Setting a Property Value in 1 task and use the updated value in another - powershell

In my psake build script, I have a property called $build_mode that I set to "Release".
I have 2 tasks; "Compile_Debug", "Compile_Release". In Compile_Debug, I change $build_mode to "Debug" and it works fine while that task executes; however, if I have a have another task execute that uses $build_mode afterwards, $build_mode is back to "Release".
Is there a way to globally change or set a variable in a Psake build script so that an updated value can be used between tasks?
(I'm trying to have 1 "test" or 1 "package" task instead of a "Test_Debug", etc.)
properties {
$build_mode = "Release"
task default -depends Compile_Debug, Test
task Compile_Debug {
$build_mode = "Debug"
# Compilation tasks here that use the Debug value
task Test {
# Test related tasks that depend on $build_mode being updated.

I usually set the build mode as #manojlds suggested, passing in as a paramenter in the Invoke-Psake call. But, if you find yourself again in a situation that you want to modify the value of a object in Task A and have access to the modified value in Task B, here is how to do it:
The fact that the modified value of $build_mode is not accessible in Task B is due to powershell scoping. When you set a value for the $buildMode variable in a Task A, that change is made within Task A's scope, therefore outside it the variable value keeps unchanged.
One way to achieve what you want is to use a hashtable scoped to the whole script to store your objects:
properties {
#initializes your global hash
$script:hash = #{}
$script:hash.build_mode = "Release"
task default -depends Compile_Debug, Test
task Compile_Debug {
$script:hash.build_mode = "Debug"
# Compilation tasks here that use the Debug value
task Test {
# Test related tasks that depend on $script:hash.build_mode being updated.
The only caveat is that every time you want to refer to your build mode you have to use the long $script:hash.build_mode name instead of simply $build_mode

Why don't you pass the build mode as parameter to the tasks from the Invoke-Psake?
Invoke-Psake "$PSScriptRoot\Deploy\Deploy.Tasks.ps1" `
-framework $conventions.framework `
-taskList $tasks `
-parameters #{
"build_mode" = "Debug"
And in the tasks you can now use $build_mode


How to refer previous task and stop the build in azure devops if there is no new data to publish an artifact

Getsolution.exe will give New data available or no new data available, if new data available then next jobs should be executed else nothing should be executed. How should i do it? (i am working on classic editor)
example: i have set of tasks, consider 4 tasks:
task-1: builds the solution
task-2: runs the Getstatus.exe which get the status of data available or no data available
task-3: i should be able to use the above task and make a condition/use some api query and to proceed to publish an artifact if data is available if not cleanly break out of the task and stop the build. it Shouldn't proceed to publish artifact or move to the next available task
task-4:publish artifact
First what you need is to set a variable in your task where you run Getstatus.exe:
and then set condition in next tasks:
If you set doThing to different valu than Yes you will get this:
How to refer previous task and stop the build in azure devops if there is no new data to publish an artifact
Since we need to execute different task based on the different results of Getstatus.exe running, we need set the condition based on the result of Getstatus.exe running.
To resolve this, just like the Krzysztof Madej said, we could set variable(s) based on the return value of Getstatus.exe in the inline powershell task:
$dataAvailable= $(The value of the `Getstatus.exe`)
if ($dataAvailable -eq "True")
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status]Yes")
elseif ($dataAvailable -eq "False")
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status]No")
Then set the different condition for next task:
You could check the document Specify conditions for some more details.

Azure DevOps: Getting variable value by concatenating other variables'value as task input

I have my release pipeline Variables tab set like:
I would like to access my123 variable in task's display name by concatenating initialVariable's result.
I have tried so far referencing only initialVariable and it returned proper value in Job's display name.
But when I try to create my123 value by using initialVariable(=123), I am not getting proper value (was hoping that $(initialVariable) would convert to 123 and $(my123) would get proper "finalValue").
Azure DevOps: Getting variable value by concatenating other variables'value as task input
This is a known issue. Because the value of nested variables (like $(my$(initialVariable)) are not yet supported in the build/release pipelines.
Check my other thread for some details.
The workaround is add a Run Inline Powershell task to set the variable based on the input pipeline variables, just like Josh answered.
For you case, I test it by following Powershell scripts:
if ($(initialVariable)-eq "123")
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=my123]finalvalue"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=my123]otherValue"
Then we could get the variable my123 based on the value of variable initialVariable in following task, I add command line task to display the value:
In the result, the value in the command line task is correct finalvalue. But the display name is still $(my123):
That is also the question in your comment. This behavior is expected. That because the variable in the display name is just to get the predefined value. It's static acquisition, not dynamic. The variable my123 is assigned when running powershell. The static variable my123 in the display name does not go in to the environment where the powershell code is running.
So, the variable my123 in the title could not get the value in the task powershell. But other task could use it very well.
Hope this answer clean your puzzle.
It's ugly, but...
Like I mentioned in my comment, I don't think you're going to get this to work in the UI by default.
Luckily you can use PowerShell to hack this together if your REALLY need the ability to address a variable name based on the value of another variable.
All the variables (secrets are handled a little differently) in your build or release pipeline definition are made available to your powershell script FILE (not inline) via environment variables (ie. $env:initialVariable).
Suppose your situation is thus:
selector = selectable1 //this is the value that can change
selectable1 = theFirstSelection
selectable2 = theSecondSelection
selectable3 = theThirdSelection
In this case (assuming I understand your request) you want to be able to change the value of the selector and force tasks to access the appropriate selectable variable.
Define a new variable in your pipeline.
selector = selectable1 //this is the value that can change
selected = "" //this is the variable you use in your tasks
selectable1 = theFirstSelection
selectable2 = theSecondSelection
selectable3 = theThirdSelection
Write a VariableSelection.ps1 script. This powershell script will be what you need to run to assign the value of $(selected) before it gets used.
# VariableSelection.ps1
Write-Host "select variable: $env:selector"
$selectedValue = (gci env:"$env:selector").value
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=selected]$selectedValue"
Note: it is my observation that if you write this script inline, it will not work b/c the environment variable functionality is different for scripts run from a file.
Given the value of $(selector) is selectable2, when the script is run, then the value of the $(selected) will be theSecondSelection.
Example in a Pipeline
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
- master
name: Hosted VS2017
- name: "selector"
value: "var1"
- name: "selected"
value: ""
- name: "var1"
value: "var1_value"
- name: "var2"
value: "var2_value"
- task: PowerShell#2
filePath: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)/varSelector.ps1'
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "env:selected: $env:selected"
Write-Host "selected: $(selected)"

Passing variables between PS stages on different agents in jenkins pipeline

I have a jenkins pipeline with two (powershell) stages, each running on a different node/slave.
I'm trying to set a variable during the first stage (on node 1) and use it afterwards on the next stage (on node 2) - however, I couldn't find a way to pass this variable between them.
It's worth clarifying that this variable is being set dynamically in stage 1, meaning that solutions like declaring an env:var using script or def or environment didn't help (I tried many combinations) - the value can vary every time I run the pipeline.
I tried setting a new value for env var in stage 1, but it looks like it only affects its value in the context of the running stage.
(yes, it must be in powershell and on different nodes)
this is the basic idea of the pipeline (which doesn't work)
pipeline {
agent { label 'Node1' }
steps {
git changelog: false, credentialsId: 'user', poll: false, url: ''
powershell '''
$currentVersion=[version]$(git describe --tags)
$newVersion=New-Object -TypeName System.Version($currentVersion.Major, $currentVersion.Minor, $currentVersion.Build, ($currentVersion.Revision + 1))
agent { label 'Node2' }
steps {
powershell "Write-Host $env:newVersion"
Any ideas?
In my scripts I define a var above the pipeline tag and then I use
returnValue = powershell returnStdout: true, script: '...'
to generate my Powershell output.
'returnStdout: true'
is the key to receive your output from your PowerShell script.
In another stage I use bat to call a PowerShell script and sned my var to it:
bat "powershell -File script.ps1 ${returnValue}"
Hope that helps.

Jenkins Global properties not updated immediately

I have a global variable which is stored in jenkins Global properties
This variable is updated using Groovy plugin v1.3
import jenkins.model.*
nodes = Jenkins.instance.globalNodeProperties
envVars = nodes[0].envVars
target = envVars['testVar'].toInteger() + 1
envVars['testVar'] = target.toString()
The groovy script adds 1 to testVar whenever the job gets executed.
However, I couldn't get the updated value in the next build step.
As you can see in the following execution result, the value of testVar got by powershell is the old value.
Is it possible to get the newly updated value of testVar with powershell in the next build step?

How do you data drive task dependencies via properties in psake?

In MSBuild you can data drive target dependencies by passing a item group into a target, like so:
<FullBuildDependsOn Include="Package;CoreFinalize"
Condition="#(FullBuildDependsOn) == ''" />
<Target Name="FullBuild"
DependsOnTargets="#(FullBuildDependsOn)" />
If you don't override the FullBuildDependsOn item group, the FullBuild target defaults to depending on the Package and CoreFinalize targets. However, you can override this by defining your own FullBuildDependsOn item group.
I'd like to do the same in psake - for example:
properties {
$FullBuildDependsOn = "Package", "CoreFinalize"
task default -depends FullBuild
# this won't work because $FullBuildDependsOn hasn't been defined yet - the "Task" function will see this as a null depends array
task FullBuild -depends $FullBuildDependsOn
What do I need to do to data drive the task dependencies in psake?
OK. I understand what you're trying to accomplish now. You can do this through regular PowerShell-fu.
$FullBuildDependsOn = "Package"
Invoke-psake buildScript.ps1
In buildScript.ps1:
if($FullBuildDependsOn -eq $Null) {
$FullBuildDependsOn = "Package", "CoreFinalize"
properties {
# Usual build properties here
task default -depends FullBuild
task FullBuild -depends $FullBuildDependsOn {}
task Package {}
task CoreFinalize {}
The key here is to use a normal PowerShell variable rather than using a psake property. HTH.
That's not a use-case that we ever considered when implementing psake. Changing FullBuild's list of dependencies seems a bit odd and unmaintainable to me. You can accomplish the same thing by passing in a list of tasks to run from the command line.
./invoke-psake buildScript.ps1 Package, CoreFinalize
Or am I missing something?