BackgroundView does not adapt round corner in Grouped UITableView - iphone

I am learning how to use storyboard and i am trying to build a UITableViewCell with grouped style. I tried to put a png file and set it as background for the cell.
My png file is a rectangular image.
When i open it in simulator, I found the first cell corner become a rectangle rather than a round corner cell.
What should i can in order to make the first and last cell to be corner rounded?

This is a know problem when using Grouped TableView.
You can either use the backgroundColor of UITableViewCell or you will have to draw the background by hand and check wether is the first of last in the section and add the rounded corners.
have a look at this post

Try to set the property clippingSubviews of your cells to YES.


set margin to collection view's cell

I'm beginner with collection view,
I need to create cell like this
Can I do it from Storyboard?
I want to add margin of cell = 4 or 5 in the top, bottom, lift and right in iPhones and iPads of all sizes, or I if need to do that programmatically How I can add the contents of the cell like the image above?
There is no "margin" here. There is simply a rectangle with a shadow, and everything else is drawn in front of it. The simplest solution is probably a custom UIView that draws itself as a rectangle with a shadow. Make that the content view's direct subview, and everything else in the cell is a subview of that. The inset of the rectangle-with-shadow within the cell's content view can be determined by autolayout (and the position of all the stuff inside it can be determined by autolayout too).
Thus it was trivial for me to obtain this sort of thing:
And of course you can tweak the border color, the background color, and so forth.

UIImage inside table view cell

Inside my table view for each cell I have an image along with some text and other stuff. When I select a cell I want the image also to be covered with blue overlay. Right now all other stuff excluding image is getting selected and a blue overlay covers the cell.
How to achieve this?
You won't be able to have that blue overlay to cover your image. The blue gradient is the backgroundView of the cell, whereas your UIImage is either drawn inside the contentView or added to it as a subview.
A possible workaround would be to add a CALayer on top of the whole cell that would mimic the default blue background.
It seems like there should be a way to do this without modifying your image, but all I can find so far is to specify a new image when the cell is selected. UIImageView has a property for both image and highlightedImage, so it would seem you need to provide your own image to use when the cell is selected, so you would need to set cell.imageView.image and cell.imageView.highlightedImage.
Sam's workaround would be a good approach, also. Especially if you don't want to provide your own image

Covering space from one UITableView's cell with another one

The design of the UITableView is something like this:
I want to make my cells with a tiny triangle, like in a comic book. The thing is, how can i add the triangle to the size of my custom cell? The common rectangle size wouldn't work if i want the user to be able to tap that little rectangle.
And how can i make the opposite? I want the triangle to cover the space of another cell, so tapping the little triangle of the first cell, covering part of the second cell's rectangle space, would activate de first one. This is, substracting a little triangle from the cell's space.
Not sure it would work, but building on user697562's comment, you could try the following:
Add a small UIView to the table cell to represent the small triangle
Rotate it using its transform property, making sure that, along with its frame, it will have the proper placement.
Add a UITapGestureRecognizer to the UIView
Add an instance variable to the view to save the indexPath of the cell it's in (or even the above cell, since it will be associated with the above cell). This way when the gesture recognizer is triggered, you know what row you're in.
Write the action method associated with the gesture recognizer to do the same thing as tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: would do for the above cell.
Set the separatorStyle property of the UITableView to UISeparatorStyleNone, so that it won't draw the lines between cells. If this doesn't work just set the separatorColor property to your table cell's background color.
Draw a border along the top & bottom of the cell, accounting for the triangle.
Good luck with it! Let me know whether it works if you try it.

What's this UI element?

What's the UI element that is top of that number buttons to display number ? (which is in light blue color)
It looks like a UINavigationBar with a prompt. However, the location of the gloss (which differs from your typical UINavigationBar) and the centering of the numbers (not shown) makes me think it is a custom view.
If you're trying to replicate it, I'd suggest starting with a UIView. Add a UIImageView with appropriate image for the the blue background and a UILabel for the text. Or, instead of the UIImageView, you could draw the background in the UIView's drawRect: method.

How can I make an image appear to flow seamlessly between tableview cells

I have a UITableView cell with an image that spans the full height of the cell.
If I do not use a separator the images on each cell join up and appear as a single image, however, when I turn on the separator the image is sliced (see below). Is there a way to make the image appear on top of the table view separator?
I would just get rid of the standard separator and manually draw a line beneath the image. This will probably simulate the separator quite nicely without it overlapping the image.
Perhaps just use an UIImageView with a stretched line image?