how to add haru library to Xcode 4.1 project - iphone

i recently find haro library for pdf generation and i get a iPhonepdf sample from, the sample works fine but actually i could nt use the library in my project, i do step by step as said, but finally i got error :
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
is there anyone to use it before to help ...
thanks in advance

Do you only want to use haru library?? If it is not really needed.. then below link is really good for generating any type of PDFs. Also manipulating functions inside this link is really easy.. And integrations is also too easy without any additional framework and also fast.... Please follow the link


OpenCV and iOS - Getting started

I am new to iOS development and apologies for a basic question. I am trying to convert an image to grayscaled and threshold it using openCV in iOS. So far, I have imported and setup the framework on xcode. What I am trying to do now is to implement the following features:
at 0:24 and 0:53
I tried to follow the tutorial which points to the above youtube video :
and wasn't sure where to paste the above code and in which file?
Many thanks.
Kind Regards.
These are helper methods and best written in a separate file. Quite simply,
Put all that image manipulation code in say and create a header file for the same
Create a nice little category for UIImage.
which can call these methods in turn to create any image manipulation you might want.
Easy does it. And yeah, read up a bit more on using C++ in objectiveC, if you get into trouble and also about categories. They are some of the niftier features of objectivec
I achieved the same,using the help of this awesome link
Let me know if you need any further help.
Edit :
Check this out ImageFiltering

How to add one project to another(Xcode)

I wright english very bad,but I hope you'l try to help me)
There is a problem: have one project that contains another 2 projects(that contains classes I using in main project),when try to compile-there are many fails,because main project couldn't find classes from that projects. I tried to add them from build phases->link binary with files-but it doesn't help me(
Help me please with this problem!Thank you!
In Xcode 4, this is done through Workspaces. This is a fairly big topic, so I will just link you to Apple's high-level document and a blog post that walks through the process of setting one up.
Apple doc:
Good luck!
Try adding them as Target Dependencies instead.

How can I embed the OpenEars framework in my application?

How can I embed the OpenEars framework in my application?
When I download the sample project form this website it gives me 20 errors and (gcc- exit code 1 error)
If you have any tutorials for this project then please share it with me.
Without any description of what the errors are it's impossible to say what the issue is, but if you look at the first tutorial page for OpenEars here (this is what Jano is referring to):
And read onwards from the line "If (and only if) you get multiple build errors, you may have to take one more step of assigning the base SDK for the library and sample app" and follow the instructions and images there step by step, there is a good chance it will help with your problem. I agree with Jano that you should systematically go through the steps in the tutorial starting on the page I've linked and make sure you have downloaded the libraries and run the configuration script just as it says.
Jano, that is odd with the codesigning, I'll look into it.

How to use omnigroup framework in an iOS project?

I need to be able to write and read from a rtf file in iOS.
The omnigroup framework has the 2 classes i am looking for :
I managed to build the frameworks but i cant figure out how to integrate theses classes in my own project.
I had the following frameworks to my project :
I still get some undefined identifier such as :
Has anybody been able to use the omnigroup framework in your own project ?
We do need some better documentation for this, but the TextEditor example app in OmniUI/iPad/Examples/TextEditor may be a good starting point for seeing how we include the frameworks in our apps.
In this particular case, you may prefer to pull out the OUIRTFReader class and any dependencies it needs from OmniAppKit and OmniFoundation into your project. updating the #imports to be "..." instead of <OmniThis/AndOmniThat.h>.
Perhaps you could try following the instructions given as part of this thread on the Omni Group forums. They appear to have been able to build the framework under the iOS 4.2 SDK.
I don't think you want the OmniAppKit framework, as that is just for the Mac.

Using Three20 Library

I'm a baby iOS developer.
I really need help.
I want to use three20 library in my project and I add this library correctly.
but when I want to used it, I got a error.
for example when I write this line on top of my classes :
"#import "Three20/Three20.h"
I got this error:
Three20/Three20.h:No such file or directory
What hell is it? What can I do? I really need help as soon as possible.
I solve my problem :).
Thanks to this site: