What happened to code.intuit.com - intuit-partner-platform

I am browsing the IPP API explorer for version 2 and there are multiple links for sample files that have URLs starting with code.intuit.com. For example the BlueDotMenuServlet.java example on this page https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0060_auth_auth/widgets/blue_dot_menu/menu_proxy_code seems to just bring me to the homepage. Is there a centralized location for finding these kind of examples as well as the jars for com.intuit.utils?

code.intuit.com is no longer available. There is a new code repository in GitHub.
Link - https://github.com/IntuitDeveloperRelations/


Unable to save the data while using the extended Jouranl Component in AEM Communities

I have followed every step given in the following repo GitHub - Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-scf-sample-components-extension: Sample package for AEM Social Communities - Social
I have added the subtitle property to "com.adobe.cq.social.journal.client.endpoints.impl.JournalOperationsService" and created a page using the given template and tried to add the extended journal component and clicked on New Article and tried to enter some content and clicked on publish immediately. But after I click on Publish it's taking me to the same page and no content is being published. And I checked if the UGC is stored under /content/usergenerated/asi/jcr/content but no content is stored for the ectended Journal component.
Where as the other extended community components that are given in the above repo are are working fine. I have added the required client libraries. Can anyone help me what am I missing?
After a lot of research, I understood that when you are publishing a new blog article JS is not getting loaded.
Steps to resolve the issue:
1) Navigate to /etc/designs/acme/clientlibs/site
2) Delete the JS folder and js.txt
That's it you are good to go.

github link to wiki page from README

How do I create a link from a README.md file to a Wiki page in github? Every example seems to show linking from one wiki page to another wiki page, or from one README file to another file in the repository. But none that show linking from one to the other
I just came across this question and saw that this was impossible, but stubbornly kept trying anyway. Good news, because this actually can be done with relative links!
If you look at the documentation for relative links on GitHub, you can see that it supports ./ and ../ operands.
Given that your README is located at:
... and the wiki is located at:
... that means you can just crawl back from the README to the wiki, like so:
[My Awesome Wiki](../../wiki)
Update: As some people have pointed out in the comments (thanks!), please be aware that these relative links will break on clones and forks, so be sure to weigh that into your decision!
You would have to use an absolute URL as opposed to a relative one.
For example:
[Sites Using React](https://github.com/facebook/react/wiki/Sites-Using-React)
I found that I needed to crawl back 3 levels versus 2 levels as descreibed in jmar777's approach.
When I used
The link generated was https://github.com/<username>/blob/wiki
I needed to use:
This generated https://github.com/<username>/wiki
I am using GitLab. My link to my Wiki page looks like this.
Checkout the [Wiki page](/%2E%2E/wikis/Welcome)
I tried the other recommendations that are posted here but it kept changing the URL with re-writes that broke the link.
Just to add on this one, if you want to refer to your repo file from inside wiki use ../../blob/master/. Combined with the answer from jmar777 this allows to completely integrate code and wiki and remove a need for bloated readme.md.
To make it work locally as well as your file structure would have to be

Having trouble to getting typeaheadjs

I have gone through typeahead reference site . they given some examples. In that examples , they have not mention , what are the JS need to added to run the sample program. share some examples to understand . it will be very useful to us
I presume you are referring to the Bootstrap Typeahead plugin, and not the Twitter Typeahead.js, which has links to examples.
For Bootstrap Typeahead you need either the bootstrap.js file - which is already there if you downloaded the full version - or the bootstrap-typeahead.js which you can get from the Customize page. And of course the bootstrap.css.
Here are some example pages that I found useful:
The plugin doesn't support ajax, so go to Github and download one of the forks that enable ajax and also add some other functionality.

Embed Complete GitHub Repository in a Web Page

I have created a repository on Github. This repository contains a complete project with the folder structure and files. If I have to embed this code on my website, I can do that by creating Gists and adding them to my web page.
The problem is that I have a big project and adding snippets as Gists is not an easy task; also, it will not be user friendly either, as the visitors won't get the idea of the complete project.
So, I just want to embed the whole repository on my web page in such a way that the visitor can browse the code. Do you have any idea about that? Any API, Plug In, code sample etc.
A JQuery plugin was recently created that adds this functionality. Take a look a repo.js.

Automatic web tester for 404 links?

Is there any test framework or software that can automatically go through a site and find 404 errors from links?
You could use an extension for your favourite browser, i.e. LinkChecker for Firefox.
Are you looking for a tool that does complete validation/checking of the site? Or one that does use-case testing of specific parts of the site.
For the latter I recommend TestPlan, it has the ability to check the headers of pages and work with the so-called "meta" response of the page.
The original web-site is no longer available but the project is now hosted on Launchpad.
For the former it isn't the best tool, but as part of a test framework it is easy enough to get it to scan through links on the site looking for errors.
If you're running on Windows there is this one.