custom uitabbar in monotouch similar to voice memos app - iphone

I am trying to replicate the feature in voice memos app that uses a custom UiTabBar displaying a slider (showing how long and where the the audio currently is) and two buttons (delete and share). I am struggling to find answers as to generate a similar tabbar that can control the content shown in the background. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on how to achieve this with monotouch. Thanks.

To put it simply, what you are seeing in the voice memos app is not a tab bar. It is a custom UIView that is at the bottom of the screen.
Create a custom view to put at the bottom, and give it delegate call backs to your controller that also controls your other content. When a button is pressed have you view call back to the delegate and then the delegate can act on it.You may also want to give your custom view an external property so that you can have your controller update the position of the slider.
Hoep this is of some help to you :)


How to create a small popup in iOS?

I'm looking for the simplest code in order to implement a small popup (NOT a full screen modal popup or alert view). I just need it to display some basic text inside the popup, then exit it when I click away. The popup in the EleMints app is a good example.
UIPopoverController does this, but it's limited to iPad only. If you need this on iPhone, just implement a custom UIView subclass. Then when you want to show your popover, instantiate the subclass and add it to your view, maybe with some animation.
You can use WEPopOver as that is the one you required. For more info, visit this link
You can also use the following refrence link for UIPopOver controller
1) WEPopOver Library
2) Popup Bubbles

Tab Bar with popup buttons iPhone

I want to have this type of bar at the bottom of the application and whenever a button is clicked new buttons should popup, which one of them when clicked should take me to its connected view
You shouldn't use Popup as control, I'll recommend you to use it like a notification as this is not Apple way of showing controls.
Here is a nice link from boctor iDev recipes.
You can find here custom UITabBar as well Notification
I would suggest you not to try customizing UITabbar. This will go against the normal behavior of UITabbar and Apple may reject your app for tampering with normal behavior.
You can try having a UIView with a set of buttons in them and bring the similar functionality as in your image.

iOS Bubble Popup Menu similar to ITunes

Could anyone provide some guidance on how to implement that speech-bubble like popup menu when you click "More" in the IPhone IPod application toolbar?
I think you are looking for UIPopoverController. Popover controllers are just containers for view controllers: write a view controller that does what you want, and you're set. But this is for iPad. If you want this for iPhone, then read on. I have put up some solutions.
You could even explore UIActionSheet but UIPopOverController gives more flexibility.
I believe you are talking about something like this ?
Here are some solutions you could adopt -
Forgot that you wanted this for iPhone, Have a look at the iPhone UIPopoverController implementation: WEPopover
On iPhone you would generally use a UIActionSheet for a stack of buttons like that. It slides up from the bottom, rather than popping up next to the button, but that's the standard behavior on iPhone.
Or you could manually instantiate a UIView using a custom background image or drawing with transparency, add some UIButtons (or other type of custom view) on top, and also somehow handle all touches outside that view.
Note that is is non-standard UI. An actionsheet would be more HIG compliant.

iPhone view with pop up animation?

I'm new to iPhone development, its going OK so far, I've managed to get to grips with the Tab bar, navigation bar and tableviews.
However I want to be able to copy what the settings app does on the device when a user wants to change language.
In Settings, General, International when a user clicks on Language a new screen animates over the previous screen with a navigation bar that has a cancel and done button and a table view showing the languages available for selection.
I cant seem to find how to do this via Google so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of a tutorial or what I should be searching for? Is it type of view or a certain way to animate a view?
This is done via a method available on UIViewController (and thus all of its derivatives as well) called - presentModalViewController:animated:. You simply need to create a new view controller that you want to display and pass it into that.
See the link to the UIViewController docs above for more info and the complementary method - dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: to close the view. The docs have links to example code on how to use them as well.
in iPhone, it's done through modal view controller. Refer this tutorial.

Add an animated top bar to UIWebView

I have a UIWebView controller that loads a web page and I would like to add some kind of a bar at the top of the page with refresh and close buttons.
The bar should hide when the page loaded and should show again if the user taps the top part of the page.
Does anyone know how to approach it? Is there any simple way to do that?
I think I wasn't clear enough with the question, so here are some clarifications:
1. The applications is a standard application that one of the flows opens UIWebView that loads a web page
2. What I'm looking for is a bar that will slide down on top of the web page (loaded in UIWebView) and should help the user overcome a scenario where the web page is not loaded for some reason
3. The bar should hold the back (just close the UIWebView) and refresh (reload UIWebView) operations.
Hope it helped.
I'm working on something like this right now and so far, here's what I've come up with. Some of this may be obvious, but important:
Your address bar should be the left navigationItem.
The search bar is the rign navigationItem.
You should animate a cancel button in/out when beginning/ending editing in the URL box.
Safari Mobile uses the Prompt property of the navigationBar to display webpage titles.
To animate the widths of the search/URL bars, use UIView animation when the bar is selected.
It's pretty simple to add a UIToolbar above the webview with UIBarButtonItems that call the webview's refresh, back, and forward methods. You can also add the webviewdelegate methods to your view controller to detect when the page has finished loading and hide/show the toolbar that way.
If you want the refresh and navigation controls to be displayed as part of the html content of the webview itself, that's a littler tricker, but not impossible. You can use the webview's shouldLoadRequest delegate method to detect that those buttons have been tapped, and then take the appropriate action within your viewcontroller. Hiding and showing the nav bar would have to be handled in javascript.
Unless I'm missing a library/project doing this, I don't think there is a simple way to do this.
I have already coded something similar to Safari mobile address bar, and from memory, it involved using private apis and/or playing with the "not so private but use at your own risks" UIWebView subviews hierarchy...