iPhone: A simple PDF Viewer with saving functionality - iphone

I would like to find a simple PDF Viewer with downloading functionality.
I have tried a couple of examples but they are not for ios5, so giving me errors.
Would you give me some suggestions which one i could use.
Thanks in advance.

A simple PDF Viewer would be a UIWebView.
First download the PDF using NSURLConnection and it's matching delegates, then after completion show the webview


Best place to find Android Button

Can anybody tell me , where can I get PNG button?
I think the best method is to design it yourself. Design it with Adobe Photoshop and then parse it to html or XML. There is a very good tool in Photoshop to do that. You can use this video as a guide

Creating an animation of an app's screenshots?

I am creating a how-to animation of an iphone app. I have got all the screenshots of the app. Wondering what the best tool is to create a short video/animation of these jpgs in your opinion?
Hey, if you go to my site where i've showcased my app, you can see the full source code there - it was just a simple jQuery slideshow inside an iPhone 4 png :)
Please update the post with the source code as the link no longer works.
Essentially, it's like benhowdle89 said. You can take any jQuery slideshow, adjust the image dimensions to the area inside your iPhone 4 .png, and you're pretty much done.

The process of loading PDF is very slow - iPhone app

in my iPhone application i am loading a pdf file on UIWebview. I PDF URL is called from the webserver. My problem is that it is taking a lot of time to display the PDF File. Can any one please suggest me how can i make it bit fast.
Most likely, you cannot eliminate the latency in:
downloading your pdf from the web
displaying the pdf in the UIWebView
but you may be able to hide the latency by preparing the data before you need to display it in a background operation. The NSOperationQueue and NSOperation class make doing this relatively straightforward. Load the data in an NSOperation, save it to a temporary file, assign it to display in a "offscreen" UIWebView (one whose frame makes it not display on the screen), and when you finally need to display the pdf, just place the UIWebView into your current view or move it onscreen by changing its frame.
If you have control over the pdf itself, you can use Acrobat to optimize it for downloading and electronic viewing.
In Acrobat 10, use either the PDF Optimizer command, or the Preflight tool (select Online Publishing 'optimize for size')
Webview is very slow in rendering the PDF. Using native CGPDFDocument API will be fast, but you need to handle the complex loading and rendering process.

iphone PDF view CGPDFDocument

I am developing an app where I need to show PDF documents. After many hours of googling I was able to build up a view to show the PDF document fetched from a URL.
I know only to display a single page. using CGPDFDocumentGetPage(ref, pageNumber).
What I would like to have.
Pagination function.
Why not using the UIWebView instead of reinventing the wheel?

UIWebView: How do I control page display with a PDF?

I have a PDF loaded in an iPhone app using UIWebView and it displays page numbers when the pages are scrolled manually. But I've had no luck figuring out how to access those numbers and set the page displayed. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks.
There's no way to do this using the methods available through the SDK. If you really need this functionality you can file a bug report.
Since you're using a uiwebview it can interpret javascript for navigation, even with a pdf. determine the pixel size of each page, and you can theoretically calculate your location on any given page and and navigate accordingly.
You can do this using Quartz Core Api in Iphone SDK.
You can use Quartz to do it, as explained here : http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/drawingwithquartz2d/dq_pdf/dq_pdf.html
Get the length of the scroll view content and then divide it by page number.
That will give you length of each page. There is a way to get number of pages from uiwebview.