Postgres user create database - postgresql

I am unable to create databases using my postgres client with the user I log in as.
I am having trouble figuring out how increase the privileges of my user. I have access to the linux server running postgres and am able to use psql to log on as my user and as the postgres user.
Can someone tell me what commands I should run to allow my user to create databases on my server through the postgres GUI running on a remote host?
Many thanks,

I donĀ“t know of a postgres GUI, but here's how to do it in the psql-console (logged in as the superuser):
=> ALTER USER your_username CREATEDB;
See for more info.


Best Practice of running postgres in Ubuntu?

I just installed postgresql in Ubuntu 18.04 and been going through the official guide. Things I understand:
The installation comes with the default postgres user
We should not create databases with this default user
Instead we should create a different user
The questions I have are:
Why is this so?
Should the new user name I create be same as my ubuntu user $(whoami) ? Or should it be different ?
Should this new user be a superuser ?
When I have to delete or create databases/tables, do I have to log in to this newly created user or the default postgres user?
You should read the documentation, this is no substitute.
It is ok to use the user postgres to create databases.
Ideally there should be no remote connections with user postgres (block it in pg_hba.conf).
Never let an application connect as superuser.
You should create other database users that are not superusers to create objects and work with them.
The name of the database users has no connection to the name of your operating system users.
For maximum safety, create objects with one user and let your application connect with a different user that has the required permissions on the objects.

Fail to connect PostgreSQL DB from my Linux User

I am new to technologies , please do not judge my question too strong :).
I installed in My Ubuntu 18.04 PostgreSQL 10.7. To be able to enter my DB I need to enter the following commands from my terminal. sudo -u postgres psql.
Is there any shortened way where I can connect it from my Ubuntu User account. For example. if I input psql it will open database environment where I can type PostgreSQL commands.
Thank you.
Just execute this command in your terminal :
alias psql='sudo -u postgres psql'
So the next time, you input psql and execute, you will be in database environment.
I see two options:
1) Create alias for this command sudo -u postgres psql .
2) Go to psql and create new superuser and database for it:
You shouldn't be using the superuser account for your normal database work. That is as if you were using root for everything in Linux.
You need to create a regular user with the privileges to create or modify tables in your database. This can be done by granting the user all privileges on the database (which is not the same as making that user a superuser) or make that user the owner of that database.
As documented in the manual psql tries to connect to a database with the name of the current Linux user and with a database user with the name of the current Linux user. So if you want to keep things simple create a user with your regular Linux user's name and an database that is owned by that user:
create user rob password 'somepassword';
create database rob owner = rob;
Assuming your Linux user is rob, then all you need to do is:
and you are connected to a database where you can create and manage tables.
Depending on how you installed Postgres, you might need to adjust pg_hba.conf to allow rob to log in directly.
Again: please do NOT use the superuser account for your normal work.

createdb: permission denied to create database

I'm trying to set up a Heroku environment for python development following instructions on When I run createdb python_getting_started:
I'm first prompted to give in a password: I entered the password of the user "postgres" in Postgres
I get an error message:
createdb database creation failed: ERROR: permission denied to create database
Don't really how to solve this one. The user "postgres" is allowed to create a database. I checked with \du that it is a Superuser and it has Create DB rights. What's going on here? Which user is Windows using to try to create a Postgres DB?
Most PostgreSQL utilities by default use your current OS session login for database connections.
You need to either set environment variable PGUSER to postgres or use createdb -U postgres python_getting_started.
You can read more about createdb parameters here, tho admittedly it does not mention default values.
EDIT: It actually does mention that it uses libpq defaults, and those are:
PostgreSQL user name to connect as. Defaults to be the same as the operating system name of the user running the application.

Can't see my databases in OpenERP

I installed openerp 7 on ubuntu and worked for a while.
When I restarted ubuntu, I opened openerp and tried to login but didn't find the databases I've created before and it took me to the (Database Management) page in order to create a new database as if it were my first time.
I tried to make a duplicate of an existing database as a workaround, but when I wrote the old database name, I got this message:
ProgrammingError: permission denied to copy database "test"
I tried to access postgres using pgadmin and I succeeded and could access all the databases from the pgadmin.
You need to give the access rights on particular database for particular openerp user.
First Create the OpenERP user that will own and run the application
sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/openerp --group openerp
Then Next,
First change to the postgres user so we have the necessary privileges to configure the database.
sudo su - postgres
Now create a new database user. This is so OpenERP has access rights to connect to PostgreSQL and to create and drop databases. Remember what your choice of password is here; you will need it later on:
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerp
Enter password for new role: ********
Enter it again: ********
Finally exit from the postgres user account:
Here is source link

User authorization in DB2

I am using win Vista, and I am trying to backup some Database under DB2.
I am logged in using the Administrator user, and whenever I try to issue the backup command in the "command line processor", I get the following message:
SQL1092N "ADMINISTRATOR" does not have the authority to perform the requested command. SQLSTATE=00000
BTW, I have created a username/password pair (db2admin) while installing the DB2 server.
So, Will this problem will be get solved if I use the db2admin user? And how to connect to the server (local server BTW) using the db2admin user ?
I had this problem recently and this seemed to do the job:
Attach to your [local] node. (the value of your DB2INSTANCE environ variable, mine was 'DB2'):
attach to DB2 user db2admin using mypassword;
If this isn't enough (it didn't seem to be with me), you can also specify the user and password with backup and restore commands:
restore database mydbname user db2admin using mypassword from C:\BACKUPS taken at 20100823132457;
Or manually create the db2admin user with a password on Windows. But I'm not sure if that's the correct option here.