Aptana (Eclipse) will not let me accept license agreement - eclipse

I feel like either the "Next" button or the "Finish" button should be enabled at this point.
Any ideas?

Scroll all columns on the left side to the bottom.

Updating to the latest version of Aptana solved this problem.
I updated by selecting the help menu in Aptana, then selecting the "Check for updates" sub-menu:
Help -> Check for updates
Information in the bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=277265
As stated in the comment above and in one of the comments for the bug on eclipse's site, going "back" a few screens, then going forward again solves the problem sometimes as well.


Eclipse: get a rid of this "mark occurrences" bar?

As you may see from the screenshot below it seems I'm having a problem with an eclipse button bar (v4.6 Neon / Linux AMD64). I see a toolbar with a lot of "Mark Occurences" buttons, there're a lot of them (9) and I don't know how to turn this bar off (disable, customize or hide it). Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance for your kind reply
Replying to myself to solve my own problem but BTW it could probably solve it for someone else as well.
I have had this problem since Eclipse Mars.2 and it seems to be something related to the workspace. Here's what I did:
Applied tobias_k suggestion
quit from eclipse Neon
opened the same workspace with eclipse Mars.2, replyed OK to the eclipse warning message related to version mismatch
quit again from Mars.2 and reopened with Neon again, same warning message, pressed OK again
After these operations I don't have that toolbar, it seems there's something related to the workspace and after an upgrade it was automatically cleaned

Changing the Eclipse toolbar - Removing the Launch Bar

I installed Eclipse a while ago, and for some reason I never worked out - for this installation, the main toolbar appeared as shown below!
I left it for a while, thinking it the new 'thing' for Mars, but after seeing a friends Mars installation without this, want the old 'regular' launch toolbar back - but unsure on how to do this!
Any help please?
I've finally found out what it is ...the "launch bar" included in new and noteworthy for Mars. And is described as
Which is how to get rid of it!
Thanks to all for the help!
try playing with to options in Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective....
theoretically you can customize your toolbar however you want

Eclipse Fix all Problems?

I am in making of an analog Clock in Eclipse. After very hard struggle I am unable to create it. The reason is Error/Problems in Eclipse I want to know how to clear all Error one by one or all in once ?
The main documentation for the latest Eclipse Luna 4.4 is: "Quick Fix "
Left click on the light bulb or invoking Ctrl+1 (Edit > Quick Fix) brings up the proposals for the problem at the cursor position.
Each quick fix shows a preview when selected in the proposal window.
Some quick fixes offer to fix all problems of the same kind in the current file at once.
The information text in the proposal window contains this information for all applicable proposals. To fix all problems of the same kind, press Ctrl+Enter.
Remember: this won't apply to all types of errors, only to certain errors.

Eclipse freezes on suggestion popup

I am having a problem in Eclipse where it freezes whenever I add a period (to try to bring up the content assist popup with possible methods). I can move the mouse, but the blinking text cursor disappears, I can't switch tabs or save, and I need to use a task manager to close Eclipse. This happens with all Java projects/files.
I have never had a problem like this with Eclipse before, and can't tell what started it. After doing several Google searches, all I found was this bug. However, I don't see a solution and am running Windows 7, not Linux. Also, I have never heard of Xulrunner. Does anybody have a solution or explanation? Is it an Eclipse setting, or a problem with my computer?
Error Log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101364250/eclipse_freeze.log
When I watched the error view, it seemed to output "Unhandled event loop exception" a lot.
For now, I have disabled the content assist, which seems to fix the problem.
However, this feature is very helpful, so any answers are appreciated!
Try opening Preferences and tick "Suspend all validators".
Try disable the hovers feature:
eclipse menu: Wndow > Preference

Messed up Eclipse window layout

I accidently messed up the default eclipse layout now I can't get it back the way it used to be. HERE is a picture. What really annoys me is that eclipse now is taking up unnecessary space at the top. What I want gone, but can't get rid of is the bar all the to the right with "Java" in it. Right clicking won't help at all. Second, I want to get rid of the bar left to this "Java"-bar. As you can see it doesn't really have ANY FUNCTIONALITY AT ALL(??). To get rid of this strange bar is the most important thing since this will move up "Java" and Quicksearch to the placement above.
Edit: Just so to be clarify, THIS bar is what I mean which woul solve everything.
Actually, the most helpful thing would be to restore the whole Eclipse layout to default. I have tried Window->Restore Perspective but it doesn't help me :(
right mouse click on the perspective(top-right "Java") and select Reset. This will fix the perspective.
EDIT: It seems to be a bug in Eclipse Juno. A suggestion is to delete the workbench.xmi file, but it doesn't work for everybody...
So If it doesnt work, you have to install your eclipse again.
There are different things you might try:
You should be able to drag and drop the bar to a location where it
automatically docks and does not disturb you (e.g. at the bottom)
Right click the emtpy bar and choose "hide toolbar"
If everything fails: Delete your eclipse installation and load a new one. Don't delete your workspace and point the new installation to your current workspace. You will have all your projects as they are now.
As a workaround, until this bug will be resolved, you can edit eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.2.1.v201209141800\css\e4_classic_winxp.css.
Append following code.
.MToolBar.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
.MToolControl.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
Source: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=389594#c4
I had to click on reset for all my perspectives, then exit eclipse, and re-open it. Worked for me.