I want a custom attribute to be fired automatically without writing that on the web api method - rest

I want a custom attribute to be fired automatically without writing that on the web api method.
What is the way I can achieve that?

Let us say for example you have an action filter attribute
public class MyApiActionFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute {
With that you can assign it to the class or action depending on how you want it to be used
public class MyApiController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult MyAction() {
return Ok();
This applies to this action only.
But, if you wanted it to be applied on all actions (globally) within the web API, you would need to add it to the configuration.
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new MyApiActionFilterAttribute ());
This is normally done at startup web configuring the web API.
Note that in doing the above, the filter will be applied to all requests.


Struts 2 post back default

In the Struts documentation, it says:
Another common workflow stategy is to first render a page using an alternate method, like input and then have it submit back to the default execute method.
How to do it using annotation only? It seems that only the execute() method is called.
In the documentation it's said to render a page can be used an alternate method like input. This means that when you submit a form on the page it can return back with the input result. Usually it happens automatically during validation process if the validation fails or it hasErrors. Then you can submit the form back to the default action's execute method. You don't need to specify a method in the action configuration. Also if you didn't specify the action attribute in the form tag then the same action will execute which was used to render a page.
Configuring actions you can use the same page for success result when rendering a page using GET method and input when POST method is requested.
To use annotations to configure actions mapping you can use a Convention Plugin.
Also note, to map a class method to the action you should put #Action annotation directly on this method rather than on the class.
More detailed explanation and documentation you can find here.
public class ProductAction extends ActionSupport {
public String execute() {
return SUCCESS;
public String search() {
return SUCCESS;
Notice, that the method execute is not mapped, so it will not execute. If you need that method execute you should create mapping to it. For this purpose you could place annotation on class or on method execute.

How can I change the name of the node AEM creates when a component is first dropped on the page?

I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to customize the name of the node AEM creates when I first drop a component on the page.
The cq:Component node where my component is defined is named “knowledge-center-question” and when I drop it, AEM creates a node named “knowledge_center_que” in the page’s node tree using its default naming logic. I would prefer for the node name to be “question” when it is dropped (but I’d rather not rename the component itself).
It seems like this kind of thing must be possible given how customizable everything is in AEM, but I’m struggling to find an answer.
Take a look at :nameHints, which can be send as POST arguments to the SlingPostServlet: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/manipulating-content-the-slingpostservlet-servlets-post.html#algorithm-for-node-name-creation
You need to write a custom Sling post processor. Sling post processor is called after a component dropped in the page. Example code :
#Component(service = SlingPostProcessor.class, immediate = true, name = "com.aem.CustomPostProcessor")
public class CustomPostProcessor implements SlingPostProcessor {
public void process(SlingHttpServletRequest request, List<Modification> modifications) throws Exception {
if (accepts(request)) {
final Resource resource = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(request.getResource().getPath());
// Your logic
protected boolean accepts(SlingHttpServletRequest request) {
return "/my/resource/type".equals(request.getResource().getResourceType());

MVC CORE 2.0.0 run c# code on every page

I need to run some c# code each time any page based on _layout.cshtml is viewed. I don't want to put something in every controller.cs file, just something central like you used to have in ASP.NET's MasterPage.cs
Can't get this
Run a method in each request in MVC, C#?
or this
#Html.Action in Asp.Net Core
to run, not sure if it's because they're not CORE 2.0.0, I just get a lot of compilation errors. All I want to do is be able to run some code like this
public class myClass {
public static bool returnTrue() {
return true;
every time each page is loaded.
You can accomplish this with an action filter
public class GlobalFilter : IActionFilter{
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context) {
//code here runs before the action method executes
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context) {
//code here runs after the action method executes
Then in the Startup.cs file in the ConfigureServices method you wire up the ActionFilter like so:
services.AddScoped<GlobalFilter>(); //add it to IoC container.
services.AddMvc().AddMvcOptions(options => {
options.Filters.AddService(typeof(GlobalFilter)); //Tell MVC about it
Then you can place code in this ActionFilter which can run before every action method and you can place code in it to run after every action method. See code comments.
Through the context parameter you have access to the Controller, Controller Name, Action Descriptor, Action Name, Request object (Including the path) and so on, so there is lots of info available for you to determine which page you want to execute the code for. I'm not aware of a specific property that will tell you if the page is using _layout.cshtml but you could probably deduce that based on the other properties I mentioned.
Filter would also work, but the correct way to go in .Net Core is Middleware. You can read more about it here.
If it's something simple as your example, you can go with the first examples on the link like:
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
await next.Invoke();
Let me know if it helped!

How to create a kentico form that does not store the response

Is there any way in Kentico to have a user submit a form and then email the response but not actually save the answer to the related table?
As mentioned the emails from Kentico rely on the record being written to the DB before they trigger. Furthermore (unless I'm just unlucky) the only values you have access to are those stored in the table. I had thought that maybe you could mark the offending fields as Field without database representation, but sadly, the fields you may want will all be null - so best not to go down that route.
I took a slightly different approach to #trevor-j-fayas in that I used the BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before event so that there is no trace of any log. It's a short hop from there to make use of an email template to make things look good. So my code looked as follows:
using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.EmailEngine;
using System;
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(FormGlobalEvents))]
public class FormGlobalEvents : Module
public FormGlobalEvents() : base("FormGlobalEvents")
protected override void OnInit()
CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before += Insert_Before;
private void Insert_Before(object sender, CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEventArgs e)
var email = new EmailMessage();
email.From = e.Item.GetStringValue("ContactEmail", "null#foo.com");
email.Recipients = "no-reply#foo.com";
email.Subject = "Test from event handler (before save)";
email.PlainTextBody = "test" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
To me, it seems cleaner to not insert the record in the first place than delete it, but obviously that autoresponder etc. will only kick in automatically if you do save the record, so the choice is yours and ultimately depends on your preference.
Well, there's a couple different options, but the easiest is to simply delete the record after it's inserted. Use the Global Event Hooks to capture the BizFormItemEvent insert after, if it's your form, then delete it. Below is for Kentico 10:
using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.Forums;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(CustomLoaderModule))]
public class CustomLoaderModule : Module
// Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomForums"
public CustomLoaderModule()
: base("CustomLoaderModule")
// Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
protected override void OnInit()
CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEvents.Insert.After += BizFormItem_Insert_After;
private void BizFormItem_Insert_After(object sender, CMS.OnlineForms.BizFormItemEventArgs e)
case "YourFormNameHere":
The other option would be to clone and modify the Online Form Web part to take the information, manually call the email and cancel the insert, but that's a lot of work when this is quicker.
Yes and no. The record is stored before the email notifications and autoresponders are sent out. Your best bet for this is to create a custom global event handler for the form submission(s) using the BizFormItemEvents.Insert.Before. This will call the event before the actual record is stored in the database. You can then cancel out of the event (which will not store the record) and send your email manually.
Handling global events
BizFormItemEvents Events

Performing Explicit Route Mapping based upon Web Api v2 Attributes

I'm upgrading a custom solution where I can dynamically register and unregister Web Api controllers to use the new attribute routing mechanism. However, it seems to recent update to RTM break my solution.
My solution exposes a couple of Web Api controllers for administration purposes. These are registered using the new HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttpAttributeRoutes method call.
The solution also allows Web Api controllers to be hosted in third-party assemblies and registered dynamically. At this stage, calling HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttAttributeRoutes a second time once the third-party controller is loaded would raise an exception. Therefore, my solution uses reflection to inspect the RoutePrefix and Route attributes and register corresponding routes on the HttpConfiguration object.
Unfortunately, calling the Web Api results in the following error:
"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI".
Here is a simple controller that I want to use:
public sealed class ZeController : ApiController
public string GetOne()
return "One";
public string GetTwo()
return "Two";
public string SetOne(string value)
return String.Empty;
Here is the first solution I tried:
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("ZeApi", "api/ze/{action}");
Here is the second solution I tried:
var type = typeof(ZeController);
var routeMembers = type.GetMethods().Where(m => m.IsPublic);
foreach (MethodInfo method in routeMembers)
var routeAttribute = method.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<RouteAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (routeAttribute != null)
string controllerName = type.Name.Substring(0, type.Name.LastIndexOf("Controller"));
string routeTemplate = string.Join("/", "api/Ze", routeAttribute.Template);
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute(method.Name, routeTemplate);
I also have tried a third solution, whereby I create custom classes that implement IHttpRoute and trying to register them with the configuration to no avail.
Is it possible to use legacy-style route mapping based upon the information contained in the new routing attributes ?
I have installed my controller in a Web Application in order to troubleshoot the routing selection process with the Web Api Route Debugger. Here is the result of the screenshot:
As you can see, the correct action seems to be selected, but I still get a 404 error.
After further analysis, and per Kiran Challa's comment below, it seems that the design of Web Api prevents mixing attribute routing and conventional routing, and that what I want to do is not possible using this approach.
I have created a custom attribute [RouteEx] that serves the same purpose of the Web Api [Route] attribute, and now my code works perfectly.
I guess, since this is not possible using the conventional attribute routing, none of the answers on this question could legitimately be consisered valid. So I'm not nominating an answer just yet.
You shouldn't be required to use reflection and inspect the attribute-routing based attributes yourself. Attribute routing uses existing Web API features to get list of controllers to scan through.
Question: Before the switch to attribute routing, how were you loading these assemblies having the
If you were doing this by IAssembliesResolver service, then this solution should work even with attribute routing and you should not be needing to do anything extra.
Regarding your Update: are you calling MapHttpAttributeRoutes?