Twitter integration in iphone - iphone

Ha ii ,i know how to integrate a Twitter in ios sdk,i alredy done with the help of MGTwitter Engine.But my problem is it shows a login page as a webview,i want to be login screen as popup just like the facebook login popup,so i got a link,that contains costomized popup for twitter,but how can i authenticate our twitter username and password in this costomized there any other way to costomize our twitter logijn form?.please help me.
Thanks in advance.

With iOS 5, the built-in twitter code checks up against the twitter account, that resides under the phone 'Settings'. So there should be no need to display the Twitter login in a popup. Or do I misunderstand your question ?

Just if anyone is still stumbled to integrate twitter with native like effects.
DETweetComposeViewController is really cool if you want to support devices lower than ios 5.
Its just a replica of Apple's TWTweetComposeView and very simple to use.
You need to follow steps at


ios twitter OATH integration not working

I am using Oath authentication in my ios app for twitter integration.
It was working fine earliar but now when I authenticate user then it sends me on this page. Whats going wrong. is there any change in API?
I think you are using older API that stopped working So now you have to go for new Solution.
Apple Introduced Social Framework that Allows Facebook, Twitter sharing without doing much more & with less efforts.
use This.
Hope this will help.

How to create Login with Facebook or twitter in ios6 iphone App

I am very new in iOS development.In my app,homepage is for login to the app.Where i need to give facility to login with Facebook and twitter. I am using iOS 6.1 and there i have social framework.
Please tell me an easy way to achieve this,i have tried to read facebook developer tutorial, but i am not able to catch from there.
If you have any sample project or any good tutorial link,please share with me.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook sdk github repo is here .
You can find many example projects in it.
Also Facebook authentication guide explains the login part very clearly.

Sharekit Facebook not opening

i am using sharekit in my ios App. Twitter and email are working fine but facebook is not. When i open facebook it pops out a dialog having blue boundary but nothing is written in it. There is a close button on left side but the dialog is empty. Whats the problem? Please help me. Also i have double checked Facebook APPid and Secret key in SHKconfig.h.
A lot of people are having the same problem. ShareKit itself is an amateur attempt at a framework component and is so bug-ridden its pretty much worthless. The problem your seeing relates to the Facebook Connect framework used by ShareKit. Apparently Facebook has stopped all support for the Connect framework. In other words, you are SOL.

iOS 5 Facebook Integration

I am writing an app and for the first time I want to integrate some Facebook SDK functionality. I want to have the user login to their Facebook account, then be able to choose one of their friends to "compete" against in the app.
I am following the instructions on the Facebook developers site for iOS but what I can't seem to figure out is how to present a "login with Facebook" view when the app is launched and then never again while the Facebook SSO is authorized or unless the user logs out of the app.
The example I'll use for this is like the DrawSomething app's workflow for authentication.
Any ideas of how to accomplish this? Tutorials or examples would be awesome! I am using iOS 5 with storyboards for the app if that makes a difference.
First authenticate :
Facebook API/SDK integration

How can I Login my iPhone application using Twitter Account?

I am developing a iPhone application in which user has to login through it's Twitter Account.
Just like this web site
This is just like login using OpenID.
Please provide me some help.
Come on Dude, Google is never more than 3 clicks away :)
All in there