How to refer previous task and stop the build in azure devops if there is no new data to publish an artifact - powershell

Getsolution.exe will give New data available or no new data available, if new data available then next jobs should be executed else nothing should be executed. How should i do it? (i am working on classic editor)
example: i have set of tasks, consider 4 tasks:
task-1: builds the solution
task-2: runs the Getstatus.exe which get the status of data available or no data available
task-3: i should be able to use the above task and make a condition/use some api query and to proceed to publish an artifact if data is available if not cleanly break out of the task and stop the build. it Shouldn't proceed to publish artifact or move to the next available task
task-4:publish artifact

First what you need is to set a variable in your task where you run Getstatus.exe:
and then set condition in next tasks:
If you set doThing to different valu than Yes you will get this:

How to refer previous task and stop the build in azure devops if there is no new data to publish an artifact
Since we need to execute different task based on the different results of Getstatus.exe running, we need set the condition based on the result of Getstatus.exe running.
To resolve this, just like the Krzysztof Madej said, we could set variable(s) based on the return value of Getstatus.exe in the inline powershell task:
$dataAvailable= $(The value of the `Getstatus.exe`)
if ($dataAvailable -eq "True")
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status]Yes")
elseif ($dataAvailable -eq "False")
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=Status]No")
Then set the different condition for next task:
You could check the document Specify conditions for some more details.


Azure Datafactory Pipeline execution status

It is kind of annoying we cannot change the logical order(AND/OR) of the Activity dependencies. however, I have got another issue. having said that I have activities for on failure to log the error messages in DB, since the logging activity succeeds, the entire pipeline succeeds too! is there any workaround to say if any activities failed the entire pipeline and the parent pipeline, if it is called from another pipeline, should be failed either?
In my screenshot, i have selected the on completion dependencies to log the successful or error.
I see that you defined "On Success" of the copy activity to run "usp_postexecution" . Please define a "On failure" of the copy activity and add any activity ( may be a set variable for testing ) and execute the pipeline . The pipeline will fail .
Just to give you more context what i tried .
I have a variable name "test" of the type boolean and I am failing it deliberately ( by assigning to a non-boolean value of true1 )
Pipeline will fail when I define both success and failure scenarios .
The pipeline will succeed when you have only "Failure" defined

Is it possible to change the name of a build based on the branch name in Azure Pipelines?

Most of my builds are from either feature branches or develop, and so I tend to use a known build variable to track the build number such as:
- group: BuildVars
name: $(BuildPrefix)$(Rev:r)
This works and provides me with a nicely formatted build version that I can then follow through into releases, etc:
However, when we're planning a release, we name our branches after the release, for example: release/1.1, and I'd like to have the build name reference that instead of the hardcoded (previous) version.
I know that I can reference the branch name via the Build.SourceBranch variable, but I don't see an obvious way to read and modify that outside of a build step, by which time I believe it's too late? I don't really want to have to manually change the BuildPrefix variable until the release has been deployed out to production.
Building on from this would then be the ability to append appropriate pre-release tags, etc. based on the branch name...
you can always update the build name during the execution of a build using this:
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]value_goes_here"
so you could calculate the value in the same (or previous step) and update the build name with that value
Is it possible to change the name of a build based on the branch name in Azure Pipelines?
The answer is yes.
The solution we currently use is add a Run Inline Powershell task to update build number based on the Build_SourceBranchName:
$branch = $Env:Build_SourceBranchName
Write-Host "Current branch is $branch"
if ($branch -eq "Dev")
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$DevBuildNumber"
elseif ($branch -eq "Beta")
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$BetaBuildNumber"
elseif ($branch -eq "Test")
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$TestBuildNumber"
Check the Logging Command during the build for some more details.
Hope this helps.

How to receive Revision in Azure Pipelines YAML build definition

I created a new build with Azure Pipelines (Azure DevOps) and it worked really well.
Usually, you use $(Rev:.r) to get the revision in the build. Unfortunately, it seems the variable isn't replaced/set in the build steps. The only place where you can use it is the name: property in the YAML document.
Now I set it in the name and extract it in some PowerShell, which isn't necessary if you can get it via an environment variable.
How do I get the Revision (like $(Rev)) in the new builds (outside of the name: property in the YAML document)?
(The Build Agents running on-premise, inside Docker - but this shouldn't affect the things above)
You can't get the revision number without parsing, it is not stored as a separate field somewhere or in an environment variable.
The $(Rev:.r) portion instructs Azure DevOps to come up with the first number that makes the build number unique (and, in that specific example, put a dot in front of it).
Like you said, the only way is to use PowerShell script to get the value:
$buildNumber = $Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
$revision= $buildNumber.Substring($buildNumber.LastIndexOf('.') + 1)
You can install the Get Revision Number extension that does it.
Another possible solution to the above problem could be to use counter expression for ex: we difine the variable and use it in a task to build nuget package.
counterVar: $[counter($(versionVariable),0)]
- task: CmdLine#2
script: >
nuget pack ClassLibrary1/ClassLibrary1.csproj
-OutputDirectory $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
-Properties Configuration=release
-Version $(versionVariable).$(counterVar)
-Verbosity Detailed
Here versionVariable is a custome variable defined in pipelines->variables.And the seed value is 0(2nd param to counter).
It works as below
Let's assume the versionVariable is 1.19
Build Run 1 counterVar will be 0.
Build Run 2 counterVar will be 1.
Now say we change the versionVariable to 1.20
Build Run 3 counterVar will be 0.
Check the counter expression in above link it reset its value for diff prefix.
P.S. Benefit of using counter over $(Rev:r) is that it can start from 0 unlike $(Rev:r)

Pass content from build back into Visual Studio Team Services Build

I am running build on Azure with a custom build agent (using Unity3d to be precise) I generate output of the build within a .txt file on the build machine and would like to include content within work items created during build.
Unity build fails and an error is logged to Build.log.
New bug is created with reference to build and the error message from the
Right now I am using a powershell script
$content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\BuildProjectPC\Build.log")
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=logContent;]$content"
To format the bug i use System.Description = $logContent but the content of the variable from PS does for some reason not end up in the bug item (it just contains "$logContent").
Any idea or direction how to fix this, respectively how to feed info back into vsts?
The variable value that used for creating work item is initialized before running build steps, so you can’t specify a dynamic variable or change the variable value during the build step that used for creating work item.
You can follow up these steps to verify it:
Open your build definition > Variable > Add a new variable (e.g. logContent, value: oldValue)
Select Options > Check Work Item on Failure > Additional Fields > System.Title $(logContent)
Add PowerShell build step: Write-Host "$(logContent)"
Add PowerShell build step: Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=logContent;]newValue"
Add PowerShell build step: Write-Host "$(logContent)"
Add PowerShell build step: [Environment]::Exit(1)
The log result:
Step 3 output oldValue
Step 5 output newValue
The created work item title oldValue.
The workaround for your requirement is that, you can create a work item and associated to build through PowerShell with Rest API (add PowerShell step at the end of other steps and Check Always run option).
Associate work item to build:
Request Type: Patch
Request URL: https://[your vsts account][work item id]?api-version=1.0
"op": "add",
"path": "/relations/-",
"value": {
"rel": "ArtifactLink",
"url": "vstfs:///Build/Build/[build id]",
"attributes": {
"comment": "Making a new link for the dependency"
You can refer to this blog for PowerShell scripts to create and associate work item.
Build association with work Items in vNext
In the Additional Fields you need to reference the build/release definition variable with the following notation: $(logContent)
as shown here below:

Stop the pipeline when stage is unstable

I have a Jenkins build pipeline created using workflow plugin. At the beginning the pipeline runs a gulp build inside of the docker container and then archives test results using the following code
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'build/test-results/*.xml'])
In the following steps I package up the artifacts and ship them to the binary repository.
When unit tests are not passing Jenkins understands the build is unstable and marks it yellow. However it still continues with subsequent steps in the pipeline. Is there any way make the pipeline stop when unit tests are failing?
the JUnitResultArchiver will cause this condition to be true when the build is unstable:
currentBuild.result != null.
If I remember correctly it sets it to UNSTABLE, but it is enough to check that is different than null.
So you could do something like
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'build/test-results/*.xml'])
if (currentBuild.result == null) {
//contintue with your pipeline
} else {
//notify that the build is unstable. //or just do nothing
There is nothing to do at Jenkins side but at Gulp side. The call to gulp CLI needs to return a proper error value to have the sh step failing correctly.
Jenkins just interprets what the shell is returning, so you juts need to make Gulp to return a fail when tests fail (see this blog post, it seems to achieve exactly that).