I need to develop a pretty complicated Flash site based on the Facebook API, and if there's a way I can develop locally rather than having to upload it all the time I would be forever grateful.
I saw a post mentioning setting something to localhost but they never specified what exactly ( is it possible to use facebook API locally? )
Much appreciated.
Encapsulation is your friend in this case. When I use external / 3rd party APIs, I like to make a wrapper class of my own for the data. Let's say you only care about 'fbID' and 'userName'. Make a class of your own to hold this data once it is retrieved (private vars with getters, and 1 or more setters). Some skeleton code:
class MyUserClass{
//declare vars here (_fbID, _userName)
public function setData(userID:String, userName:String):void{
//set the values here.
//getters here (get fbID, get userName)
You can use 2 setter functions if you want to, but the point is that you will be able to call them with any data you want. When your entire application fetches this info from your class, and not the api directly you can work offline. When in offline mode, you can plug in some compatible 'fake' data to see it work.
Now you need to take this to the next level by making a wrapper type for every call you make to facebook. What I mean by this is that since you know what to expect from fb, you can pretend you actually got it, and proceed from there. Asking for a list of friend IDs? make a fake list that is reasonable, and have your application use it. Better still, generate as many fake offline users as you want, and make your server calls delay a random 'lag' time before returning the fake data to the event listener. This will also help test against possible race conditions.
One way to do this is by creating and extending a class to execute the api calls. Enjoy.
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
class MyApiCaller extends EventDispatcher{
//set up vars to hold call result data
protected var _someData:String;
//make sure to declare some event types for the callbacks
public static const SERVERCALL1_COMPLETE:String = "servercall1_complete";
function MyApiCaller(){
//init things....
public function doServerCall1(...args:*):void {
//create the ulrLoader etc...
//set up event listener to onServerCall1Complete
public function onServerCall1Complete(event:Event):void {
//parse results, save to vars
//fire event to notify the caller
dispatchEvent(new Event(SERVERCALL1_COMPLETE));
//getter to be used when the waiting object gets the SERVERCALL1_COMPLETE event
public function get someData():String {return _someData;}
class MyFakeApiCaller extends MyApiCaller{
//set up any additional types (random user data etc..) that would not be found in the base class
//no need to redeclare the event types
function MyFakeApiCaller(){
//init things....
override public function doServerCall1(...args:*):void {
//wait a random amount of time via Timer, set up event listener to onServerCall1Complete
override public function onServerCall1Complete(event:Event):void {
//event is a TimerEvent in this case
//generate data / choose random data
//save to vars: _someData = ...
//fire event to notify the caller
dispatchEvent(new Event(MyApiCaller.SERVERCALL1_COMPLETE));
//getter from base class will be used as usual
https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk plus http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html I believe is your best bet.
Is there any way in Kentico to have a user submit a form and then email the response but not actually save the answer to the related table?
As mentioned the emails from Kentico rely on the record being written to the DB before they trigger. Furthermore (unless I'm just unlucky) the only values you have access to are those stored in the table. I had thought that maybe you could mark the offending fields as Field without database representation, but sadly, the fields you may want will all be null - so best not to go down that route.
I took a slightly different approach to #trevor-j-fayas in that I used the BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before event so that there is no trace of any log. It's a short hop from there to make use of an email template to make things look good. So my code looked as follows:
using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.EmailEngine;
using System;
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(FormGlobalEvents))]
public class FormGlobalEvents : Module
public FormGlobalEvents() : base("FormGlobalEvents")
protected override void OnInit()
CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before += Insert_Before;
private void Insert_Before(object sender, CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEventArgs e)
var email = new EmailMessage();
email.From = e.Item.GetStringValue("ContactEmail", "null#foo.com");
email.Recipients = "no-reply#foo.com";
email.Subject = "Test from event handler (before save)";
email.PlainTextBody = "test" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
To me, it seems cleaner to not insert the record in the first place than delete it, but obviously that autoresponder etc. will only kick in automatically if you do save the record, so the choice is yours and ultimately depends on your preference.
Well, there's a couple different options, but the easiest is to simply delete the record after it's inserted. Use the Global Event Hooks to capture the BizFormItemEvent insert after, if it's your form, then delete it. Below is for Kentico 10:
using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.Forums;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(CustomLoaderModule))]
public class CustomLoaderModule : Module
// Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomForums"
public CustomLoaderModule()
: base("CustomLoaderModule")
// Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
protected override void OnInit()
CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEvents.Insert.After += BizFormItem_Insert_After;
private void BizFormItem_Insert_After(object sender, CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEventArgs e)
case "YourFormNameHere":
The other option would be to clone and modify the Online Form Web part to take the information, manually call the email and cancel the insert, but that's a lot of work when this is quicker.
Yes and no. The record is stored before the email notifications and autoresponders are sent out. Your best bet for this is to create a custom global event handler for the form submission(s) using the BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before. This will call the event before the actual record is stored in the database. You can then cancel out of the event (which will not store the record) and send your email manually.
Handling global events
BizFormItemEvents Events
I want a custom attribute to be fired automatically without writing that on the web api method.
What is the way I can achieve that?
Let us say for example you have an action filter attribute
public class MyApiActionFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute {
With that you can assign it to the class or action depending on how you want it to be used
public class MyApiController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult MyAction() {
return Ok();
This applies to this action only.
But, if you wanted it to be applied on all actions (globally) within the web API, you would need to add it to the configuration.
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new MyApiActionFilterAttribute ());
This is normally done at startup web configuring the web API.
Note that in doing the above, the filter will be applied to all requests.
I'm a C# developer but I read nearly every tutorial about cqrs out there, doesn't matter if the language was Java, because I want to learn the structure and base of cqrs.
But now I think, the fact that I read so much tutorials is the problem because there are differences in the tutorials and now I'm confused and don't know which technique I have to use.
Two main questions are running wild in my head and maybe some of you can bring some clarity in there.
On the command side, where should I place the logic to call my ORM for example?
Some tutorials do that in the command handler (what is more logic to me) and some do it in the event handlers which will be fired by the command handler which in that case do only validation logic.
For the event store and to undo thinks, which data do I have to save into the db, some tutorials save the aggregate and some save the event model.
I hope that someone can explain me what pattern to use and why, maybe both in different scenarios, I don't know.
An practical example would be great. (Only pseudo code)
Maybe a User registration, RegisterTheUser command:
Things to do:
Check if the username is already in use
Add user to db
Send confirmation mail (In command or in the UserIsRegistered event?)
Fire event ConfirmationMailSended or only UserIsRegistered event?
Kind regards
Here is my current implementation (Simple)
public class RegisterTheUser : ICommand
public String Login { get; set; }
public String Password { get; set; }
public class RegisterTheUserHandler : IHandleCommand<RegisterTheUser, AccountAggregate>
public void Handle(AccountAggregate agg, RegisterTheUser command)
if (agg.IsLoginAlreadyInUse(command.Login))
throw new LoginIsAlreadyInUse();
CommandBus.Execute<SendMail>(x => { });
EventBus.Raise<UserIsRegistred>(x => { x.Id = agg.UserAccount.Id; });
public class UserIsRegistred : IEvent
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public class AccountAggregate : AggregateBase
public AccountAggregate(IUnitOfWork uow)
UnitOfWork = uow;
private IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; set; }
public UserAccount UserAccount { get; set; }
public void AddUserAccount(RegisterTheUser command)
UserAccount = new UserAccount
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
IsAdmin = false,
Login = command.Login,
Password = Crypto.Sha512Encrypt(command.Password)
public Boolean IsLoginAlreadyInUse(String login)
var result = UnitOfWork.UserAccountRepository.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Login == login);
return (result != null);
So a number of questions, but I'll take a stab at answering.
On the command side, where should I place the logic to call my ORM for
Having this logic either in the command handler or in your event handler, to me, really depends on the type of system you're building. If you have a fairly simple system, you can probably have your persistence logic in your event handlers, which receive events raised by your domain. The thinking here is that your commands handled by the command handler will already have the information needed and your command handler ends up being not much more than a router. If you need more complexity in your command handler, such as dealing with sagas, long running transactions, or some additional layer of validation, then your command handler will use your persistence layer here to pull out data (and perhaps write data) and then route the command to the proper domain or issue more commands or raise events. So I believe it really depends on the level of complexity you're dealing with.
I tend to favor simplicity over complexity when starting out, and would probably look at having that logic in the event handler to begin with. Move to the command handler if your system is more complex.
For the event store and to undo thinks, which data do I have to save
into the db, some tutorials save the aggregate and some save the event
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, but if you're asking what should be stored in your event store, then I think a simple solution is the aggregate id, the aggregate type, the event with data (serialized) and the event type. Off the top of my head, that's probably the bare bones of what you'd need: based on the aggregate id you're working with, get all the events for that aggregate (in order raised) and then replay them to rebuild the aggregate. I don't think you need to save the aggregate unless there's some compelling reason to (which is always possible).
As for your request for a practical example and the steps you laid out, that's probably a question in and of itself, but my thoughts on that are:
Check if the user name is already in use
Depending on your application, you may want to do this from the read side in your controller (or whichever layer is raising commands) before you issue a command. Validate at that point, but you'd probably want to validate again before persisting it. You could do that in your event handler where it would probably catch an exception because you're violating a unique index in your database.
Add user to DB
Again, my thought is keep it simple and handle it in your event handler, since your domain is raising a UserIsRegistered event.
Send confirmation email
Your domain could raise the UserIsRegistered event and a second event handler (EmailHandler) would also subscribe to that event and send out the email.
ConfirmationMailSent event could be raised by the event handler, added to the event queue and handled accordingly. I guess I'm not sure what you want to happen here.
But, hopefully this helps a bit.
I'm a beginner with portlets, and I don't understand the difference between request.setAttribute and response.setRenderParameter (for an action). Both save an attribute into the request and allow to access to it after. I think specially about transmission between a processAction and the render which is just after the action method.
I know that with setRenderParameter we cannot "stock" a complex object, but if I just want to transfer a String which one should I use?
In which case should we use the setRenderParameter method or the setAttribute method ?
Well, one sets an attribute on a request. The other sets a parameter on the response. They are different objects, obviously.
response.setRenderParameter is of use if you wish to call different render methods based on your action. For example, imagine your action method sends an email, and you want to show the user a different view on success and failure. In this case, you would do something like this in your ActionMapping
response.setRenderParameter("result", "success");
response.setRenderParameter("result", "fail");
And then have two RenderMapping methods:
#RenderMapping(params = "result=success")
public String success(){
#RenderMapping(params = "result=fail")
public String fail(){
My CustomerActivity class happens also to be a presenter in the MVP sense. In response to actions by the user, the following code is called:
context.update(customer).fire(new Receiver<CustomerProxy>() {
public void onSuccess(CustomerProxy response) {
// set the view according to the response
When the above code executes, two things happen:
I receive an updated copy of the Customer, with which I can refresh the state of the view
An EntityProxyChange event is fired
The CustomerActivity listens for EntityProxyChange events because other Activities also make changes to customer records, and I want to keep the CustomerActivity up-to-date.
EntityProxyChange.registerForProxyType(eventBus, CustomerProxy.class,
new EntityProxyChange.Handler<CustomerProxy>() {
public void onProxyChange(EntityProxyChange<CustomerProxy> event) {
// ...but what if it was me that made the change?
Since theupdate method already returns an up-to-date Customer, I don't need to fetch the customer again during processing of the EntityProxyChange; and I don't want to incur the cost of another call to the server if I can avoid it.
I was hoping that the EntityProxyChange class would provide me with the entity's version number, which I could compare with the version of the customer I have cached. No dice.
I suppose I can set some kind of inTheMiddleOfAnUpdateOperation flag, and check it before fetching the customer. Is that what people are doing? The idea makes me gag just a little bit. Can you suggest a better way to write an activity that listens for changes and makes changes to the same entity types?
I'm not sure this would work, but you could try to create another event bus :
final EventBus customerActivityEventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
Initialize a new RequestFactory with this eventBus and use it in the CustomerActivity.
customerActivityRequestFactory = GWT.create(CustomerRequestFactory.class);
CustomerRequest context = customerActivityRequestFactory.customerRequest();
Your CustomerActivity will still listen to change events from the main eventBus but will not see the events it fired.
In your other activities, listen to events either only from the customerActivityEventBus or from both, depending on what you want.
Of course, keep only one main eventBus to use for events that are not from a Request Factory (ie. ActivityManager, PlaceHistoryHandler, etc ..)