TeamCity run after deployment - deployment

I make the deployment site with TeamCity. Today there is a need to deploy the WCF service running in a console application. I see it this way: a .ps1 deployment script which stop my service process, copy new files to the service app dir, adding task to scheduller to run the console application on startup, run tasks manualy. But buildAgent user (which make deploy) have to privileges to use scheduller.
Is there simple way to start deployed application under SYSTEM or just another user?

Sure, just use runas.
runas / "c:\folder\yourprogram.exe"
Or lsrunas
Or lsrunase:
Or you could create a service which is starting the program. But this is a more complicated approach.


How do I automatically load powershell profiles with Jenkins pipeline when running Jenkins as a service?

First off, I didn't have this issue until setting up my agent to run as a windows service.
My company has custom cmdlets we have built that are part of the default profile that is loaded when running powershell. I am using Jenkins to execute a batchfile that iterates a command over a series of machines. After settings up Jenkins to be a service, it no longer has access to those cmdlets leading me to believe the profile isn't being loaded. If I load the profile manually by running the profile script, it only seems to work on the first machine.
When setting up Jenkins as a service, I configured it to be the same user that I would manually run these scripts as if I were to login to the computer. I have verified it is using the proper user with $env:UserName.
I am at a loss as to why setting up jenkins as a windows service broke this. I could revert to using the command line to connect to Jenkins, but that doesn't always connect post server maintenance or after a power outage.
Did I configure something wrong or is there a way to load profiles instead of jenkins always running -NoProfile?
Update - I noticed when running $PROFILE it was set to a default profile location that did not exist. It seems when opening powershell manually on the machine it loads the AllUsersCurrentHost profile but this doesn't happen when using powershell from Jenkins when running as a service. I created the file location where it said it was using the profile and copied the default profile there and it works. I am still not sure why the behavior differs, but at least I found a solution.

Windows Services - How can I find the darktable instance in windows services

I accidentally screwed up my darktable configuration, so I reloaded it from scratch. To avoid losing all my recorded changes I have done to my pictures, I wrote a powershell backup script for the darktable database. I want to launch this script from the windows task scheduler when ever I launch darktable. I have found the event id which indicates in the security log of a new process has occurred which I should be able to use to automatically launch my backup script from task scheduler. I want to add code to the script to check the services to see if darktable is actually running and only perform the backup if it is. Anyone know how I can identify this?

How can I run automatically a console app as administrator after code deploy from aws cloudformation services

I have written a PowerShell script that starts a c# console app. The functionality of this console app will only work if it runs as administrator.
After code deploy by AWS code pipeline/code deploy service, I want to automatically run this c# console app with administrative privilege.
Is there any approach to do this.
You can create a scheduled task that runs your ps1 script on demand with administrative privileges. Then you can create shortcut or start the task from console or another script. Since user credentials are stored in task itself, it will work without UAC prompt.

Jenkins windows slave service does not interact with desktop

I have followed this guide to install a jenkins slave on windows 8 as a service:
I need to run a job that interact with the desktop (run an application that opens a browser etc.). So after I have installed the slave as a service (running jnlp downloaded from the master) I have changed the service "Log on" to "Allow to interact with display".
For some reason its only possible to enable this for the "Local System account" even though its recommended to run the service as a specified user, eg. jenkins.
But nothing happens when I execute the job, the browser is not opened. If I instead stop the service and just launch the slave through the jnlp file the job runs fine - the browser is opened.
Anybody had any luck interacting with the desktop when running a jenkins windows slave as a service?
Services run since Vista in Session 0 and the first user is now in Session 1. So you can't interact any longer. This is called Session 0 Isolation.
Microsoft explains this here and here. You have to use 2nd Program which uses IPC to communicate to the Service.
I had lots of issues running Jenkins in Windows using the service.
Instead I now disable the service and run it from CMD.
So open CMD.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
java -Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar
jenkins.war --httpPort=9091
To resolve it, first create Windows auto-logon as I explain here:
Then create a startup batch for Jenkins agent (place it in Jenkins directory). This will launch agent console on desktop, and should allow Jenkins to interact with Windows GUI:
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/computer/{Your Jenkins Node}/slave-agent.jnlp
(slave.jar can be download from http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar)
If you're getting black screenshots (when using Selenium or Sikuli, for example), create a batch file that disconnects Remote Desktop, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
Consider running the Java slave server directly at startup and then using something to monitor and restart should the server go down (e.g., Kiwi Restarter).
Please check the services (# TestNode) make sure the "Interactive Services Detection" service is STARTED, by default the startup type is set to Manual, you may like to set it to automatic as well.
After service started, when you run your test in the Test Node, you will see something like the below:
Click on it and choose view the message
You will see the activities happen there. Hope this helps :D
Note: If login with other account and cannot view the Interative Services Detection prompt, restart the service again.
My Jenkins Service runs as user "jenkins" and all I did was to create Desktop folders in: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\desktop and if 64 bit Windows also in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\desktop - then it runs perfectly.
Make sure that Desktop folders are created as such:
Presence of those can sometimes be mandatory while running some Java software as a Service.

Interactive service Logged in as user

So we are trying to setup a Continuous Integration server at my company. What we need to do is svn update the working copy on the server, then build it, start the site using IIS express and then run Watin/Specflow tests on it. I'm using rake inside of CCNet to automate all of this. We are running CCNet as a service and logging in as a build agent because svn uses our domain login credentials in order to authenticate. I've been unable to call the command line "svn update --username user --password pass" because of this. Yet Watin needs to be run in an interactive mode, and the service won't let me . I'm able to get it to work if we manually log on to the server and run ccnet as command line. Unfortunately the Build Agent also logs out of that user account, closing any command lines with it (I don't know why they need it to do this but they do). So is it possible to run a service in interactive mode if its signed in as a user?
If you have access to two servers you can build (can also work from computer to server)
Automated remote desktop - in windows form
see this post
from one server to log into the server you need to run the Watin tests on and in the scheduled task, have the tests to come on after the log in has happened. This then gives the impression that the service is interacting with the desktop.
If you need any more information let me know