Changing the Eclipse toolbar - Removing the Launch Bar - eclipse

I installed Eclipse a while ago, and for some reason I never worked out - for this installation, the main toolbar appeared as shown below!
I left it for a while, thinking it the new 'thing' for Mars, but after seeing a friends Mars installation without this, want the old 'regular' launch toolbar back - but unsure on how to do this!
Any help please?

I've finally found out what it is ...the "launch bar" included in new and noteworthy for Mars. And is described as
Which is how to get rid of it!
Thanks to all for the help!

try playing with to options in Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective....
theoretically you can customize your toolbar however you want


How to get close button/icon back in Eclipse views

I have recently upgrade my Eclipse installation from 2020-06 (4.16) to 2020-09 (4.17) using the recommended way. After restart and while opening the same workspace I use for years, the close button/icon is missing for some views when they are selected
This seems to be a known problem. However, closing the view and reopening it (as suggested on that page) doesn't work for me - the icon/button is still missing. I have also tried closing the view, restarting Eclipse, re-opening the view, and also while starting Eclipse using the -clean argument. This didn't help either.
Interestingly enough, for some views the icon/button is shown.
What else can be done to get the icon/button back?
Reseting the Perspective worked for me - Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective.
This has been reported as Eclipse bug 565946, which currently (2020-10) is still in status NEW.

Eclipse: get a rid of this "mark occurrences" bar?

As you may see from the screenshot below it seems I'm having a problem with an eclipse button bar (v4.6 Neon / Linux AMD64). I see a toolbar with a lot of "Mark Occurences" buttons, there're a lot of them (9) and I don't know how to turn this bar off (disable, customize or hide it). Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance for your kind reply
Replying to myself to solve my own problem but BTW it could probably solve it for someone else as well.
I have had this problem since Eclipse Mars.2 and it seems to be something related to the workspace. Here's what I did:
Applied tobias_k suggestion
quit from eclipse Neon
opened the same workspace with eclipse Mars.2, replyed OK to the eclipse warning message related to version mismatch
quit again from Mars.2 and reopened with Neon again, same warning message, pressed OK again
After these operations I don't have that toolbar, it seems there's something related to the workspace and after an upgrade it was automatically cleaned

Cannot unhide eclipse console toolbar

My eclipse console toolbar appears to be hidden and I cannot find a way to unhide it.
I've tried researching into this but have found nothing yet.
Can anyone help please?
P.S. the image above is just an example of what is hidden on my screen i.e. the console toolbar
The only solution I have for this at the moment is to recreate your workspace; which can be a lengthy process..

Messed up Eclipse window layout

I accidently messed up the default eclipse layout now I can't get it back the way it used to be. HERE is a picture. What really annoys me is that eclipse now is taking up unnecessary space at the top. What I want gone, but can't get rid of is the bar all the to the right with "Java" in it. Right clicking won't help at all. Second, I want to get rid of the bar left to this "Java"-bar. As you can see it doesn't really have ANY FUNCTIONALITY AT ALL(??). To get rid of this strange bar is the most important thing since this will move up "Java" and Quicksearch to the placement above.
Edit: Just so to be clarify, THIS bar is what I mean which woul solve everything.
Actually, the most helpful thing would be to restore the whole Eclipse layout to default. I have tried Window->Restore Perspective but it doesn't help me :(
right mouse click on the perspective(top-right "Java") and select Reset. This will fix the perspective.
EDIT: It seems to be a bug in Eclipse Juno. A suggestion is to delete the workbench.xmi file, but it doesn't work for everybody...
So If it doesnt work, you have to install your eclipse again.
There are different things you might try:
You should be able to drag and drop the bar to a location where it
automatically docks and does not disturb you (e.g. at the bottom)
Right click the emtpy bar and choose "hide toolbar"
If everything fails: Delete your eclipse installation and load a new one. Don't delete your workspace and point the new installation to your current workspace. You will have all your projects as they are now.
As a workaround, until this bug will be resolved, you can edit eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.2.1.v201209141800\css\e4_classic_winxp.css.
Append following code.
.MToolBar.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
.MToolControl.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
I had to click on reset for all my perspectives, then exit eclipse, and re-open it. Worked for me.

Hiding show view toolbar in eclipse

I want to remove this toolbar shown in the image. I have tried disabling all other items in the toolbar but this one doesn't seem to go. This toolbar is blocking my editor's space and I want to get rid of it. Please tell me a way to remove this.
I think you could try writing your own WorbenchWindow or WorkbenchPage (not sure exactly which right now) and overwrite maybe createWindowContents.
See this from here (i got this quote from there, but maybe you can find a book or better reference for this):
There are limitations as to when you can override the Workbench
window. The Workbench's default implementation of
createWindowContents() creates controls that are not available to
clients, such as the job progress area, the trim that docks fast
views, and the perspective bar. When you override
createWindowContents(), you lose these areas.
There's no way of removing it. I have tried finding solutions but it isn't customizable
Hey looks like they solved this issue in eclipse juno .. just download juno and life is good !
Which version of eclipse you are using?You can toggle the toolbar visibility by clicking Window->Hide Toolbar or Window->Show toolbar