coin toss smooth transition - iphone

I am trying to make an app similar to this one.
What I can't get for the life of me is how is this app able to make the coin rotate fast initially and then slow down and then show the heads/tails.
I have already sudo coded my app to work. What I got are two images for a quater,
I am able to generate a random number
make a flip using CATransition animation with KCaMedaTimingFunctionLinear
Tranistion my uiimage background to heads/tails till I reach my random number
What I can't figure out is how does this app make it look soo real? They must be using multiple images (inbetween rotation). My coin rotation just looks clumbsy. Any ideas?

Yes, you I assume are trying to use UIImage view or something like that to create this effect. You will not be able to do this without a huge amount of work.
In the Coin Toss app they are using OpenGL to render the coin. They have create a 3D model of a coin and then mapped textures to it. Then just rotated the model in 3D space using OpenGL.
If you want something similar with the same performance you will also need to use this!
I know having to go through and learn something new for things like this is a pain, but OpenGL is really powerful. Here is a link to a really good uxorial that I used to get started:
Is well worth going through this before you use OpenGL in a project!
Hope this helps :)


What approach should I use to create animated backgrounds in Unity?

I'm new to Unity and trying to figure out the best way to create animated backgrounds. To be clear, I'm not asking you to give me an exact solution or instructions, and I would be grateful if you just tell me which direction to look in, and I will figure it out by reading the documentation.
I'm interested in how animated backgrounds are created in 2D Unity (for example, as here: flying leaves are visible on the background). I only thought of using particles or just creating standard animations in Unity. But, the second way seems too long and complex, and about the particles, I'm not sure how much it affects the performance in a mobile game. Google searches mostly give instructions on how to create parallax backgrounds or moving backgrounds in Unity.
In general, I will be grateful if you tell me which approach is the most optimal for creating an animated background in a mobile 2D game in Unity.
The particles system is well optimized, for what you want to do it will not affects the performance, even on mobile.

Sprites for iOS devices

I'm trying to do a little research for my next game that I'm planning to make and just wondering if anyone could give me a little direction.
I'd like to use sprites to show animation, characters walking and such so my question is this. What game engine handles sprites the best?
And how many sprites can be shown per second? Say i had a character walking and wanted it to look pretty fluid, might i be able to get 60fps? or is that way way to high?
Last question.. sorry! If a sprite has more colors and complexity, but is the same file size as something simpler would it take more processing power to display the complex one?
I would highly recommend cocos2d for sprite animations. It's very easy to pick up if you already know objective-c. And it's great for working with sprites. The animations are very fluid and when your testing your applications in an iOS simulator, it tells you the frames per second in the bottom left hand corner. The frames per second usually runs at about 60. And regarding the sprite file size, I believe if the file size is the same between two sprites then they require the same amount of processing power.
A good engine to use for it's simplicity is the Sparrow engine for sprites, sound and other things. There is no reason you can't get 60fps. As for your last question, it wouldn't make a difference.

run two animations at the same time iphone

I know the basics about iPhone sdk. I am building an app which is basically like a power point presentation; therefore, I know how to create basic animations such as moving an image from point a to point b etc. I will like to create animations that go more in like a circular path. I was thinking that if I created an animation dealing with the x component of an object an another animation dealing with the y component of the same object I could create an animation that moves more like a parabola if both animations are run at the same time. So in short I am just trying to improve my animations and I just know the basics of objective-c. I am looking forward to read tutorials that you recommend. Also a simple example moving something in a non-linear path will be helpful.
You may want to grab one of the available game engines to create your presentation-ware. They usually have some built in support for parabolic motion.

scattering effect

I went through all my resources but I am not getting the scattering effect of an image smoothly. However, I am able to zoom it and I had scattered it but it is not as smooth as I want. I just want to click on a button and it should zoom and the other image should get scatter
I want the image to be scattered as the link given below is it possible in iPhone?
this is hell lot of graphics. If you intend to achieve this with iPhone sdk, start learning details about CALayer and then try to manipulate the movements of different objects. Which will require lot of coding logic.
My suggestion would be going for Cocos2D and try with the different classes and api's present there. In Cocos2D you can create an image which will act as an actual physical object and you can apply all laws of physics to it. Say if you create a ball, and you push it, the ball will go in the direction of the push and bounce back if it gets hit by any other physical object and you don't require to do any coding for this. Cocos2D takes care of all these things.
Try it.

how to deform image?

Hi Friends
I Want to make a simple gaming Application in which the user hit the car and car breaks from that point means the image get little deformed when the user hit the car image. I know everything could be possible with using of lots of images and get change when user hit that car image but i don't want to use so many images.
is there any solution for this , how can i deform the image ..sorry for my English but , here i paste a link of the game that is on flash and this is what i exactly want..
please respond soon
You don't say if this is in 2D or 3D, or what techniques you're going to use.
If you're implementing the game using OpenGL, it's fairly straightforward. The object can be made up of a regular mesh, with the image as a texture mapped to the mesh. When the user hits the object, you just deform the mesh.
A simple method would be to take a vector in the direction of the hit, displace the nearest vertex by an amount proportional to the force of the strike, and then fan out in to deform the rest of the mesh in decreasing amounts. By deforming the mesh, the image texture will be rendered with all the dents or deformations you like.
If you want to to this without OpenGL and just straight images, you could use image resampling to simulate the effect. You have your original pristine image which is 'filtered' to make up the resulting image. At first there are no deformations so you copy the original image verbatim. Each time the user hits the object, you can add a deformation using a filter or transform within a local region of interest. This function would resample the source image in a distorted manner, causing it to look like the object is damaged.
If you look up some good books on game development, you'll find a great range of approaches to object collisions, deformations and so on.
If you know a bit about image processing technics here is the documentation for accessing the pixels of the image :
Apple Reference
You also have libraries for this such as this one :
But for what you want to do this might not be the easiest way. What I would suggest is that you divide the car into several images depending on what areas can be impacted. Then you just change the image corresponding to the damaged zone each time the car is hit.
I think you should use the cocos2d effects + multiple images. Because there are many parts which drops after the player kick the car. Like when user kick the side mirror you should change the car image with without side mirror car image.
The person that has made that flash game used around 4 images to display the car. If you want the game to be in 2d, the easiest way is to draw the car, cut it into about 4 pieces (: left side + right side (duplicate of the left side) hood and roof).
If you want to "really" deform the car you'll have to use a 3d engine like openGLES.
Id really suggest doing it in 2d :)
I suggest having a look at the cocos2d game engine. You can modify images with effects, which are applied using a virtual grid. Have a look at the effects page in their programming guide.