Simulate actual button press on mobile-safari on iPod Touch / iPhone - iphone

I am building a web-based tool for internal purposes for my company that runs on an ipod touch. It's working fine, but there are a few quirks such as not being able to auto-focus on a text field when a page loads without the user actually tapping the screen (I can "focus" the field, but the keyboard is not active). Additionally, I cannot programmatically trigger sounds to play (I am using the jPlayer library). What it seems to come down to is this:
Is there some way I can trick the browser on an ipod touch 4 to thinking the user has actually tapped a specific div on the screen? If I can do that, I can solve every other issue. Since this is for internal purposes, I am free to make any modifications needed. However, I need to able to do keep the "app" code in HTML5 and JavaScript for a myriad of reasons. Perhaps an app with a modification to safari to allow this, then I can run my site in that app?

Perhaps an app with a modification to safari to allow this, then I can run my site in that app?
Yes, you could write a really simple app with just a UIWebView in which you display your HTML5 based app. If you need extra things such as back button etc. you would have to implement that (it's also not very difficult). The UIWebView should behave mostly exactly like Safari, so it should be a de facto "app with a modification to safari".
You could then give the right element focus and call
[webView becomeFirstResponder];
The sounds could also be played programmatically by simply requesting the appropriate URL.
I think with this setup the additional effort in terms of coding beyond your existing web based tool is minimal. However, this assumes you have Xcode, know some basic Objective-C and are familiar with the procedures of ad hoc or company distribution of "real" apps.

You can try to use a timed event


Embeding multiple apps in an app?

I am a newcomer to application development and I'm wondering if the concept I have can actually be created.
My concept involves creating an app that has the ability to embed another app within itself.
I'll do an example which is also a very bad one but you'll at least get the point.
Picture an app on the iphone that's called "Kwesi's app". Once you tap on it, it opens up a page with 3 icons. A facebook icon, a gmail icon and a hotmail icon. Now tap your finger on the gmail icon and instantly your gmail opens up withing "Kwesi's app" and you have full access. There is also a button in the top left corner that says "Main Menu". Once you tap the "Main Menu" icon, you go back to the three icons and can now rinse and repeat.
I hope this example is clear enough.
The question I seem to be coming back to is, would it be possible having an application that embeds or links you to other apps in that manner? I can only guess that it'd be really weird since they'd have to be installed seperately on your phone but I don't want that. I want one app that can handle an already set amount of apps within itself as the above example shows.
Thank you very much for reading and any thought would be very much appreciated.
No, that is not possible in iOS for security reasons. But you have the following choices to modify your idea:
Register a protocol for the app : This will allow you to send data between applications using protocols. However, if the app wasn't made by you and doesn't have a protocol, then you can't use it.
Using this idea, it is possible to open an application. For example, opening Facebook with "fb://" or evernote with "evernote://". I am sure there are other applications that have these protocols. Just be aware that you don't have control on the application in this case. You can only open it and send data to it.
Since your example was about Facebook, Gmail. Then I would suggest using their corresponding API and build everything in your application. Many famous applications provide APIs for a fee or free usage. You have to check with each one separately.

Wobble functionality etc. allowed in iPhone App Store?

I'm currently designing an app for the iPhone and I'm deciding on some features that imitate several native iPhone UI components and elements.
In my app, the user has to arrange several items on screen. Basically, they are free floating (not in a grid). In order to be able to move them, the user has to hold a finger on one of the items until all items start to "wobble". Just like on Springboard, when moving applications. Is it allowed to imitate this functionality?
Another function is the "split screen", as seen when adding an application to another application. The screen breaks open, showing a new group with the familiar textured background. In my app, some screens require a user decision by picking one out of four icons. I want to present this by using such a modal view over the main view, more or less like the "add to group" function of Springboard. Is this allowed?
I'm well aware that there are several programming questions related to my issue, but none of them covers whether apps are allowed if they include the functionality. Any help is greatly appreciated!
(On a side note, I read on HN today that Apple doesn't really answer questions to Support about app approval, therefore I ask here.)
I think the biggest problem you might have is the "free floating" functionality. There's a very big gray area as to what's accepted and, from my experience, you can't have an app with with seemingly floating windows like a desktop.
I can't see Apple having a problem with the Springboard functionality because the Facebook app has it. I would just try to make your own version and not try to reproduce the code.
Also, the Split Screen animation should be fine.
My 2 cents.
There is nothing in the guidelines about such functions not being allowed. I have submitted to apple an app recently with a wobble function like you mention and the reviewer did not mention anything about this being not allowed (The app was rejected for another reason which has to do with content licensing).

Getting started with accessibility

What are the typical mistakes an iPhone developer unaware of accessibility makes that renders their app unusable by customers with common impairments?
What are the first and easiest steps to take when making an iPhone app accessible to the vision impaired (etc.)?
How do I make sure Voice Over says or does something appropriate for all my programmatically created UIButtons, UISliders, etc.?
See the following link from Apple on accessibility on iOS.
I strongly suggest using voiceover to test your application after you've used the developer tools to check it's accessibility. I'm a blind iPod touch user and find that VoiceOver has a very low entry barrior, unlike windows screen reading software that requires you to memorize a bunch of keystrokes and realize that your application may be presented in an entirely different way to the user then you expect.

Can I prevent mobile safari from auto-rotating the screen on ipod touch or iphone?

We have a web app that is being developed. It will be used on an ipod touch that is built into a tabletop. As it is basically horizontal, the ipod keeps changing its mind about which way up it is and keeps switching the orientation of the browser.
Is there a way to ask it to stop doing that? If not, is there an alternative browser that will let me prevent screen rotation that anyone can recommend?
If you have an API key, it would be pretty much trivial to make such an app. Just stick a UIWebView into a nib and hook up a text field for the address bar.
If you don't have access to dev tools, take a look at the built-in browsers in pretty much every app. Very few support rotation.
I imagine there is a 3rd party app that has some alternate functionality in addition to a web browser that might offer what you need. Beyond that is outside of the scope of stackoverflow….

What does iPhone OS 3.0 need from a programming perspective?

iPhone OS 3.0 is being announced and previewed next week (March 17).
We all know the feature set users want. Copy/paste, MMS, Flash on iPhone, etc.
We'll see about those.
What I'm interested in what does the development community feel the SDK is missing, in need of, to make programming for the platform easier and more productive.
A more complete Interface Builder with support for custom palettes and all sorts of goodies like that.
Better control over the keyboard.
Better unit testing support. (Unit testing can be done, but only on the simulator, and it's very awkward to set up.)
Push notifications. Please.
A more accurate simulator, i.e. one with a more accurate set of frameworks.
The ability to easily build views like the Mail compose window.
For that matter, an in-application compose window.
A better way for apps to share data locally than by invoking URLs.
Access to the calendar, notes, mail (possibly read-only), and bookmarks (again, read-only) databases. Maybe even limited access to the iPod database—even just the ability to read song metadata and access and change the playing song would be helpful.
Some sort of middle ground between UILabel and UIWebView that allows for formatted text without a huge hassle.
More built-in toolbar icons.
The return of the "glass" button style that was in the beta SDK.
A few useful internal views, like UIProgressHUD, exposed.
And last but not least...
A pony.
An easy Javascript bookmarklet installation method for Mobile Safari. (OpenRadar: 1, 2)
UIWebView needs more of UIScrollView's properties and methods, such as contentOffset.
More configurability on some of the built-in behaviors and views, e.g. the button text on UITableViewCell's "Delete" button, or the styles and text of UIAlertSheet/UIAlertView buttons. (Some of these can be done today with undocumented calls, but I'd rather not rely on those.)
More flexibility from UINavigationController, such as the ability to push/pop views that selectively don't display the navigation bar but using the same animations and stack, or more customizability over the navigation bar button labels and behaviors.
The ability to restrict interface orientation per UIViewController, not just accept/reject changes via shouldAutorotate. E.g. I want my main content view to be autorotatable, but I want my navigation hierarchy and settings screens to always display in portrait, even if the content view was rotated to landscape.
libxml and its handy DOM XML parser instead of the SAX-based NSXMLParser.
libcurl w/SSL, or more options and functionality for NSURLConnection.
Ability to check whether a URL scheme is registered. This could be used for apps to detect whether other specific apps are installed, and enable functionality selectively, e.g. when Instapaper detects Tweetie is installed, it can offer a "Post with Tweetie" button. (Disclaimer: That was a plug. I make Instapaper.)
I'm sure I'll think of more, but overall, I'm very happy developing for the iPhone. I'm amazed at the quality and sophistication of the iPhone OS, the SDK, and the development tools given how incredibly young they all are.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned garbage collection yet. Objective-C 2.0 on the Mac supports optional garbage collection. I don't really see any reason it wouldn't work just fine on the iPhone as well and it would eliminate much of the tedium of having to explicitly release objects all over the place.
What I'm hoping most for is to allow iPhones to talk to each other either via Bluetooth or some other means. Granted, they can talk via Bonjour if they are on the same Wi-Fi network, but that's just not convenient enough in 2009. If I'm out with a friend and want to play a multi-player game we first have to find a Starbucks or whatever the heck to get on the same Wi-Fi network. Also, think of the ridiculous amount of social apps you could have if iPhones could talk to each other without needing Wi-Fi. Exchange business cards, flirt with the cute girl over there, etc.
Form a PURE programmers perspective, make XCode as helpful of an IDE as Eclipse or IntelliJ are in the Java world. There's so much time I waste on stupid stuff that the IDE could have found for me as I typed it.
I also don't understand why I can't color buttons without having to use images.
Better multitasking is absolutely key at this point. Android's got it, Palm's WebOS has it - both, it seems, in largely unrestricted and well-implemented fashion. Possibilities:
Push notifications with a good UI (message stack in addition to badging/sound/whatever - if they have to have an extra approval step so apps can't be obnoxious, so be it)
Multiple full processes (not possible with current OS, I realize, but then I've never seen a good explanation why the iPhone doesn't support virtual memory)
Smaller "background" versions of apps that can run in the background - no GUI and a significantly tighter memory constraint
A good mapping API. Let us access the Google Maps abstraction that the Maps application uses !
More Interface Builder goodness
Better simulator
Smart inbox. Incoming messages are routed to installed handlers based on type.
Synchronisation framework that simplifies syncing with desktop & Mobile Me.
Decent landscape support, without the multitude of bugs, especially for the camera picker. Better support for rotation and more control of it.
Access to EXIF data on images from the picker, so we can tell their location
Deeper access to the camera API, so that we are not rail-roaded into the standard photo taker / picker
Push notifications that can launch an application. (In lieu of full multi-tasking, which I don't think we'll get and which could be problematic.)
Better, more intuitive keyboard controls.
API for inter-application messaging.
Access to data from Calendar, iTunes, Mail, Notes and more (with user's permission)
A more accurate simulator, with, for example, ways to limit bandwidth, and use the Mac's camera to actually take a photo.
Phone-phone bluetooth for data exchange
Access to more of the views used by iPhone apps, e.g. the progress HUD, email "blobbing" mechanism for email addresses, thumbnail scrollers, HUD brought up in Photos app, and more.
Less sandboxing. It won't likely happen, but it would always be appreciated for an app to have slightly more power than they currently do (actual filesystem access, for example. even if it was read-only access, it would still allow for more interesting applications to exist).
EDIT: Also, access to the copy/paste API. But I hope that one is obvious to Apple.
My list:
More full-featured IB support as the Mac has
Inter-app Data transfer mechanism (could be C&P, but does not have to be)
Greatly improved camera API with deeper level of control and more flexibility
SDK access to bluetooth and more support for protocols
Real ObjectiveC framework around the address book like the Mac has today.
Warnings similar to the location warning when an app tries to access address book data.
I'm sure whatever they actually have prepared, there will be a few interesting twists.
Ability to send SMS messages without having to have launch the SMS client and have the user type the message.
Access to the raw camera data so that things can be done without having to take a picture and wait for it to save (like you can do with Android)
push notification so that you can launch tasks... would need to be user controllable.
A camera that can focus (I know... have to wait for the next iPhone for that... if they decide to put it in...)
A UIKit level drawing api.
We all know the feature set people want. Copy/Paste, MMS, Flash on iPhone, etc.
I would have thought those specific items were down the SO wish list (although it seems I'm wrong looking at the votes on this comment :-).
MMS is a pretty pointless app when you have eMail. Flash is not an OS issue - Flash could be delivered today.
I don't even want push notifications - they're just a patch, I want background apps. I also want fixes for all the broken APIs like Camera, video and landscape support. Support for CoreImage filters would be nice too but probably too much to wish for.
[[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] me] for being able to use the owner's Zip code, phone number, or whatever.
Ability to download files to local storage and sync them back to iTunes or your hard drive
Get EXIF data from photos
Pull all photos at once
Pull all contacts at once
Control screen brightness
Access to music in iPod section
Read access to email and text messages
Access to Safari cookies (so maybe I could make some kind of keep-me-logged-in app.)
fix table view in landscape mode
new camera API with direct access to the camera
distribution code signing automatically when uploading to the app store (instead of code signing in xcode)
ability to request more memory so users don't have to reboot their phones to get rid of background apps
A non-Mac based development envionment.