Can someone give me a link where i can find DevPackages for Xerces to use it with Dev-C++ - xerces

Can someone give me a link where i can find DevPackages for Xerces to use it with Dev-C++
I am using Dev-C++ version and want to use Xerces 3.1.1

For Dec-C++ you'll probably need libraries compiled with MinGW because it's the underlying compiler. Xerces only distributes VC++ builds so I guess you'll have to build Xerces as described here:

You can try this link :


what is tools.jar replacement ?

I have been receiving the following error on eclipse when i try to build an ant project is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.
It is currently set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.2"
but my JAVA_HOME variable is set to
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10
this is the result of the command
echo %JAVA_HOME%
i really tried a lot to solve this problem ,but i don't know much about eclipse,
Edit: i searched some more on the internet and found out that the tools.jar has been removed from the JDK since JDK 9 [link]
the question now is why is eclipse asking for the tools.jar ,and what is tools.jar replacement ?
I would really appreciate any help
thank you very much
In Java 9 and later, the components that were previously in tools.jar have been turned onto modules. For the javac compiler, you need to use the java.compiler module. This is not a simple drop-in replacement.
If you run into problems with a 3rd-party application (such as Ant) that depends on tools.jar, you need to upgrade the application to a newer version that is Java 9+ compatible.
According to my reading of the Apache Ant site, that means you need Ant 1.10.x. Check the site's download page to see what is currently recommended.
If you are using openJDK11 you can probably use lib/jrt-fs.jar as a replacement of tools.jar

Is batik included in Netbeans 7.3.1 or higher

Does anybody know if Batik is included in 7.3.1 or higher ? If not, is there a Netbeans wrapper module for Batik that I can use ?
No it isn't. If you are trying to include batik in your maven based Netbeans module, please refer to the following post.

ANTLR and Eclipse (or any decent IDE)

I have been using ANTLR with Eclipse for some time using the ANTLRv3IDE plugin. While it is not perfect, and a bit outdated, it does its job reasonably well.
Now I am looking to switch to ANTLRv4 for another DSL that I am creating. However, Eclipse support seems to be extremely thin. I decided to try out ANTLRWorks, which is a NetBeans plugin, but I could not get it to install (it seems to be locked to specific dated versions (201302132200 while I have something newer, still 7.3 as docs say) of dependencies).
So, the question: Has anyone set up any Java IDE (preferably Eclipse, but I could be persuaded to switch if support is good for something else) to integrate with ANTLR? With integrate, I mean: code generate on save/keyboard shortcut and syntax coloring (at the very least). Code completion and other features are of course nice to have, but I could live without them for now.
I am well aware of Xtext and I have had great success using it for some projects, but unfortunately it does not fit the needs here (need no IDE support, need my own DSL model not based on ECore, etc).
I know ANTLRWorks can be run as a standalone application without a Java IDE, but that I consider to be a last-resort solution as it is extremely cumbersome to work this way (switch between application, files out of sync, no VCS support etc). I tried the other way around: to install the Java parts into ANTLRworks (which itself is a NetBeans distro), but it did not end well (it seems basic project support etc was stripped out of ANTLRworks).
Antlr4 plugin for Eclipse is here:
ANTLRWorks 2 uses many non-public interfaces from NetBeans, which means it will always be bound to a particular version. The standalone download will always work because it bundles the dependencies itself.
The standalone build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 is available. This build includes support for ANTLR 4.1.
A new plugin build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 will be available once NetBeans 7.4 is released.
Moving forward, the code for ANTLRWorks post-2.1 is open-source under an LGPL license.
I think you have downloaded Netbeans 7.3.1.
Try download 7.3 from and install the ANTLRworks plugin there. (Link to the ANTLRworks Update Center: ).
Note that ANTLRworks v2 contains ANTLR v4.0, which is not the current version of ANTLR (4.1). So also download ANTLR v4.0 from the ANTLR download folder (The antlr-4.0-complete.jar file) and use it as library for compilation.
Now you can use nearly all things you wanted.
ANTLRv3IDE was opensourced. It should be compile-able for Juno. For stringtemplate (ST4) look at the Hastee plugin. It supports some of ST4 constructs.

Setup GWT and eclipse on windows

I am looking to build a website in GWT top replace a couple of desktop apps we have here at work, I programmed in java 12 years ago so the code should not be a problem.
I am having problems with installation GET and Eclipse.
I seem that when you use the latest version of Eclipse (Juno 4.2) and try to use the GWt Plug in the installer process fail looking for very specific versions of libaries.
My question is "Is there a recommended version of eclipse and GWT that is not on the cutting edge and I can get to work with relative ease"
I hope this will help you for using GWT in Eclipse
Use this. Get the newest Eclipse "Juno" and choose the standard java version.
Now you need to use the proper link for the plug in. For Juno it is 4.2. If the guide in the link doesn't work, check your firewall.
Found the problem I used the standard and java versions of eclipse.. if you using the J2EE version everything runs as normal

Using JDK outside eclipse

Eclipse is said to have an inbuilt jdk, can we use it outside eclipse for simple javac eg through command prompt?
I may be wrong in assumptions please guide on that too
Eclipse has an inbuilt Incremental Java Compiler not a full JDK as far as I know.
More information can be found in the documentation and the JDT core page
Perhaps you are referring to the built-in compiler in Eclipse. Different ways to use this is documented here