Matlab loop over variables (beginner) - matlab

I would like to apply a function to several variables. Is there a nice way to do this?
M = ones(2,2)
N = zeros(3,3)
M = M + 1
N = N + 1
Works but I would like do something of the sort:
M = ones(2,2)
N = zeros(3,3)
L = ?UnknownStructure?(M, N)
for i = 1:length(L)
L(i) = L(i) + 1
Or is there a better way entirely to apply a function to a set of variables?

You can use cells:
M = ones(2,2)
N = zeros(3,3)
L = {M, N};
funct=#(x) x+1;
L2=cellfun(funct, L, 'UniformOutput',false);

There is no such thing as references in Matlab, in a sense that you can have two different variable names pointing to the same matrix.
However, you can have an array of matrices.
L = { M, N };
for i = 1:length(L)
L{i} = L{i} + 1
I tested this code in Octave. However note: The source matrices M, N are unchanged by this.

a = ones(2,2)
arrayfun(#(x) 2*x , a)
You can make the function (2*x) whatever you want.


MATLAB: efficient generating of block matrices using a block vector

x = [x1;x2; ...; xn]
where each xi is a column vector with length l(i). We can set L = sum(l), the total length of x. I would like to generate 2 matrices based on x:
Let's call them A and B. For example, when x only as 2 blocks x1 and x2 then:
A = [x1*x1' zeros(l(1),l(2)); zeros(l(2),l(1)), x2*x2'];
B = [x1 zeros(l(1),1);
zeros(l(2),1), x2];
In the notation of the problem, A is always L by L and B is L by n. I can generate A and B given x using loops but it is tedious. Is there a clever (loop-free) way to generate A and B. I am using MATLAB 2018b but you can assume earlier version of MATLAB if necessary.
I think it is both short and fast:
B = x .* (repelem((1:numel(l)).',l)==(1:numel(l)));
A = B * B.';
If you have large data It is better to use sparse matrix:
B = sparse(1:numel(x), repelem(1:numel(l), l), x);
A = B * B.';
The following should work. In this case I do an inefficient conversion to cell arrays so there may be a more efficient implementation possible.
cuml = [0; cumsum(l(:))];
get_x = #(idx) x((1:l(idx))+cuml(idx));
x_cell = arrayfun(get_x, 1:numel(l), 'UniformOutput', false);
B = blkdiag(x_cell{:});
A = B*B';
After running some benchmarks I found a direct loop based implementation to be about twice as fast as the cell based approach above.
A = zeros(sum(l));
B = zeros(sum(l), numel(l));
prev = 0;
for idx = 1:numel(l)
xidx = (1:l(idx))+prev;
A(xidx, xidx) = x(xidx,1) * x(xidx,1)';
B(xidx, idx) = x(idx,1);
prev = prev + l(idx);
Here's an alternative approach:
s = repelem(1:numel(l), l).';
t = accumarray(s, x, [], #(x){x*x'});
A = blkdiag(t{:});
t = accumarray(s, x, [], #(x){x});
B = blkdiag(t{:});

matlab vectorization and avoid for loop

There are two matrix X and M and I need to obtain the following matrix D
m = 20; n = 10;
X = rand(m,n);
M = rand(m,m);
M = (M + M')/2;
D = zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:n
D(i,j) = X(:,i)'*M*X(:,j);
When n and m are large, the computation of D is very slow. Is there any way to speed up?
The answer would be:
D = 0.5*X.'*(M+M')*X
(This is a slight modification of the solution provided by Divakar, so that the correct matrix D is returned)

Create general symbolic array using MATLAB

I want to generate array or 1 x M matrix with variables such as (please note that sum goes from i=1 to m-1):
Because I want to use Obj later as a general array depends on given M for some optimization purposes. I tried following code in MATLAB but that symbolic L does not support:
function testSymbolic
Obj = ones(1,M);
L = sym('L', [1 M]);
tempL = log(1-L);
for m=1:M
Obj(1,m) = log((L(m))/(1+L(m))) + sum(tempL(1,1:m-1),2);
However, when I see that following when I run separately:
L = sym('L', [1 3])
L =
[ L1, L2, L3]
ans =
can some one please help me to fix this issue?
M = 3;
for i = 1:M
L(i) = sym(['L(' num2str(i) ')'])
tempL = log(1-L);
for m=1:M
Obj(1,m) = log((L(m))/(1+L(m))) + sum(tempL(1:m-1));
This yields e.g.
ans =
log(L(3)/(L(3) + 1)) + log(1 - L(1)) + log(1 - L(2))
Considering you want to calculate the maximum of the Obj-vector I would suggest this:
M = 3;
L = sym('L', [1 M]);
tempL = log(1-L);
for m=1:M
Obj(1,m) = real(log((L(m))/(1+L(m))) + sum(tempL(1:m-1)));
F = matlabFunction(Obj,'vars',{L})
ft = #(v) (max (-F(v)));
Now you can optimize ft.

How to avoid nested for loops in Matlab for better cpu time

I should calculate this formula for large value of p, so 4 nested loops made my code very slow and inapplicable. I will so thankful if anyone can help me for better implementation with use of sum and other suitable matlab commands!
i,j,m,n ->1:p
and A is 4D Matrix and a,b are vector.
I can get rid of 2 of the for loops. Perhaps one of the MATLAB wizards on this site can do better.
p = 3;
A = rand(p, p, p, p)
a = rand(p, 1)
b = rand(p, 1)
% I think your original code does something like this.
K1 = zeros(p, p);
for n = 1: p
for m = 1: p
for j = 1: p
for i = 1: p
K1(i, j) = K1(i, j) + a(m) * b(n) * A(i, j, m, n);
% This gives the same result, with half the loops.
K2 = zeros(p, p);
for n = 1: p
for m = 1: p
K2 = K2 + a(m) * b(n) * A(:,:,m,n);
% Verify that the two answers are the same.
all(K1(:) == K2(:))

How to plot a function of multiple variables in Matlab?

I'm trying to figure out a way to make a plot of a function in Matlab that accepts k parameters and returns a 3D point. Currently I've got this working for two variables m and n. How can I expand this process to any number of parameters?
K = zeros(360*360, number);
for m = 0:5:359
for n = 1:5:360
K(m*360 + n, 1) = cosd(m)+cosd(m+n);
K(m*360 + n, 2) = sind(m)+sind(m+n);
K(m*360 + n, 3) = cosd(m)+sind(m+n);
The code you see above is for a similar problem but not exactly the same.
Most of the time you can do this in a vectorized manner by using ndgrid.
[M, N] = ndgrid(0:5:359, 1:5:360);
X = cosd(M)+cosd(M+N);
Y = sind(M)+sind(M+N);
Z = cosd(M)+sind(M+N);
allZero = (X==0)&(Y==0)&(Z==0); % This ...
X(allZero) = []; % does not ...
Y(allZero) = []; % do ...
Z(allZero) = []; % anything.
A little explanation:
The call [M, N] = ndgrid(0:5:359, 1:5:360); generates all combinations, where M is an element of 0:5:359 and N is an element of 1:5:360. This will be in the form of two matrices M and N. If you want you can reshape these matrices to vectors by using M = M(:); N = N(:);, but this isn't needed here.
If you were to have yet another variable, you would use: [M, N, P] = ndgrid(0:5:359, 1:5:360, 10:5:1000).
By the way: The code part where you delete the entry [0,0,0] doesn't do anything here, because this value doesn't appear. I see you only needed it, because you were allocating a lot more memory than you actually needed. Here are two versions of your original code, that are not as good as the ndgrid version, but preferable to your original one:
m = 0:5:359;
n = 1:5:360;
K = zeros(length(m)*length(n), 3);
for i = 1:length(m)
for j = 1:length(n)
nextRow = (i-1)*length(n) + j;
K(nextRow, 1) = cosd(m(i)) + cosd(m(i)+n(j));
K(nextRow, 2) = sind(m(i)) + sind(m(i)+n(j));
K(nextRow, 3) = cosd(m(i)) + sind(m(i)+n(j));
Or simpler, but a bit slower:
K = [];
for m = 0:5:359
for n = 1:5:360
K(end+1,1:3) = 0;
K(end, 1) = cosd(m)+cosd(m+n);
K(end, 2) = sind(m)+sind(m+n);
K(end, 3) = cosd(m)+sind(m+n);
