Localization online for description (iTunes Connect) - iphone

I have some descriptions in different languages I need in App Store. The app does not need translation.
How do I do this in iTunes Connect when adding a new app?
I've been looking around for an hour but everything is about strings in Xcode?

When you get to the Metadata and Uploads part you can choose different languages for your description. It's confusing beucase you have to start getting your app ready for upload before you can enter the description.


Apple AppStore app localization

Not sure where to put this.
I have a question about localization of an app. We have created an app that is available in Slovenia an Croatia. The app itself is localized. While Google play enables us to show different texts based on language, the Apple App store does not. The reason is tha both Stores (Slovenian an Croatian) are using English (U.K.).
Is it possible to set different texts and screenshots for different territories?
App Store pages are managed via iTunes Connect. The current list of possible translations of your app's description, metadata and screenshots are: (All other "stores" show the Default language; there is no way to localize the App Store page for them)
Are you asking how to set the test in the app for each region or for the app store?
I would try creating localized string folders set for the English language and the countries of Slovenia and Croatia. I would try the following folder names
en_SI.lproj for Slovenia
en_HR.lproj for Croatia
With those folders, you can put your Localized.strings file for each region.
For the App store, you may be limited. The App Store supports fewer languages and regions than the apps do.

How do iOS processes get their name?

Is there a default way iOS names
Them? I'm trying to find some sort of pattern to link them to an app name/bundleID so I can retrieve that apps information from the App Store search API. From what I've seen many apps process names are simply their name (eg Dropbox, Skype) but I figure someone has a better idea
In the Info.plist of the App, the relevant key-pair name is CFBundleExecutable.
The default value is set to the Xcode project name (naturally, eg "Dropbox", "Skype", etc). Look at any app's Info.plist via Xcode or by opening up a packaged app.
Documentation for ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Reference/XcodeBuildSettingRef/1-Build_Setting_Reference/build_setting_ref.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003931-CH3-SW71
Source: I built iHasApp, an app-detection framework, so I spent a lot of time looking into what you're interesting in doing.

Can you partially translate your iOS app on the App Store?

I am interested in translating my app, but it is expensive. Is it possible to partially translate your app and then put that up on the app store? iTunes Connect asks you which languages your app is available in when you upload it. So I have two questions about how it works:
If you do not select "French," for example, then it will not say on the app store that your app is available in French. However, if you have some French strings files in your app, will it still work even though your app is not listed as being available in French on the App Store?
Also, the only way to get a translated app description on the app store is to select that the app is available in that language. If you say on the app store that your app is available in French, for example, but it is only partially translated and also has a translated app description, then will you get in trouble with the app store submission?
In Xcode you localize your xibs and/or add a Localized.strings file. If Localized.strings is localized to English and French, then iTUnes will, after upload of the binary, show the app as being available in the two languages.
The app store description will be in the language you have inserted in iTunesConnect. You can for example present English text in the French App store. Or you put a French text as the app description for the English speaking AppStores. I am not aware of rejections due to that.

iTunes App Store Language String

I would like to know where is the correct place to put the available languages of an app so they show at the iTunes App Store app description.
Some peeps here at SO say it should be at the binary while others say it is at the iTunes Connect Site.
Any idea?
The answer is probably both of those.
If you localize files in your app within Xcode and populate the InfoPlist.strings files correctly, then assuming the iOS device's system language changes then it will load them when your app is launched. You must also correctly setup your app's localizations within iTunes Connect as well, so that you can upload your description & screenshots (etc) in their localized formats too.
Hope this helps.
If you already uploaded your app to iTunes connect and you just want to show app description/screen shots in other language then follow this steps to add languages.
1. Open iTunes connect
2. Manage your Applications
3. Select your app and Click on View Details Button.
4. Click on Manage Localization button on right top side.
5. Click on Add Languages.
6. You will then redirect to select/fill up all the details for new language.
Hope this help.

Unable to find my app on the app store

Finally, thanks to most of you, I got my first app approved by Apple. The problem is that I'm only able to find it on the app store if I click on the link provided on iTunesConnect.
If I try to search with any of the keywords I inserted in the metadata I don't find my app.
One more thing the link is like this:
does the "/us/" mean that it is only on the american app store. I didn't select any specific country (they are all selected).
You can remove the /US/ from the link. You're just seeing that error because the US store is not your default.
The link works for me and shows your app on itunes.com before launching the iTunes application
Your searches may not work until your app has been propagated to all the various stores. Sometimes that can take a while.
Immediately after going live and having been accepted, there will always be a small amount of time while the app propagates across the Apple servers.
Your link works as koregan stated, and yes the /us/ is the country code. For example, if you replace it with fr then you see the web page in French - if you localized the app then you will see the app information with the text you would have supplied; else you will see it in English.