Installation of iPad App immediately followed by Update? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an iPad App that is 51.87MB in size. I am trying to configure it so that users can install version 1.1. Right now, the user must download version 1.0, and wait for the update to appear in the App Update Store so that the user can download and update to Version 1.1.
Is there a way to set this up so that the user can download the newest version directly, or is there only an upgrade option? Is the user going to have to do 3 downloads and installations if I do another update? Is the size of the application an issue in this process?
Thank You...

Once version 1.1 is available in the App Store, users who already have version 1.0 on their device should be able to update to version 1.1, and users who are downloading the app for the first time (or re-downloading it after deleting) will only be able to download version 1.1.
The same applies to any future version: existing users can update; new users can only download the latest version.


How we update our app from free Version to Paid Version? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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currently i am having the app that has lot of functionality and it is available free for users on Appstore but i want that the user can upgrade the same app to paid version to view more functionality ? How we do this
PLZ Help
you can update your app which is currently on appstore and in that update you can include inAppPurchase for the item you need to lock so this way your app will be there in appstore and with the feature of free and paid version ;)
So you need to add new update to your app and in this version you need to directly add your app as a paid app...
Perhaps, the only way is to release free update with all the new features initially locked, but can be unlocked with in-app purchases.
The other way is to release full paid version of your app and share data between free and paid version.

Installing a lower IOS version than the latest one to a device [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I know that it is possible to install lower versions of IOS to jailbroken devices over various tools by creating custom firmware.The problem is we have some test devices in the company and we want to have one device eactly with IOS 4.3. It will not be downgrade since the device itself has IOs 4.2.1 installed.Is there a documented way to active it and the most importantly where can i find older IOS versions?
Editing because this no longer works and it gets downvoted by people who didn't read the comments.
Apple wants us to use the latest version, and develop for the latest version, there is no way of downgrading anymore.
You can download any firmware for any iOS device here
iOS Downloads
To install it, you have to go to iTunes and click on update with the alt key pressed, then you can choose the .ipsw file with the firmware you want.
For the "This device isn't elegible..." message try this
Apple doesn't want you to install anything but the latest version available of iOS, so every install of a firmware will get checked with Apple's servers.
There is a way to save the authorization for other firmwares with tools like TinyUmbrella, but you can only save the authorization of the currently allowed version; so, if you did not use TinyUmbrella 2 years ago when iOS 4 was the newest version, there is no way to downgrade your device.

AppStore downloads older version even though new version is approved and ready for sale [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have an app with v1.5 and then updated to version 1.6. The app is approved and now ready for sale. When i tried the app update using the App Store updates. it updated to the new version. But when i downloaded in another device (which doesn't have this app installed) it downloaded version 1.5 which was buggy. The app store soon showed me an update and i did the same to fix the issue.
It is almost 6 hrs after it is ready for sale. Does all the new users gets the older version (v1.5)?
It can take a few hours after your app is ready for sale before it will be visible by all your users worldwide. If you wait a while, then all users will get your fixed version 1.6, so you don't need to worry.
Please check the expected launch date you have added for the app. App only launches after that date, even it gets approved and is ready for sale.

iOS 4.3 or later will not be available to Verizon iPhone users? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Right after I upload my binary over to Apple in iTunesConnect, it appears this message,
"The binary uploaded for the latest version of this app indicates that iOS 4.3 or later is required. Apps that require iOS 4.3 or later will not be available to Verizon iPhone users. If this app could be compatible with earlier iOS versions, you may want to reject the binary and upload a new one that indicates the earliest compatible iOS."
What to do so that I can have my app reach as many as customers possible?
Thank you.
Find those 4.3 exclusive methods and look for alternatives available for 4.0
In future projects, try to develop thinking on a reasonable iOS version.
Today to develop with a base of 4.0 it's more than reasonable.
To be honest, if you wait a week, the Verizon iPhone will be on iOS5 and you can use iOS4.3+ APIs.

Android version on Google TV devices [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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As per my understanding Google TV devices available in markets donot yet run on HoneyComb. If thats right, could you please let me know the Android version they run on?
Would the HoneyComb update to Google TV be released as a new API level or a revision version for Honeycomb?When can we expect the same?
Here's details:
These are the system requirements for Google TV application
SDK Platform Android 3.1, API 12 (or later).
Android SDK Tools revision 12 (or later).
Android SDK Platform-tools revision 6 (or later).
You can hack your Revue or wait for an official update.
If thats right, could you please let me know the Android version they run on?
Since you cannot write apps for them, it does not matter.
Would the HoneyComb update to Google TV be released as a new API level or a revision version for Honeycomb?
We will find out when it ships. Most likely, it will be neither. TV-specific features (e.g., channel listings) will be accessed via an SDK add-on -- a preview of this is available to you now.
When can we expect the same?
We will find out the ship date when it ships.