Embed Complete GitHub Repository in a Web Page - plugins

I have created a repository on Github. This repository contains a complete project with the folder structure and files. If I have to embed this code on my website, I can do that by creating Gists and adding them to my web page.
The problem is that I have a big project and adding snippets as Gists is not an easy task; also, it will not be user friendly either, as the visitors won't get the idea of the complete project.
So, I just want to embed the whole repository on my web page in such a way that the visitor can browse the code. Do you have any idea about that? Any API, Plug In, code sample etc.

A JQuery plugin was recently created that adds this functionality. Take a look a repo.js.


Unable to save the data while using the extended Jouranl Component in AEM Communities

I have followed every step given in the following repo GitHub - Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-scf-sample-components-extension: Sample package for AEM Social Communities - Social
I have added the subtitle property to "com.adobe.cq.social.journal.client.endpoints.impl.JournalOperationsService" and created a page using the given template and tried to add the extended journal component and clicked on New Article and tried to enter some content and clicked on publish immediately. But after I click on Publish it's taking me to the same page and no content is being published. And I checked if the UGC is stored under /content/usergenerated/asi/jcr/content but no content is stored for the ectended Journal component.
Where as the other extended community components that are given in the above repo are are working fine. I have added the required client libraries. Can anyone help me what am I missing?
After a lot of research, I understood that when you are publishing a new blog article JS is not getting loaded.
Steps to resolve the issue:
1) Navigate to /etc/designs/acme/clientlibs/site
2) Delete the JS folder and js.txt
That's it you are good to go.

How to use GitHub to make a public gist? What is the procedure?

I want to create a public gist in GitHub. I've been on YouTube and in Google search but have not found an answer to this question. And I don't see an answer in Stackoverflow to this question. This my seem trivial to some of you but I'm not so savvy in the tech world. I have a GitHub account. I did the tutorial in the Read Me Guide where I learned about repositories, branch, commit and pull request. I was in StackExchange chat room where someone asked me to make a public gist of my code that I was asking help with. Now I want to create a public gist of my code. On the Gist page I see a place to where I think the code is suppose to go. I see an Add File tab. But nothing happens when I click on it.The app won't let me just paste in my code. I see a place for a gist description. And I see a place for a file name including extension. But how do I place my code to create a public gist? Where does it go? Somebody help, please. After some more searching I think I got an answer. A Gist is just a repository. Am I right or wrong?
Assuming that you are logged in on GitHub:
Visit the Gist page
Paste your code in the text box directly underneath where it lets you set a file name;
Then press 'create public gist' in the bottom right.
For more information on this, visit the official docs.
If you want to create public gist repository on github then following steps are there,
There is a GithubHist(https://gist.github.com/) available to share you code publicly over the internet.
One of the advantage to use this is that when you create repository in GithubHist, one same repository will be created on https://bl.ocks.org
This will run your code and show output to the user.
Steps to use GithubHist
Login on Github.
There is a Gist option on top of then menu. Click on this.
It will redirect you on https://gist.github.com/
Here in Gist description give Title of your project.
Now create index.html file. This file runs by default when you go on https://bl.ocks.org with your repository location.
Now you can add as many files that you need in your project here.Just click on add file.
To add License,you need to add license.txt file and add contents of the license.
At last click on “Create public gist” or “Create Secret gist” option at bottom.
To add Background image of your project on https://bl.ocks.org
Get git clone of project to your local machine.
Create file with name “thumbnail.png” with dimension 230px * 120px.
Add this file to your project.
Commit and Push changes.
It’s Done now.
Check your Project with links
https://gist.github.com/yourName/ProjectId Source of project
https://bl.ocks.org/yourName/ProjectId output of project with source
Please see my blog on medium
also check gist repository that I have created

Platform for User Created Content

I'm working on a new project where I'd like users to be able to add content. The site is a project collaboration site where users can, sign up and create a profile, post a project idea (give it a name, some details and upload a couple of pictures, etc.), and hit a create button. The project would then be featured as a thumbnail on a Projects page where others could comment on the project and review the submitted idea.
Would a CMS be suitable for an application such as this? The user content would be added on the front end, so users wouldn't necessarily be able to access the control panel to add content so I'm not sure if a CMS would work or not.
I was taking a look at PyroCMS as I have some familiarity with PHP and CI but I don't know if this would fit the bill.
Any thoughts? Thank you!
This is absolutely doable with Pyro CMS Pro or by adding on the Streams extension. That would allow you to create the front-facing pages without any programming. You can create any number of custom fields to allow this.

Does a what-links-here report for Gollum exist?

Is there any existing way to generate a what-links-here report for a gollum wiki? In other words, a list of the pages within the same wiki that link to the current page: a list of the local inbound links.
I wasn't able to spot any feature like this, nor find anything suitable in the API, but I may have missed it. Is there a third party add-on for it?
I do understand the reason it probably doesn't exist in the core: as these are plain text files, there isn't any table of links maintained anywhere. For the same reason, when a page is renamed it breaks all the inbound links to that page from other pages.
A function for this could use the API to read the generated source of each page (so that only html with normalized names needs to be parsed), producing a list of the local links from each page and the page they are on. Cache the results at page level until the next commit of that page.
This could be used to enhance the existing page rename feature as well. Has anybody already done this?

What happened to code.intuit.com

I am browsing the IPP API explorer for version 2 and there are multiple links for sample files that have URLs starting with code.intuit.com. For example the BlueDotMenuServlet.java example on this page https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0060_auth_auth/widgets/blue_dot_menu/menu_proxy_code seems to just bring me to the homepage. Is there a centralized location for finding these kind of examples as well as the jars for com.intuit.utils?
code.intuit.com is no longer available. There is a new code repository in GitHub.
Link - https://github.com/IntuitDeveloperRelations/