url.parse(req.url,true).query;
ini = queryparams.ini;
fi =;
... make the query to mongo db
with this code is possible to get the values in the input files passed in the url


Data of radio button not being saved in Postgres DB even after a success message

Hi so I have these radio buttons where I want to save their data as json in my Postgres db . It is not being sent I get a message.success back that says I did but when i check my db nothing happens.
I don't exactly know where I am wrong so if u can help please do share.
PS: Im using Ant Design vue that's where the a- come from .
I do click on a button and it opens a modal where I have the radio buttons :
<template #modalite="{ record }">
class="btn btn-sm btn-light mr-2"
<i class="fe fe-edit mr-2" />
and here is my buttons code :
<div class="row">
<a-radio-group name="radioGroup" v-model:value="traitement">
<div class="col-md-6">Négociation directe</div>
<div class="col-md-3">
<a-radio value="Négociation directe" v-model:checked="modalite.negociation" />
<div class="col-md-6">Appel à concurrence</div>
<div class="col-md-3">
<a-radio value="Appel à concurrence" v-model:checked="modalite.concurrence"/>
The script :
setup() {
const visible = ref(false)
const traitement = ref('Négociation directe');
const modalite = ref({
const showModalite = (record) => {
modelInfo.value = record
modalite.value = { ...modalite.value, ...record.modalite }
visible.value = true
const ChangeModalite = (record) => {
console.log(": "+traitement.value)
axios.patch('/prop/' +,{
dataSource.value.filter((item) => ===,
message.success(`successfully updated !!`)
visible.value = false
message.warning("smthg wrong ")
return {
So what happens now is i get the 'succefully updated ' msg without being really updated.where did i miss something?
I changed the type from json to string in my db everything works fine when I changed this line :axios.patch('/prop/' +,{ modalite:modalite.value, }) to this axios.patch('/prop/' +,{ modalite:traitement.value, })
so yeah data gets updated, still don't know why with the json type it's not working but at least i found a way if u have an explanation or suggestion it will be appriciated .

React|Rest API: Storing form data into an object on the REST API

I've set up a react web application that's currently listing all "Employees" from a mongodb.
I'm now trying to "add" employees to the database through a react frontend form.
I've managed to pass the data from the form to the application but I'm unsure of the process I need to go through to actually get that data solidified into an object and stored in the api.
Please excuse my code, it's disgusting as this is my first week learning react(honestly with little js knowledge, that's another story) and I've just patched together like 20 tutorials....
Here's my Form class:
class Form extends React.Component {
state = {
fullname: '',
change = e => {
onSubmit = e => {
fullname: ''
render() {
return <div>
<input name="fullname" placeholder="Full Name" value={this.state.fullname} onChange={e => this.change(e)} />
<button onClick={e => this.onSubmit(e)}>Submit</button>
and my Listing(?) class:
class EmployeeList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {employee: []};
this.EmployeeList = this.EmployeeList.bind(this)
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this)
componentDidMount() {
EmployeeList() {
return data.json();
}).then( json => {
employee: json
onSubmit = fields => {
console.log('app component got: ', fields)
render() {
//return a mapped array of employees
const employees =, i) => {
return <div className="row">
<span className="col-sm-6">{item.fullname}</span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action1}></span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action2}></span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action3}></span>
return <div>
<Form onSubmit={fields => this.onSubmit(fields)}/>
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-sm-6 bg-warning"><h3>Full Name</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 1</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 2</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 3</h3></div>
<div id="layout-content" className="layout-content-wrapper">
<div className="panel-list">{ employees }</div>
I've managed to pass the data to the listing app evident by
onSubmit = fields => {
console.log('app component got: ', fields)
But how can I go about making a post request to store this data I send into an object on the db? And then also reload the page so that the new list of all employee's is shown?
Thanks so much for your time!
You can use fetch API to make POST request as well. Second parameter is the config object wherein you can pass the required request configurations.
fetch('url', {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({
name: fields.fullname
.then(response) {
.then( json => {
employee: json
Additional Request Configs which can be used :
url - URL of the request
headers - associated Headers object
referrer - referrer of the request
mode - cors, no-cors, same-origin
credentials - should cookies go with the request? omit, same-origin
redirect - follow, error, manual
integrity - subresource integrity value
cache - cache mode (default, reload, no-cache)

How to search collection in meteor with more parameters

I need help with searching the meteor collection with more parameters.
I am using search query and filters to see certain objects from a collection. The problem is that I want client to load whole collection and then reactively change what the user sees, but only changing the subscribe, not calling server again. Thill now search query + one filter is working okay, but only if I call server every time something changes. Now in my code below you can see that I am doing it with if else elements, but that is not a good way. Any suggestion will help. Thank you. function showOnCreate() {
this.searchQuery = new ReactiveVar('');
this.remoteQuery = new ReactiveVar(false);
this.typeQuery = new ReactiveVar(false);
job: () => {
query = Template.instance().searchQuery.get();
remoteQuery = Template.instance().remoteQuery.get();
typeQuery = Template.instance().typeQuery.get();
let regex = new RegExp( query, 'i' );
// **************************
// the problem starts here
// **************************
if (Router.current().params.slug) {
const companyJobs = Company.findOne({slug: Router.current().params.slug}).jobs;
if ( companyJobs !== undefined) {
return Meteor.subscribe('Jobs', {'_id': { '$in': companyJobs }});
return false
} else if (Router.current().params.slug === undefined && remoteQuery === true ) {
return Job.find({ $or: [ { Name: regex }, { Description: regex }, ] , Remote: true, positionType: [],});
} else if (typeQuery = '') {
return Job.find({ $or: [ { Name: regex }, { Description: regex }, ] , positionType: typeQuery, });
// -------*****************************
employer: () => {
if (Router.current().params.slug === undefined) {
return 'Poslodavac: ' + Company.findOne({_id: Template.currentData().CompanyId}).Name;
return false
jobUrl: () => {
companySlug = Company.findOne({_id: Template.currentData().CompanyId}).slug;
return ('/company/' + companySlug + '/job/' );
'click .positionType': (event, templateInstance) => {
if (Template.instance().remoteQuery.get().lenght > 1){
} else {
'click #remoteFriendly': (event, templateInstance) => {
Html tempalte with filters:
<template name="jobs" >
<input type="checkbox" id="remoteFriendly" name="remote"> <span for="remoteFriendly"> Remote friendly? </span>
<p>Tip pozicije:</p>
<input type="checkbox" class="positionType" id="1" value="Programiranje" > <span for="1"> Programiranje </span>
<input type="checkbox" class="positionType" id="2" value="Dizajn" > <span for="2"> Dizajn </span>
<input type="checkbox" class="positionType" id="3" value="Marketing" > <span for="3"> Marketing </span>
<input type="checkbox" class="positionType" id="4" value="Ostalo" > <span for="4"> Ostalo </span>
{{#each job}}
<div style="border: 0.1rem solid black; margin: 1cm; padding: 5px; max-width: 420px;" > <!-- OVO JE PRIVREMENI STIL, OBRISATI-->
<p> Posao: {{Name}} <br> Opis: {{Description}}</p>
<p> {{employer}} </p>
<p>Remote friendly?: {{Remote}}</p>
<p>Tip pozicije: {{positionType}}</p>
<p> Saznajte vise OVDE</p>
<p id="nesto"></p>
Welcome to SO!
You seem to be confused between Pub/Sub and Collection.find.
You should first realize that the 2 are different mechanisms, which provide different functionalities.
Pub/Sub indeed sends data from your Server into your Client's Minimongo database. But this data is not displayed yet.
Collection.find is used on your Server against your actual MongoDB, and on your Client against your local Minimongo DB.
Therefore on your client, once you have correctly subscribed to your server publication (typically at app level or template level / in onCreated hook), you can directly call Jobs.find in your helpers (or anywhere else) to get your documents, without having to change the subscription (unless the latter needs new parameters).
There should be nothing wrong with your commented code:
return Job.find({'_id': { '$in': companyJobs }});
In general, avoid any expensive computation in helpers (like Meteor.subscribe), as helpers may be executed many times without you noticing it. Your Meteor.subscribe('Companies') should also go to template level (i.e. in onCreated hook).
Therefore, instead of doing your if / else conditions in your helper, simply do it once at your template level. To account for your need to use a value from another document in another collection, why not just passing directly the company's slug as an argument to your Jobs subscription, and performing the computation Server-side? Or even just subscribing to everything, as your current initial subscription seems to do.
Then your helper will just use Jobs.find, which queries against your Client's local minimongo DB, leaving your Server unbothered.

How to fix TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' from Express Nodemailer

So I do want to say that I've been searching for the answer for this and I've also tried to console.log my req.body post form and I keep getting undefined. So I feel that I'm losing the data from the form I send, I'm not sure what I"m doing wrong. So time to show some code.
As a note: I am using Handlebars for my Express Setup.
var express = require('express'),
exphbr = require('express3-handlebars'), // "express3-handlebars"
nodemailer = require('nodemailer'),
helpers = require('./lib/helpers'),
app = express(), handlebars;
// Create `ExpressHandlebars` instance with a default layout.
handlebars = exphbr.create({
defaultLayout: 'main',
helpers : helpers,
extname : '.html',
// Uses multiple partials dirs, templates in "shared/templates/" are shared
// with the client-side of the app (see below).
partialsDir: [
// Register `hbs` as our view engine using its bound `engine()` function.
app.engine('html', handlebars.engine);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
require("./routes")(app, express, nodemailer);
module.exports = function (app, express, nodemailer) {
// set up the routes themselves
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.render('home', {
title: 'Larry King Orchestra'
// I cut out a majority of my routes to make this easier to read.
// SEND EMAIL FROM FORM'/', function (req, res) {
var mailOpts, smtpTrans;
//Setup nodemailer transport, I chose gmail. Create an application-specific password to avoid problems.
smtpTrans = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', {
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: "",
pass: "password"
//Mail options
mailOpts = {
from:, //grab form data from the request body object
to: '',
subject: 'LKO Contact Form',
html: 'From: ' + + ' <' + + '> <br>Phone: ' + + '<br>Date of Event: ' + + '<br>Location: ' + req.body.location + '<br>Details & Comments:<br>' + req.body.message + '<br><br><p>Email form provided by WavaMedia.'
smtpTrans.sendMail(mailOpts, function (error, response) {
//Email not sent
if (error) {
res.render('home', {
title: 'Larry King Orchestra',
msg: 'Error occured, message not sent.',
err: true,
page: 'home'
//Yay!! Email sent
else {
res.render('home', {
title: 'Larry King Orchestra',
msg: 'Message sent! Thank you.',
err: false,
page: 'home'
I renamed the handlebars extension to be .html and I have the main layout using partials. SO app.get('/') will show this next file as a partial, and render it on the page.
<form class="contact" action="/" method="post">
<label for="name">Name</label>
<input type="name" name="name" id="name">
<label for="email">Your Email (required)</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email">
<label for="tel">Phone Number</label>
<input type="tel" name="tel" id="tel">
<label for="date">Date of Your Event</label>
<input type="date" name="date" id="date">
<label for="location">Venue/Location</label>
<input type="location" name="location" id="location">
<label for-"message">Details & Comments</label>
<textarea name="message" id="message" rows="3"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send" class="btn btn-default">
My Error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined at c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\routes.js:129:26 at callbacks (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:164:37) at param (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:138:11) at pass (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:145:5) at Router._dispatch (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:173:5) at Object.router (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:33:10) at next (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\node_modules\connect\lib\proto.js:193:15) at Object.expressInit [as handle] (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\lib\middleware.js:30:5) at next (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\node_modules\connect\lib\proto.js:193:15) at Object.query [as handle] (c:\xampp\htdocs\lko\node_modules\express\node_modules\connect\lib\middleware\query.js:45:5)
So I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with the code. I believe the form is sending data to my node app, but where it's going, I'm not sure. I've setup the post method and so far no luck :( I have been trying for a couple days now. I have nodemailer installed as well. I've restarted the server, updated node and npm.
JavaScript Node Guru Masters, only you can show me the light! And thanks for reading though all of this, totally awesome!
add that to your app.js
that's what grabs information from the post data form.
You have to require body parser package for this.
At first you have to install it with npm.
$ npm install --save body-parser
Then require that in your js file.
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
Then add the parser. As you are using html post method it uses urlencoded as encoding type. For that add this line.
var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false });
(If you use json you must use bodyParser.json() instead of this)
Now add the parser with the encoding type to method as follows.'/',urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
//your code here
You don't have to be explicitly mention any bodyParser or bodyParer.json
Instead You can make it simple to use this because this is a built-in middleware function in Express.
app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({extended : true }));

angularjs $resource : can't $save JSON

starting with angular, i am trying to GET data from the server and then POST back modifications with $resources.
It's working fine except the "save" function. No Data is POSTed back to the server.
here is the html
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="obj in objs">
<input type='text' ng-model="obj.data_1"><br/>
<textarea ng-model="obj.data_2" required></textarea><br/>
<button ng-click="save()">Save</button>
'use strict';
angular.module('', ['ngResource']).
factory('Obj', function($resource){
return $resource('url/to/json');
'use strict';
angular.module('App.controllers', []).
controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'Obj', function($scope, Obj) {
$scope.objs = Obj.query();
$ = function() {
Do you know why nothing is POSTed back when i save ?
Using the query method on the $resource object implies return as follows 'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true} it's mean that your $scope.objs is an array of objects and not an object and depending on number of elements you can use the folowing notation:
where i is the index of element in the array, forexample if you have return like:
[ {id:1, name:'Some name', age:35} ];
then your code : $scope.objs[0].save()
I have created a plunk, maybe it will help you...
Shouldn't there be another $resource declared for POST the way it is declared for GET? Each $resource specify particular REST service.
'use strict';
angular.module('', ['ngResource'])
.factory('GetObj', function($resource){
return $resource('url/to/json');
.factory('SaveObj', function($resource){
return $resource('url/to/post');
'use strict';
angular.module('App.controllers', []).
controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'GetObj', 'SaveObj', function($scope, GetObj, SaveObj) {
$scope.objs = Obj.query();
$ =, function(resp) {
console.log("Response from POST: %j", resp);