Eclipse plugin for code coverage [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 10 years ago.
I search a code coverage plugin for eclipse.
My question is simple:
Which plugin do you use with eclipse for code coverage and why ?

Edit (2015) - My current recommendation: EclEmma / JaCoCo.
Not sure why I didn't see this back in January 2012, as there was clearly active development with new versions consistently being reproduced even back then.
I've since become a bit frustrated with Cobertura / eCobertura, as development since seems to have stalled, with support for current Java versions starting to be somewhat lacking.
JaCoCo may have advanced since I last looked at this in 2012 (or I simply missed it entirely, or was looking at EMMA vs. JaCoCo) - but the current version provides excellent support built-in to Eclipse (provided by EclEmma) as well as many other IDEs, support for Apache Maven, Apache Ant, command-line, Java API, and many other third-party integrations. Please refer to the complete list at .
I am now switching some of my projects over to JaCoCo from Cobertura, and am very impressed by the integration and results - both in Maven reports as well as Eclipse. Not sure about competing solutions, but JaCoCo can even be configured to fail a build if certain thresholds of code coverage are not met.
JaCoCo is specifically documented to support Java class files from version 1.0 all the way through 1.8*.
I find their Mission Statement very respect-worthy.
References / Resources:
Especially as this question has unfortunately been closed, here is a mini-directory of some of the various references and resources that I used in making my decision - and which I encourage everyone here to refer to in order to make their own decisions. - by Wikipedia's nature is more of a "living document", and will hopefully remain updated with any new related tools that may become available.
The following should also somewhat fall into the same category of a "living document", but fall under probable bias / conflicts of interest - as each is from the vendor or organization that also produces such a tool: (Provides EclEmma, JaCoCo) (Provides Atlassian Clover)
Presumably independent but dated reviews and comparisons:
Code Coverage Tools (JaCoCo, Cobertura, Emma) Comparison in Sonar (2012-12-19, Patroklos Papapetrou,
Eclipse plugin for code coverage (2012-01-28,
Test coverage: jaCoCo vs Clover2 (Jakub Kurlenda, 2010-12-28,
Java Code Coverage: Cobertura vs. Emma vs Clover (Tom Borthwick, 2010-10-23,
Pick your code coverage tool in Sonar 2.2 (2010-08-05, Evgeny Mandrikov,
In pursuit of code quality: Don't be fooled by the coverage report (Andrew Glover, 2006-01-31,
It does the job, it is free and open-source, it is more up-to-date than EMMA, and it is used by most of the other online open-source projects I'm familiar with. It also integrates very well into Maven - including some rather nice-looking reports.
If you want to consider a commercial product, I'd consider Atlassian's Clover.

I like
The source highlighting is better than eCobertura, the drill-down is easy to read, selecting test cases is easy, it actually provides statistics for statement, branch, loop and condition coverage ( a lot of plugins only do statement, which is kinda useless ).
We use it at our business and we found it the best plugin by far.

Coverlipse: because it's free


Pros and cons of using sbt vs maven in Scala project [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Which build tool is the best for Scala? What are the pros and cons of each of them? How to I determine which one of them to use in a project?
We're using Maven to build Scala projects at work because it integrates well with our CI server. We could just run a shell script to kick off a build, of course, but we've got a bunch of other information coming out of Maven that we want to go into CI. That's about the only reason I can think of to use Maven for a Scala project.
Otherwise, just use SBT. You get access to the same dependencies (really the best part about maven, IMHO). You also get the incremental compilation, which is huge. The ability to start up a shell inside of your project, which is also great.
ScalaMock only works with SBT, and you're probably going to want to use that rather than a Java mocking library. On top of that, it's much easier to extend SBT since you can write full scala code in the build file, so you don't have to go through all the rigamarole of writing a Mojo.
In short, just use SBT unless you really need tight integration into your CI server.
The question is in danger of just generating lots of opinions; it would be better to have a clear list of requirements or a description of your environment, previous knowledge, etc.
FWIW, there are more opinions in this scala mailing list thread.
My 2c are: Go with sbt if you don't have specific requirements
for simple projects, it's totally effortless (you don't even need a build file until you have dependencies)
it is commonly used across Scala open source projects. You can easily learn about configuration by peeking into other people's projects. Plus many projects assume you use sbt and provide you with ready-made copy+paste instruction for adding them as a dependency to your project.
if you use IntelliJ IDEA, it can be totally integrated. You can have IDEA use sbt to continuously compile your project, and vice versa you can use sbt to quickly generate IDEA projects. The last is extremely useful if you are in a 'snapshot' cycle with depending on other of your own libraries which are bumped from minor version to minor version -- just close the project, update the version in the build file, re-run the gen-idea task, and re-open the project: updates done.
comes ready with most tasks you will need (compile, test, run, doc, publish-local, console) -- the console is one of the best features.
some people highlight the feature that dependencies can be source repositories directly grabbed from GitHub. I haven't used this so can't comment here.
Some people hate sbt because it uses Ivy for dependency management (I can't comment on its pros and cons, but most of the time it is a non-issue), some people hate sbt because you specify the build file in terms of a Scala DSL instead of XML. Some people were disappointed that sbt's format changed from v0.7 to v0.10, but obviously, migration won't affect you if you start from scratch.

Good Symfony Editor Netbeans or Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a good editor for a Symfony2 project and other projects. I really don't need the fancyness or thousands of scripts loading, etc. I personally prefer easy and clean structured IDE - that's why I actually always tend to close Eclipse.
I am running Mamp on a Macbook with OS X Lion.
Currently I always go back to Komodo. So my question is: What are the advantages of having Symfony support in Eclipse and Netbeans (I actually tried both)?
I don't mind editing and going back and forth between the editor and the browser. I never really understood why there needs to be a huge application for that. I just can't see any advantages other than the code intelligence, and integrated subversion tools in the editors. Can anybody agree on that?
I use NetBeans too which works well even with Symfony 2. You don't need to set anything, just create a new PHP project from existing Symfony folder. You'll get autocomplete for classes and validation check for YAML (if you use it, of course).
For Twig you can install this plugin which gives you syntax highlight and nothing more. This is enough for me. The only problem I found is that Twig templates are hard to read if you use some dark (and cool) NetBeans theme: you should use default black on white one.
I don't recommend Eclipse even with Symfony2 plugin: works really bad and it takes minutes to install. The only good feature (I can't get in NetBeans) is custom commands for generating entities, install assets and so on.
I use NetBeans for all my PHP projects, including symfony 1.x stuff. I used to use Eclipse but found that auto-complete would hang from time to time - though they may have fixed that. Both are memory hungry and seem to hang onto RAM increasingly over time, hence both need restarts periodically if you are in the habit of sleeping your machine rather than turning it off.
The autocompletion is pretty good in NetBeans, anyway, so I've stuck with it. I agree on your assessment of framework support in IDEs generally - it may be nice to have, but I'm happy with the CLI.
#Mike i've been working on a symfony plugin for eclipse, it's available here:

What is the most useable VI/Vim plugin for Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I used to be a huge fan of Intelli-J and there is a fantastic VI plugin for Idea. Now I'm shifting to the Spring Source Tool Suite for my primary IDE and need to find a VI plugin that will allow me to work just as effectively.
What plugin are people using?
I'm a bit late to this thread - but I wanted to throw in a vote for Vrapper. I used to work with the WindRiver Workbench IDE and I got used to the "Vim layer" it came with. WRW would push a Vim toggle button into the toolbar which allowed the user to activate/deactivate almost all standard Vim key bindings.
When I moved back to vanilla Eclipse I spent quite a bit of time trying to find this same feature and eventually concluded that WindRiver wrote the feature from scratch because it didn't seem to exist. Today I found Vrapper, which pushes a very similar toggle switch into my Eclipse toolbar and seems to have a fairly complete set of Vim key bindings as well. Two nice things: (1) Vrapper can also be activated with a key stroke as with any other Eclipse feature, (2) Vrapper does not deactivate the contextual help that pops up during hover actions.
I am also throwing in a vote for Vrapper ( ). I just started using Eclipse/CDT again for some C coding, and because Vrapper just emulates vi commands in the Eclipse workbench editor (instead of embedding VIM inside of eclipse), it appears to alter other Eclipse IDE functionality less. With vrapper my files end up with less unintentional h,j,k,l,/,? and line-breaks, that otherwise occur because my fingers forget they are not in vi. Vrapper doesn't have all the vi commands I want, but it is a big improvement over the Eclipse editor without Vrapper. It will be even better if they add some of their planned "future features", especially regular expression support.
I rate viPlugin highly enough to pay the small fee for the licensed edition (not licensing it means you get popups every so often, IIRC).
In my opinion it works better than the equivalent Intellij plugin.
I used to use vrapper, but a new plugin now has my vote and financial support. Check out viable at It's not free, but any professional developer's time is easily worth the $15.
Viable actually supports regular expressions, which is a huge hole in vrapper. It also doesn't have a number of subtle bugs that vrapper has for basic copy/paste operations.
Viable appears to be fully dead as of mid 2014. :(
I'm using Eclipse J2EE JUNO R1 on Windows 7 x64.
Only Vrapper works.
viPlugin: I recently installed viPlugin 2.10.0 on Eclipse Juno via Eclipse marketplace. The result? Don't try it at home because Eclipse hangs. The only way out was to kill Eclipse and manually remove all remnants of viPlugin from the Eclipse installation.
Vrapper: At a first glance, this one works as advertised. I noticed that the search/replace option 'c' in ":%s/one/another/gc" does not work because Vrapper will replace all occurrences of "one".

JIRA Plugins: What do you use? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
JIRA is a very extensible bug/task tracking tool. As such, newcomers feel lost as to what plugins they should install.
Please share your thoughts what plugins (both free and paid) that you consider a "must-add" for JIRA!
Here are the plugins I couldn't live without:
Timesheet report - Summarizes any user's time spent over a weekly period:
Charting plugin - Generate charts from any issue navigator:
Subversion plugin - Link and view subversion commit history to a JIRA issue:
Labels plugin - Lets you tag any JIRA issue and search on tags:
We use JIRA Labels plug-in, which allows to add a "tags" field:
Plugins that stand out the most (paid and free) are mentioned on Atlassian's plugin page:
And the company I work for develops JIRA Client, a desktop client for JIRA (paid unless you're open-source):
We use Tempo Plugin extensively for time tracking, project management, planning and billing.
We are also big fans of Greenhopper for project management (Scrum/KanBan).
We use quite a few extra JIRA plugins; the charts for visualizing find/fix ratios etc., Release status plugin for a nice visualization of how each release stands, the SVN integration, Linker and Activity Stream plugins for integration with Confluence, and the Firefox search portlet that lets you use JIRA as a search engine option in Firefox.
Some of our developers also like the Eclipse plugin for JIRA that lets them manage their list of issues direct from the IDE.
The only paid plugin we tried out was Greenhopper, since we are an agile shop, but we didn't find it useful enough to be worth buying.
We really liked the following:
Create and Link: Allows us to create an issue, then create another issue that automatically gets linked to the original
JIRA Suite Utilities: Incredibly useful plug-in! The most helpful feature was it's ability to make field's required after a transition.
JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions: multiple useful conditions and validators for work flows.
To integrate Jira with Saleforce or SugarCRM you should consider Go2group CRM plugin
We use ScreenMail for JIRA as it lets us create screencasts to our issues. It removes the need to write long descriptions of specifications or bugs. Screencasts makes it possible for me to record my screen and talk whats on my mind to my mic. Anyone who has access to the issues can watch the video later.
This has given me more freedom to work whenever as I do not need to call a meeting always when something more complicated has come up. Work with overseas partners has also been easier as I am able to work in my own timezone most of the time.
Whats important here is that you do not need to install any additional software or rent harddrive space. The plugin does everything for you. Just install the plugin and start recording.
I found the JIRA Workflow Visualization Plugin very useful when first setting up Jira workflows - it gives a pictorial representation of your workflows, which makes it easier to view than the list of steps that Jira gives you by default.
For customizing the way Jira works and adding new features:
Behaviours Plugin
Jira Scripting Suite
With this to you could practically do almost anything. I used it to write Issues 24hrs notifications, sending email from templates that are saved in Confluence, automatic issue moving, closing, cloning and sub-issue creating, and much more...
To complete the last two plugins, some plugins that add special features to make life easier:
JIRA Toolkit Plugin
JIRA Workflow Toolbox
A nice plugin to display external pages:
Jira Custom Content Plugin
For more advanced JIRA reports, charts and dashboards there is eazyBI application with standard JIRA integration as well as installable eazyBI reports and charts plugin for JIRA.

Free install wizard software [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there something like InstallShield that I can use for free?
Very powerful and flexible.
Can produce MSI packages (Microsoft deployment format of choice)
Almost no documentation
Very steep learning curve.
Recommended for very complex installators.
Inno Setup
Cannot produce MSI packages.
Its scripting part looks like INI files structure.
Uses Pascal Script based language for extra flexibility.
Cannot produce MSI packages.
Fully scripted, very powerful but at cost of high learning curve.
Recommened if WiX is too much and Inno Setup not enough.
Basic version is free.
Can produce MSI packages.
Very good user-interface, almost no learning curve to get things done.
XML-based (but schema is not very user-friendly, doesn't really matter as you would use GUI editor anyway)
The best option if you have only basic installer requirements and don't have time to learn something new.
Maven integration
Customizable actions
Well documented
I have been using Inno Setup for several years now. It's mature enough that it has a lot of plug-ins. I've found that the forums/newsgroups are very good at answering all the questions I've had so far.
NullSoft NSIS
WiX (Windows Installer XML) is free.
Inno Setup has worked very well as the Zeus installer for many years.
I googled for "free installer" and found Advanced Installer, which I recall that I have used successfully in the past.
+1 for Inno. I was not a fan of NSIS/Nullsoft.
the reason I did not like NSIS was the hoops I had to jump trough just to get the version information in the installer title/script. Basically you have to preprocess the scripts or run the install generator twice. Maybe they fixed it, maybe not. But what a hassle.
I also found that the versions of the plugins and the versions of the main component were brittle. For example, things didn't work well when mixed and matched/upgraded.
We had to keep a specific version of NSIS and the plugins we used in a repository to ensure we had them.
Nullsoft Installer is the way to go. It has a bit of a steep learning curve but once you've worked out the scripting you'll have a decent installer in no time. Check out the Eclipse plugin too, it is a great addition.
I was looking for a similar solution and found the new kid on the block to be InstallJammer. Open source, extremely friendly and powerful-looking (I say looking because I never actually finished using it on a project), able to produce installers for multiple platforms.
Actions in particular seemed very easy to set up.
If it were to live up to it's goals, it would easily give the other install solutions a run for their money.
I would consider dotNetInstaller as well.
It's pretty easy to setup installation with prerequisites, has a nice wizard and an editor that let manage the xml scripting from a form.
There's the open source Nullsoft Installer which began with WinAmp, if I'm not mistaken.
For .NET development you may want to take a look at WiX, which Microsoft also open sourced. IT's good for those with continuous integration setups.
NSIS (nullsoft scriptable installer system) will do the job. It's open source.
The Nullsoft installer is free, powerful and very, very good.
The nullsoft scriptable install system is an open source solution that provides a very powerful and professional install system.
We use MakeMSI here to construct Windows installers. Very steep learning curve, but it's guaranteed to work on any Windows system.
We've had problems with Nullsoft installers in the past, as silent, automated installs (the kind done all the time in managed environments) aren't supported by default.