What is the most useable VI/Vim plugin for Eclipse? [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 9 years ago.
I used to be a huge fan of Intelli-J and there is a fantastic VI plugin for Idea. Now I'm shifting to the Spring Source Tool Suite for my primary IDE and need to find a VI plugin that will allow me to work just as effectively.
What plugin are people using?

I'm a bit late to this thread - but I wanted to throw in a vote for Vrapper. I used to work with the WindRiver Workbench IDE and I got used to the "Vim layer" it came with. WRW would push a Vim toggle button into the toolbar which allowed the user to activate/deactivate almost all standard Vim key bindings.
When I moved back to vanilla Eclipse I spent quite a bit of time trying to find this same feature and eventually concluded that WindRiver wrote the feature from scratch because it didn't seem to exist. Today I found Vrapper, which pushes a very similar toggle switch into my Eclipse toolbar and seems to have a fairly complete set of Vim key bindings as well. Two nice things: (1) Vrapper can also be activated with a key stroke as with any other Eclipse feature, (2) Vrapper does not deactivate the contextual help that pops up during hover actions.

I am also throwing in a vote for Vrapper ( http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home ). I just started using Eclipse/CDT again for some C coding, and because Vrapper just emulates vi commands in the Eclipse workbench editor (instead of embedding VIM inside of eclipse), it appears to alter other Eclipse IDE functionality less. With vrapper my files end up with less unintentional h,j,k,l,/,? and line-breaks, that otherwise occur because my fingers forget they are not in vi. Vrapper doesn't have all the vi commands I want, but it is a big improvement over the Eclipse editor without Vrapper. It will be even better if they add some of their planned "future features", especially regular expression support.

I rate viPlugin highly enough to pay the small fee for the licensed edition (not licensing it means you get popups every so often, IIRC).
In my opinion it works better than the equivalent Intellij plugin.

I used to use vrapper, but a new plugin now has my vote and financial support. Check out viable at http://viableplugin.com/ It's not free, but any professional developer's time is easily worth the $15.
Viable actually supports regular expressions, which is a huge hole in vrapper. It also doesn't have a number of subtle bugs that vrapper has for basic copy/paste operations.
Viable appears to be fully dead as of mid 2014. :(

I'm using Eclipse J2EE JUNO R1 on Windows 7 x64.
Only Vrapper works.
viPlugin: I recently installed viPlugin 2.10.0 on Eclipse Juno via Eclipse marketplace. The result? Don't try it at home because Eclipse hangs. The only way out was to kill Eclipse and manually remove all remnants of viPlugin from the Eclipse installation.
Vrapper: At a first glance, this one works as advertised. I noticed that the search/replace option 'c' in ":%s/one/another/gc" does not work because Vrapper will replace all occurrences of "one".


Editor for EDP 7.3.2 Mac Osx 10.8.2 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am very new to python and have installed the EPD 7.3.2 academic package.
I have not been able to locate an editor for mac osx 10.8.2 within the libraries included in the package.
The only editor part of this package is scite but this is only for Linux and Windows. The Mac version is only available for $42 through mac app store.
Thus, I was wondering how could I get an editor to run with the EPD package? Is there a specific editor that would be recognised straight after installation? Or which editor is compatible with the package.
Hope all is well,
I work for Enthought and we have a next-generation version of EPD that is in beta. It includes a Python-centric text editor, integrated IPython prompt, package management, and many other typical features. The application is focused on the needs of scientists and engineers who are writing code in support of their work vs. the needs of full-time software development teams. That is, the intent is to keep it light-weight and easy to use with a focus on data analysis and visualization, not to compete with tools such as Eclipse or Visual Studio.
If interested, you can request access to the beta program by clicking the "EPD Reloaded" graphic on the right side of this page: http://www.enthought.com/products/epd.php. The beta version currently supports Mac OS and Windows.
Try Textmate. It's really good for Python and a host of other languages.
It's now open source and you can get it here: https://github.com/textmate/textmate
There's also a pre-built binary: https://api.textmate.org/downloads/beta
There are quite a few free editors for Mac OSX listed here: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors
I've used Editra (http://editra.org/), and had no complaints. I never tried its PyStudio plugin, but it looks interesting.
You should also know about Spyder, which has a Mac version available. Spyder is a scientific python editor which provides an environment similar to Matlab. Another scientific python distribution, Python(x,y), uses Spyder. I think getting Spyder on Mac to work with EPD might be tricky, but probably worth it. It doesn't have the professional Enthought support but it has a great community.
I'm also somewhat new to python and I'm still figuring out what works best for me. I'm not surprised that Enthought is building an editor since that's one of the main features they've yet to provide - I'm really looking forward to seeing how it compares to Spyder.
I use Sublime Text with great success as well as BBEdit. I'm not sure but I would think you could also use BBEdit's free TextWrangler.
I've played around a little with the Beta Jason pointed out (though- I can't seem to find it in the current academic distributions, but maybe I'm just not looking hard enough). It will be pretty cool once deployed.
Could try Enthought's new Canopy product, which has an IDE embedded. The CanopyExpress version requires no licensing.

What is the main reason for upgrading to Eclipse Juno? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Sorry if this is a strange question. But I've been using Indigo for a long time, and after upgrading to Juno I find that the UI is less responsive, has bizarre new colors (thankfully they included a Classic theme) and not a single new feature that I can see, anyway. They changed the default redo shortcut from ctrl-y to ctrl-shift-z, even though ctrl-y is a de-facto standard for that type of shortcut. Seems like a lot of changes for change's sake.
Frankly I am somewhat underwhelmed by this release. I'm not deliberately trying to be negative here, I guess I just haven't seen the light yet :-)
Does anyone have a success story where Juno was just the thing they needed to solve some specific problem or shortcoming of Indigo?
Not really a success story here...
I downgraded to 3.7 again because the performance of 4.2 is really bad.
I didnt't tweak anything in eclipse.ini in either version, but 3.7 runs A LOT smoother with the same (quite big) workspace.
I was looking forward to "Code Recommenders" plugin, but deinstalled it after a few hours. It was kinda annoying, perhaps you have to use it a longer time to get used to it.
Xtext 2.3 is important for me, but I can have that in Indigo too.
The new layout is ugly, but thats just my opinion. Other people seem to like it... But apart from the looks, it was really slow and laggy for me when resizing or moving views.
There were some other minor bugs, perhaps my fault, no idea, but in the end I'm happy again with 3.7 :-)
Eclipse Juno is worse than Indigo. The interface is less responsive and more annoying. For instance the files are always opened in the right window and and not in he cursor one. They have to be dragged and dropped to the location but!!!... placing them in a separate/desired window requires more effort because Juno seems to place it in the most unwanted one; also, tabs can be placed harder. More annoying things come with debugging. Sorry for the developers but is crap - many times it does not to find the file in which the breakpoints are located.
I do not recommend the upgrade.
(I can't comment on existing posts)
Regarding UI styling:
See [1] for a short discussion on how the style can be changed. There will bis a set of new styles available soon.
Regarding Code Recommenders:
moeTi, I'd be glad to learn what you found annoying about code recommenders. The general idea or the way it's implemented? Feedback is welcome [2].
[1] http://www.vogella.com/blog/2012/07/11/eclipse-4-is-beautiful-create-your-own-eclipse-4-theme/
[2] http//www.eclipse.org/forums/eclipse.recommenders

Good Symfony Editor Netbeans or Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a good editor for a Symfony2 project and other projects. I really don't need the fancyness or thousands of scripts loading, etc. I personally prefer easy and clean structured IDE - that's why I actually always tend to close Eclipse.
I am running Mamp on a Macbook with OS X Lion.
Currently I always go back to Komodo. So my question is: What are the advantages of having Symfony support in Eclipse and Netbeans (I actually tried both)?
I don't mind editing and going back and forth between the editor and the browser. I never really understood why there needs to be a huge application for that. I just can't see any advantages other than the code intelligence, and integrated subversion tools in the editors. Can anybody agree on that?
I use NetBeans too which works well even with Symfony 2. You don't need to set anything, just create a new PHP project from existing Symfony folder. You'll get autocomplete for classes and validation check for YAML (if you use it, of course).
For Twig you can install this plugin which gives you syntax highlight and nothing more. This is enough for me. The only problem I found is that Twig templates are hard to read if you use some dark (and cool) NetBeans theme: you should use default black on white one.
I don't recommend Eclipse even with Symfony2 plugin: works really bad and it takes minutes to install. The only good feature (I can't get in NetBeans) is custom commands for generating entities, install assets and so on.
I use NetBeans for all my PHP projects, including symfony 1.x stuff. I used to use Eclipse but found that auto-complete would hang from time to time - though they may have fixed that. Both are memory hungry and seem to hang onto RAM increasingly over time, hence both need restarts periodically if you are in the habit of sleeping your machine rather than turning it off.
The autocompletion is pretty good in NetBeans, anyway, so I've stuck with it. I agree on your assessment of framework support in IDEs generally - it may be nice to have, but I'm happy with the CLI.
#Mike i've been working on a symfony plugin for eclipse, it's available here: http://symfony.dubture.com/

Eclipse, is there a reason to chose it over emacs or vi? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
As an old fart who has settled into using emacs whenever I can, I hear about Eclipse every so often.
Is there any real reason to use Eclipse and give up all the knowledge of emacs and packages, plus the macros I wrote for it?
emacs and vi don't intrinsically support building, debugging, "project"-based collections of files, etc -- Eclipse and other IDEs do, so that's the IDE's plus... better integration, wrt the "motley collection of plugins" for powerful-but-not-IDE editors such as vim and emacs.
That being said -- I'm a vim lifer (30+ years since I started w/vi, before viM was built;-) and I stand in awe of my emacs'er colleagues (have to ack that, no matter how incredibly powerful vim is, emacs is a notch above). But I think I also see how the smooth, seamless integration of IDE's such as Eclipse can help my younger colleagues who're addicted to THOSE!-)
The most important feature for me is refactoring: Renaming of methods, classes and interfaces on all locations they are used.
With that you can change the complete structure of your project easily.
I also tend to use Emacs whenever possible, but for Java I will still occasionally fire up Eclipse to use its refactoring tools.
Examples of refactorings in Eclipse
If you are doing Java, yes. Support for browsing the code, for code completion and refactoring is worth it, IMHO.
If you are doing C/C++, maybe. Support for the language is not as good, but I still like the overall view it gives me on the project, searching the whole hierarchy and the SVN support, especially the synchronize view.
Eclipse can be switched to key bindings which mimic the basic Emacs setup.
It is still easy to switch to Emacs temporarily for doing something more sophisticated, e.g. with keyboard macros.
I don't know if you'd count this as a real reason, but I certainly enjoy having Eclipse's excellent code completion and customizable templates.
Probably not. After a brief (decade) stint with Visual Studio, I'm squarely back in the Vim camp now and like it here. I thought I'd try Eclipse a while ago but it only took a couple of hours to realise that I simply wouldn't be comfortable in that environment.
Stick with the tools you know, and know them well.
It for me totally depends on the language/environment I'm working in. For something like Java Eclipse is a life-saver but for other languages having code-completion and auto-imports might not be all that important.
In the end it mostly comes down to where you yourself feel more productive.
Refactoring and java completion are big reasons to use Eclipse. Unfortunately, the emacs keybindings in eclipse are incomplete, it doesn't understand ^x2 or any other of the buffer manipulation macros, it doesn't understand keyboard macros, and it's missing a whole bunch of other features as well.
The problem is that emacs support can't be done with clever keybindings that sit on top of conventional WYSIWYG editor: it needs a fundamentally different approach to accessing the edit buffer. This could be added to eclipse, but so far nobody has bothered.
Perhaps you will?

What makes emacs a good editor? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
Am planning on learning how to use this editor since i was told that this was the "hacker's editor".
So what is so nice about emacs?
It can be customized using the language of the 'gods', and can do everything except wash your socks and make coffee - wait? coffee? Mmmm.
The ability to record and playback edits, macros, is my favorite feature. I haven't seen another editor that supports this as well, so I find myself switching back to emacs regularly even when I'm working in Eclipse, etc.
The coolness comes from the fact that every keyboard shortcut, every menu item, every ad-hoc expression/function evaluation is recorded. Throw in navigation at the syntax level (e.g. "forward one expression"), and recorded macros wind up being able to deal with a wide variety of variation of input data.
Then you can save the recorded macro to your config file with a name so that you'll always have it.
Honorable mention to (a) registers for having a copy/paste buffer for each key, and (b) much easier to extend than other editors once you grok some elisp.
The fact that once you've been using it for a while, you can do pretty well anything you'd like to do with just a few keystrokes.
The fact that it's probably the most configurable bit of software on the planet.
The fact that it's been around for ~30 years, so there are an awful lot of useful tools built for it (major modes, handy little functions etc).
Emacs takes GDB to the next level.. No other software integrates as well with GDB....
It's super configurable (for example, when I press F5 my emacs parses my Makefile, figures out what executable it creates, splits the window and runs gdb against it)...
I've been casual Emacs (GNU) user for many years. Never become super proficient but it is definitely my choice for Notepad-like app. Works flawlessly on all platforms (*nix, Win, Mac), works in a console and as UI.
Learning curve is a little steep but it totally worth it. Eclipse (which is IDE I'm most frequently using) supports Emacs-like editing mode. Search-replace is mad and very convenient.
Now - if you are a hacker - Emacs is just heavenly. There's always a plugin for practically anything and there are many-many people who don't use anything else.
And then there's LISP.
So - I say do it! It's no doubt very valuable skill to have