Can't find maven eclipse builder - eclipse

I am using (STS) springsource tools suite which is eclipse... with maven plugin...
this post:
Invoke "Maven Project Builder" in Eclipse on Run As -> Android Application (or manually)
suggests that there should be a maven builder in my project builders... now I cannot find it in the add menu ...
Any help is appreciated.

Turned out that the problem is that STS uses an old un-maintained version of the maven plugin... The new versions are supposed to have fixed that and moved to new versions...
I didn't try it yet, but that is supposed to solve it.


Spring Starter Project in Eclipse -- Can not use Maven: M2E

Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 with Java JDK 1.7
I installed
Spring IDE plugin version 3.7.3
Pivotal Software Spring Tool Suite(STS 3.7.3)
plugins successfully, have no problem with switching to the Spring perspective and my File->new->projects has several spring related selections.
I have been building using maven with no problems. My maven version is 3.3.3. Checking the Help->Installation Details dialog shows eclipse m2e-workspace 0.3.1
When accessing the Eclipse Marketplace, the dialog shows Maven Integration for Eclipse(Luna and newer) 1.5 and the update button is greyed out and there is an uninstall button, so I have that installed.
When selecting Spring Starter Project, I get the creation dialog box with an error message at the top reading --
Can not import using Maven because Can not use Maven: M2E (Eclipse
Maven Tooling) is not installed
I have also lost my maven sub-menu when I right click on pom.xml. Its no longer there.
Any ideas on a solution before I start removing things/changing things and possibly making things worse? Explanations also welcome.
When installing the Spring IDE plugin into Eclipse that already has the maven plugin installed results in a serious conflict as Spring IDE also installs maven. It may be resolvable, but I was unable to find a solution.
I did uninstall the Spring IDE, but the problem was not cleared on Eclipse restart. I deleted the corrupted eclipse installation, while keep its workspace intact.
I finally installed STS w/eclipse and pointed it at my previous workspace.
I had the same issue and I have no idea of how to fix that.
To turnaround the this problem, I downloaded the Spring Tool Suiteā„¢ by the url:
This Suite have all the tools to build any Spring project that you'll want.
Hope this work for you.

everything related to maven is missing from eclipse

For some reason everything related to maven has disappeared from my eclipse kepler installation. I can't update the project or build it, I can't start a new maven project and there is no trace of any maven related menu.
Any idea how to solve it?
Try in the Eclipse MarketPlace to see if the Maven Integration for Eclipse is installed. If not, maybe you can install it. If it is installed, I can not help you, but my recomendation would be to get a new Eclipse from their web.

I need to get maven folder while creating project

I have downloaded maven 3.x successfully but when I am opening eclipse ide File > New > Project and need to select maven project then I am not able to view the maven folder itself .I dont know whether I need m2e plugin or what as I am new to this .Please guide me on this.
Open Help - Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse and then enter m2e or maven plugin. It depends on your eclipse version, what to install.
But there are also a lot of eclipse bundles, which already include the maven plugin like the Java EE version.

Maven Category does not appear in Netbeans

I am going to start with GeoTools. Maven in installed correctly as cmd prompt says the version 3.0.4. But in Netbeans 6.5, Maven Category does not appear to create a new project. What should I go through now?
Please follow the link i is given correct explanation about NetBeans IDE and Maven Repositories
Maven Repositories in NetBean IDE
If your system has enough resource, consider upgrading Netbeans to latest version 7.2. It has inbuilt maven plugin or the blow link may help you.
How-to: Install Maven For Netbeans 6.5.x

Installation of maven eclipse plugin doesn't finish

Hello I'm trying to install maven plugin with eclipse and I have a following problem, more in picture below :
So my question is, is this supposed to take this long or I did something wrong?
I'm using eclipse galileo , I went to the window-> install new software -> typed in website and name maven
Pressed next then finish, did I do something wrong, or is there another way to get maven working with eclipse? I need it for my project . thank you
First, update site url you pasted is url for stable version builds. According this document stable version of m2eclipse works with Eclipse 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4.
To work with Galileo version (Eclipse 3.5) try update from stable development builds site. I work with this version and I'm happy with it. It has a lot more features than stable one.
You could use maven-eclipse-plugin instead of m2eclipse.
With maven-eclipse-plugin you just add some configuration to pom.xml, execute mvn eclipse:eclipse and refresh project in Eclipse and you are done.
You will lose UI to handle dependencies etc. directly from IDE (that would be provided by m2eclipse) but I have not seen much benefit from that. You can manually edit pom.xml just fine.