problems to get the full DATE info from Oracle DB (dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm/ss) - jpa

I have a column in a table in which we are storing date in DATETIME format. (DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS) - Database Oracle 11g.
Data Type of a column is DATE, and storing date in 01-01-2012 01:00 PM (i.e. jan 1, 2012) format.
#Column(name = "dateColumnName")
private Date sampleDate;
I am fetching all data by passing date
SAMPLE_QUERY = "select * from TableA tab where tab.dateWithTime = :sampleDate order by tab.dateWithTime ASC "
singleDate is "Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 IST 2012" , fasttime :
The problem is I am passing only date in the query, though Date through which records are being fetched is in DATE TIME format i.e 01-01-2012 01:00 PM.
How can i change my query so that it fetches all the records in ascending order of DateTime.

If you want to fetch all times for that day, then change your query to be more like
SELECT ... WHERE dateField >= :lowerParam AND dateField < :upperParam

Oracle has no DATE TIME datatype. The DATE datatype contains both a date and a time component, down to the second. TIMESTAMPS get a bit more complicated.
If your dateWithTime column is indeed a DATE datatype, the ORDER BY dateWithTime ASC clause should order your results in ascending order.
You may not be displaying the time component of your date. You can convert a date to a string in that format with TO_CHAR( dateWithTime, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24/mm/ss' ) or whatever format you want.
Oh, do you mean you want to find the cases where the date component of the DATE matches, but you don't care about the time component? That can be handled in the where clause with something like:
WHERE TRUNC( tab.dateWithTime ) = TRUNC( :sampledate )
TRUNC by default truncates a date to the beginning of the day.


How to run the postgres query with date as input on the column with timestamp in long format

I want to query postgres database table which has the column with timestamp in long milliseconds. But I have the time in date format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ" like this. How can I convert this date format to long milliseconds to run the query?
You can either convert your long value to a proper timestamp:
select *
from the_table
where to_timestamp(the_millisecond_column / 1000) = timestamp '2020-10-05 07:42'
Or extract the seconds from the timestamp value :
select *
from the_table
where the_millisecond_column = extract(epoch from timestamp '2020-10-05 07:42') * 1000
The better solution is however to convert that column to a proper timestamp column to avoid the constant conversion between (milliseconds) and proper timestamp values

Convert DATE to UTCTicks for sql query date input

I have created ssrs report where user can input date start and end parameter in this format yyyy-mm-dd as they are not aware of UTC Ticks. but the query that runs in the back to pull data requires UTC ticks to be inputted . Here is query and how can i modify this query to input so converts user input date into UTC ticks before it runs?
With all due respect to HABO as shown in Convert DATE to UTCTicks for sql query
declare #TicksPerDay as BigInt = 24 * 60 * 60 * Cast( 10000000 as BigInt );
select DateDiff( day, '00010101', '2020-03-02' ) * #TicksPerDay as TodayInUTCTicks;

Comparing date values for two columns

I have a column called PairDt, a string that contains a date value in the last 5 characters. I want to compare that date value with the date value in the Day column, which contains dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
PairDt Day
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42606 2016-08-24
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42607 2016-08-25
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42608 2016-08-26
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42609 2016-08-27
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42610 2016-08-28
How do I convert Day to a value?
I'm trying to isolate Date values in PairDt that does not match the date value in Days
This 5 digit number at the end of PairDt looks like number of days since December 30th 1899. To convert this number to date use DATEADD to add as many days. To convert a date to number, use DATEDIFF to calculate the number of days. Something like this code:
declare #PairDt varchar(50) = 'DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42606', #Day date = '2016-08-24'
select DATEADD(d, cast(right(#PairDt, 5) as int), '1899-12-30'), DATEDIFF(day, '1899-12-30', #Day)

Bulk insert with variable date field for non existing dates?

Stu_id int
Att_Id int
Att_Date datetime
Att_Num numeric(15,5)
This table basically contains attendence records. I am trying to find the logic to enter the rows for missing dates from 1 Jan 2012 till today.
Assume there is a single attendence record for this period row (1,1,'2012-05-06',1.20000). Then I would like to insert rows for each day from 1 Jan 2012 till today except the existing date with the same values for all the fields except the date field which should be the actual date.
I am trying to bulk insert all the rows but don't know how would I adjust the date field
and check for the existing date.
Try a stored procedure which loops through the dates.
Or better yet, make a dates table and select from that. This will be much faster. Something like:
INSERT INTO Attendence (Stu_id, Att_Id, Att_Date, Att_Num)
SELECT a.Stu_id, a.Att_Id, d.TheDate, a.Att_Num
FROM Attendence a
INNER JOIN Dates d ON d.TheDate BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND GETDATE()
AND d.TheDate <> a.Att_Date
I would use the DateDiff function to figure out the amount of days inbetween the date in the function and the date in question. Make a DateTime variable and give it the value of 1 Jan 2012. Then set up a while loop that loops the amount of days from the DateDiff function.
In psuedo, the while loop would look something like this.
#DaysTill = DateDiff(days, 1/1/2012, #SomeDate)
While #DaysTill>0
##Check = Select Count(Att_Date) From Attendance where AttDate = DateAdd(days, #DaysTill, Jan 1st 2012)
IF ##Check = 0 THEN Insert Into Attendance VALUES #Stu, #Id, DateAdd(days, #DaysTill, Jan 1st 2012), #numeric
#DaysTill = #DaysTill - 1
The main things are understanding DateAdd and DateDiff. After that everything becomes relatively simple.

sqlite date comparison

I have column of type date time and values are getting stored in format 10-29-2011 08:25.
I would like to find out the rows only which are less then current date-time. What will be the condition for date comparison for current date and this date-time column field?
you could use the datetime function
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mydate > datetime('now')
you can even make date operations
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mydate > datetime('now','-15 days')