Add funds to PayPal from Bank Account - paypal

Is there any way to add funds to my PP account from associated bank account using PayPalAPI ?
All operations must be made without user interaction.
For example: a cron runs every month(last day) - and transfers a specific amount from bank to PayPal, so later I can make a mass pay.

I'm not sure why you're trying to do this.
In the event of making a payment out of your PayPal account when you do not have the funds to cover it, PayPal will automatically pull those funds from your funding source (bank account) to cover the transaction. See ExecutePayment.
Given the above, as far as just transferring funds from your bank to your paypal account.. I'd bet they don't see a reason to do this. After all there's no real reason to just transfer funds to paypal, unless those funds are involved in immediately sending a payment to someone else..


Paypal Webhooks vs direct PaypalApi response

Sorry if this question is stupid, but:
Why we should use web-hooks for payments if paypal responds with correct statuses and information about payment, payer, sale etc. when we create payment via REST PaymentAPI. The same with payouts. Probably I don't know something?
The user (purchaser) has the option of using funds from his/her PayPal wallet (PayPal funds), linked credit card(s), or linked bank account(s). Just because the payment has been executed does not mean the funds have been transferred, especially in the case of linked bank account(s). Funds from a checking account, etc. can take several days to transfer.

PayPal - Reserve/Freeze money

I am working on a WebService that will accept payments from PayPal. There will be two sides (seller and buyer) and I will take commissions. However, I don't want to direct the payment instantly to the seller. The seller will complete the service through some conversations, but I want to guarantee to the buyer that it will receive the service as he wants and at the same time, guarantee the seller that he will receive his money.
Is there a way to reserve/freeze/hold the money from the buyer's PayPal account or do I need to take all the service money instantly to my account and then direct the money afterwards, after taking my commission, when the service is marked as completed by both parties? What is the optimal way to achieve what I am trying to do?
The delayed chained payment using Adaptive payment API would be the optimal way for your business pattern. It allows you to keep the money for 90 days during which you can pay the sellers their portion any time. You can refer to this page to understand the basic function, and see this guide for implementation.

How long woulld a merchant receive the funds after the capture moves funds from your buyer's account to your PayPal account?

Paypal documentation says:
You can capture funds, which is a request to process the payment your buyer authorized. If successful, the capture moves funds from your buyer's account to your PayPal account.
You can also reauthorize, which offers you a new honor period for your authorization.
Finally, you can void the authorization, which removes your ability to capture funds on the authorization, and returns PayPal balance funds to the buyer if applicable.
Note: If the capture is performed outside the honor period, there is a possibility the funds will not be available at that time.
How long woulld a merchant receive the funds after the capture moves funds from your buyer's account to your PayPal account?
PayPal capture (and sale transactions) instantly transfer money between the PayPal accounts involved. [Except for a few edge cases which can result in pending transactions, such as payments held for merchants who have not yet signed up, or who need to tell PayPal whether to release the funds in the payment currency or convert the payment to the merchant's default currency, etc.]
Note that this means the money instantly moves to the merchant's PayPal account; there will then be some delay involved in withdrawing these funds to an external bank account, if the merchant chooses to do that.
Do you mean a delayed capture transaction through a payment gateway? I didn't think paypal itself did delayed capture so I assume you mean through payflow pro? Or Paypal Advanced (which I understand is basically just a merchant account).
The funds will transfer basically instantly but there can be a delay for the funds to make their way from your acquirer / merchant bank to your bank account (settlement time / settlement period). If that's what you mean it should be about 1-3 days for the funds to be deposited into your bank account (each acquirer / merchant bank will have a different time-frame that you can find out by asking them or through their website).

Delayed chained payments vs. Authorize/Capture + Mass Pay - use case scenario

My use case: buyer buys service from seller, our app facilitates and guaranties the transaction. It should work in the way that buyer sends the money to us, we check if buyer received the service, in that case we send the money to seller. Otherwise we refund the buyer. Important is to have 2 payments solutions for the buyer: paypal account and card payment without account. The whole use case is international.
I'm testing this in sandbox environment.
Possible solutions:
Adaptive payments - Delayed chained payments:
Works fine. Disadvantage is that the seller must grant us permission so that the refund works. The problem here is that the permission api is under maintenance, so i am waiting for all the changes . Is this big deal?
Express checkout Authorize/Capture + Mass Pay:
Works OK. Advantage here is that in case of refund (void after authorize) we don't have to pay the fee. Disadvantage here is that I'm not sure if authorize holds the funds, so that even buyer without account paying with card cannot touch the money and I can capture them in 3 days. Another issue is that when I authorize 40$ from PayPal account with 30$ balance, I capture the whole 40$. How come?
I have no previous experience with PayPal I now the app should work on international scale. Please if you have any tips, articles or practical experience with this use case share it!
Delayed Chained Payment is great. I solved the issue by making my application the secondary receiver and the seller primary one. Seller must grant a permision to my app in case of refunds, but there is no better way.
However, now the issue is that when buyer pays without account (Guest Payment - with card) all receivers must be Business or Premier account holders:
Each receiver of a guest payment must be a verified PayPal business or premier account holder.
The issue is that in sanbox it works even if the primary receiver (seller) is NOT Business or Premiere account. What is wrong?
1) Do you have yourself set as the primary receiver? If so, I don't think you would need to have permissions granted unless you had already run ExecutePayment to push the money to the secondary receiver account. If you're refunding before that happens you shouldn't need permissions (though I haven't tested this specifically, so I could be wrong.)
2) Regarding the fee, if you refund a payment that went through Adaptive then PayPal would refund the fee back to you, so you're not really gaining anything here as far as that goes.
The authorizations can be tricky. I theory, the authorized funds should be guaranteed for 3 days, but you still capture within 30 days (or maybe 60) even though it may or may not have funds available at that point (it would simply succeed or fail).
You could run a Reauthorization after the first 3 days to get yourself an additional 3 days of guaranteed funds, but I don't think you can do that more than once.
Much of that depends on the card issuing banks, though. Even though PayPal's docs may specify certain things regarding how authorizations work, if the card issuing bank has different rules associated with their credit cards that could throw things off.
As for why a $40 auth would work when the PayPal balance is only $30, I think that may be because of secondary funding sources. If you have bank account and/or credit cards setup in the account, PayPal would assume it can pull from those sources when the time comes to capture if the PayPal funds alone don't cover it. Depending on your use-case this may or may not be ideal.
You are mixing multiple concepts with this question. There are different PayPal PAYMENT products (adaptive with chained payments vs express checkout) and then there is the question of authorizations vs immediate payments.
Agree with Andrew that fees in the refund case is not the right basis to choose a solution. Much more significant is what the sender & receivers will see in their accounts (payments to/from you, or from/to the other party?), simplicity/reliability of the overall system (can an error on your side cause failed or multiple payments?), liability, and even regulatory questions (e.g., are you acting as an escrow service?).
If PayPal gives you an auth from a PayPal buyer it means that PayPal guarantees (with certain very limited exceptions) that it will honor a capture of those funds within the specified time and amount limits (which can vary with the specific scenario). PayPal might make that guarantee based on the sender's balance, credit cards, bank accounts, or combination of factors. You as the recipient needn't care - that is between PayPal and the buyer. (And it's PayPal's limits/conditions which apply to that auth, NOT the conditions of the sender's underlying credit card/bank/etc; PayPal protects you from that complexity.)
In contrast if the auth is from a card network rather than a PayPal account (ie the user gives card info rather than using a PP account, whether or not PayPal is your payment processor), then that network specifies and controls the conditions of the auth.
PS: if you are waiting for Adaptive Payments changes, you may have a long wait. Release 89 was quite some time ago and PayPal's priorities are on the RESTful APIs, not Adaptive.

Funding business paypal account from bank via api

Yes i know this question looks similar to Add funds to PayPal from Bank Account , but I have a legitimate circumstance why that answer is not acceptable.
I have many recipients that I need to automatically pay out each day, and need my paypal account to have suitable funds (while only making ONE call to my bank account). My bank account has transaction limits and I therefore can't afford to make 10+ withdrawals a day.
I plan on using Mass Payments api, does anyone know if this makes one lump withdrawal for the total amount of all the payments combined that are wrapped up in a mass payment?
Alternatively, does anyone know of an api way of funding a paypal account from a bank account?
Unfortunately, there isn't any way to fund your PayPal account from your bank through the API. MassPay won't automatically do it either. You would need to have the funds already available in PayPal for MassPay to work.