How to scroll to first error inside a Spring form? - forms

My registration is using Spring forms and validates the data after submit, the form:errors will be printed out if there are errors. I need to scroll the page down to the first form:error so the user hasn't to search for the error, is there a way to do that?

I haven't tried any of them, but I can think of two possible ways:
With Javascript. Spans generated by < form:errors /> have a class (I don't remember at the moment) or you can force on using cssClass attribute. Would be very easy using this jQuery plugin to scroll to the first one.
Without Javascript. This will be a lot more difficult and I'm not sure it will work:
In your controller, instead of returning a direct view you must do a redirect to something like /myForm#error.
In order to don't lose your model, you must use FlashMap attributes.
"Subclass" < form:errors /> tag. It must have the same behavior but it has to include an anchor named error on the first error of the page.

I think you can do it with anchors. -- But you need to implement it by your own.
My idea it to put anchors on all input files. And then have some java script that is able to scoll to an anchor. This java script is invoked on page load if the error object contains errors. -- This errors contains the name of the field. So if you have some schama for naming the anchors it should be possible to invoke the jump to an anchor script with the name of the field hat has an error.


Getting an element defined in a core:html by its ID

I used this line to define a canvas element in my view.xml:
<core:HTML content="<div class="wrapper col-6"><canvas id="
Now I want to get the element in the controller but the typical this.getView().byId("myChart") doesn't seem to work even though the site successfully loads a canvas with the ID.
Is there a way to get those types of elements defined inside a core:HTML tag for the controller?
If not, is there a different way to create a canvas or other HTML elements so that I can refer to them with an ID / use them in the controller?
The element created in this way is not 'registered' in UI5 framework like the other controls. byId() only checks the internal register.
You can use jQuery or standard JavaScript to fetch the element though, like $('#myChart') or document.querySelector('#myChart').
You will find the code for this in Core.js or Core-dbg.js.
Like Jorg said, byId is for retrieving controls. So if you were to put an id on the HTML control, you could retrieve that control and then call getDomRef() on it to get the outermost element, which in your example would be the div. If you'd further only put the canvas inside the HTML control, you'd get that.
If you're accessing the id of the canvas directly, like Jorg suggested, you'll run into trouble if you're going to use the view twice inside a page, because the id of the canvas isn't unique anymore.
There is a third and IMHO preferable option, that is to use html directly inside the view. First you'll need to declare a namespace for it, like
preferably right on your View element.
Then you can write html directly in your xml view like this:
<html:div class="wrapper col-6">
<html:canvas id="mycanvas" width="800" height="400"></html:canvas>
This way you're getting a proper (unique) id for your canvas and can access it as part of the view's dom with this.getView().getDomRef("-mycanvas"). Note the extra leading dash, because of internal id generation inconsistency in UI5. Also note that getDomRef() is considered protected, but I doubt it will change. Finally, remember that you can only get a domref for rendered controls, so you'll probably want to access it from an afterRendering event.

MS Access 2013 textbox update macro

What I am trying to accomplish:
Use button to open a form, filter the form, and set specific value to an unbound textbox in the opened form's header. There are multiple buttons being used open the same form and I would like this textbox to changed every time a specific button is clicked.
What I have done so far:
Used a macro to open the form and the "where" condition to filter the records. I also used "SetProperty" to change the value of the unbound textbox in the opened form's header depending on which button was clicked. When I do used the SetProperty option in the macro I get the error "The control name ... is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist. Error 32004
I have verified numerous times that this is the correct name for the textbox and everything. I am pretty new to access and don't do VBA all that much so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
First Form and Macro for the "Physical Security" Button
Second form with error and unbound txt box I want to change to "Physical Security"
A few Ideas to track down your problem:
Maybe there's a problem with opening and (immediately) accessing the forms controls(?) You could try to fire a macro from within the same from that (only) changes the value of this text-box to make sure it definitely works there. Of course you'd want to make it work there if it failed before you'd go back to your original problem.
Is the property called value? Could it be text?
Are you sure you need to separate (all) hierarchies using !? Just by desperation: Maybe try using Forms!frmVW.txtXY or Forms.frmVW.txtXY
If that doesn't solve it:
It's often best to reduce your problem to it's very basics. Copy your application (!!!!) and radically delete unneeded stuff. Or start a short experiment from scratch (one or two forms, maybe only a button and a textbox, a macro, most probably not even a single Datatable/Source).

File Upload not working after moving form field

I have a large form with a image upload field working ok.
Field is defined in model as:
Then I created two tabs inside form:
And moved image field to design tab:
Now I can't upload files. When I try I get the following javascript error
Error: cannot call methods on atk4_form prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'submitPlain
Is there any other way to move the field or have upload working again after moving it?
I was trying to use the same method ($design->add($form->getElement('my_element'));) to move a slider into another place on the page. That didn't work - I think it was because the slider input field is not placed on the page the same way as other input fields.
So I tried with the jQuery appendTo-method (I found the hint in a comment from romanish in a documentation page). That worked. But then I experienced the same problem as you - and in the end I gave up and solved the problem by editing the slider-class page.
So I can't help you, sorry, but I guess this points out that there is a general problem related to getting input from moved form elements.

jQuery Show/Hide divs using same class not working because of html.push?

The object is to Show-Hide text located under their respective Titles, so a User reads the title and shows or hides text belonging to that title if the User wants to read more.
I tried whatever I could find so far on here, we're talking dynamically setting text coming from a spreadsheet, can't use IDs, must work with .class, must be missing something, I have this piece of code:
... html.push('<div class="comments">' + comment + '</div></div></div>');
but when I try this Show-Hide code nothing happens, even if the error console shows nothing. Basically I want to Show-Hide the .comments class divs with a show-hide toggle link located under each of them. I say them because the .comments divs are reproduced dynamically while extracting text coming from Google spreadsheet cells/row (one .comments div per spreadsheet row). I tried .next, child and parent but they all divorced me so I dunno looks like a dynamic issue. So far I only managed to globally toggle all divs to a visible or hidden state but I need to toggle independantly individual divs.
I prefer a jQuery solution but whatever worked so far was achieved with native javascript.
Note: If a cross-browser truncate function which would append a more-less link after a number of words (var) in each .comments divs would be easier to implement then I would gladly take that option. Thx for any help, remember I am still learning lol!
I have been working on an entirely JS UI project and have brought myself to using $('', { properties }).appendTo(BaseElement) to work best for adding HTML elements because it appropriately manipulates the DOM every time.
If you are having good luck with push elsewhere, however, breakpointing on the line where you do your $('.class').hide() and see what $('.class').length is. Alternately, you can just add alert($('.class').length) to your code if you are unable to breakpoint the code. If it is 0, then your elements have not been properly added to the DOM. Changing to append will ensure they are part of the DOM and therefore targetable via JQuery.

Dojo parse unparsed widjits

Zend framework adds the dojo.parser.parse(); to your script if you have widgets on the page, but not if you don't - makes sense. But I have a common js file which should set up lightbox images within all pages, and for this i need dojo.parser.parse(); to be included. I can add it to my common js file, but if I do, the parser runs twice and dojo breaks because all widgets in the page are getting added twice.
How can I set my js up to effectively look for unparsed items, or even better, would be to detect if dojo.parser.parse(); has already been run? (Unfortunately Zend doesn't assign the dojo.parser.parse(); to a variable)
Once dojo.parser.parse() has finished the parsing of widgets, all the widgets references can be found at the global object dijit.registry._hash. You can use a simple test to check whether this object is empty to determine whether dojo.parser.parse() has been called.
This approach only works when you only create widgets declaratively.