lisp macro to build a list of an expression and it's evaluation - macros

I'm trying to write a macro in Common Lisp that takes any number of expressions and builds a list containing each expression followed by its evaluation in a single line. For example, if I name my macro as
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exp)
and I run
(let ((X 1) (Y 2)) (list-builder (+ X Y) (- Y X) X))
I want it to return:
'((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)
The best I've been able to do so far is get a list of the expressions using the code
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exp)
`',#`(',exp ,exp))
INPUT: (let ((X 1) (Y 2)) (list-builder (+ X Y) (+ Y X) X))
'((+ X Y) (+ Y X) X)

Strictly speaking, the macro itself cannot do that; what the macro must do is generate code in which the argument expressions are embedded in such a way that they are evaluated, and also in such a way that they are quoted.
Given (list-builder (+ x y) (+ y x) x) we would like to generate this code: (list '(+ x y) (+ x y) '(+ y x) (+ y x) 'x x).
We can split the macro into an top-level wrapper defined with defmacro and an expander function that does the bulk of the work of producing the list arguments; The macro's body just sticks the list symbol on it and returns it.
Macro helper functions have to be wrapped with a little eval-when dance in Common Lisp to make sure they are available in all conceivable situations that the macro might be processed:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun list-builder-expander (exprs)
((null exprs) nil)
((atom exprs) (error "list-builder: dotted syntax unsupported":))
(t (list* `',(car exprs) (car exprs)
(list-builder-expander (cdr exprs)))))))
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exprs)
(cons 'list (list-builder-expander exprs)))
A "slick" implementation, all in one defmacro, inside a single backquote expression, might go like this:
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exprs)
`(list ,#(mapcan (lambda (expr) (list `',expr expr)) exprs)))
The "dotted syntax unsupported" check we implemented before now becomes an error out of mapcan.
The lambda turns each expression E into the list ((quote E) E). mapcan catenates these lists together to form the arguments for list, which are then spliced into the (list ...) form with ,#.
The form `',expr follows from applying the quote shorthand to `(quote ,expr).

Of course, a lisp macro can do that. Since lisp macros provide full control over evaluation of their arguments.
You have to use macro helper functions only in cases in which you want to use recursion. Since macros have problems to call themselves recursively.
But by looping over the &rest rest argument, you can generate variadic macros (macros with arbitrary number of arguments) and still control the evaluation of each of its arguments.
After some trial and error cycles (macro construction is an incremental procedure, since macros are complex structures), I obtained the
"simpler" solution:
(defmacro list-builder (&rest rest)
`(list ,#(loop for x in `,rest
nconcing (list `',x x))))
Test by:
(let ((X 1)
(Y 2))
(list-builder (+ X Y) (- Y X) X))
;; ((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)
Sometimes, in loop constructs, instead of collect/collecting, use nconc/nconcing in combination with (list ...) to have more control over how the elements are consed together.
(list `',x x)
ensures, that the second x gets evaluated, while the first
places the content of x into the expression, while its quoting prevents the evluation of the expression placed for x.
The outer list in combination with the splicing of the loop construct into it,
finally captures (prevents) the intrinsic very final evaluation of the macro body.

(defmacro list-builder (&rest args)
`(let ((lst ',args)
(acc nil))
(dolist (v lst)
(push v acc)
(push (eval v) acc))
(nreverse acc)))
We could create the list builder macro to take rest parameters as you did (I simply renamed them as args for pseudo code). I'd create a quoted list (lst) of the expressions within the list, and an empty list (acc) to store the expressions and whatever they evaluate to later. Then we can use dolist to iterate through our list and push each expression to the list, followed by whatever it evaluates to by running eval on the expression. Then we can finally use nreverse to get the correct order for the list.
We can then call it:
(let ((x 1)
(y 2))
(declare (special x))
(declare (special y))
(list-builder (+ x y) (- y x) x))
The result will be:
((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)


Returning callable functions/closures from inside a Common Lisp macro

I want to define a macro of the following form, where each of the rules (nested in the parameter list) are recorded into a hash-table:
((100 ((+ w 10) (- h 25)))
((+ ip 12) ((* w .2) (* h .1)))
((* ip 2) ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy))
(45.5 ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy)))
These rules can contain references to specific argument names. The first list (which is also the only obligatory one!):
(100 ((+ w 10) (- h 25)))
has a head which is a value, and a tail consisting of two other expressions (which could refer to w y or not) which i add to the hash-table this way:
(setq table (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(defmacro proc-rule (rule table)
(destructuring-bind (ip (ix iy)) (car rule)
;; Record the initial forms
(setf (gethash ,ip ,table) #'(lambda (w h) (list ,ix ,iy)))
Till now works as expected, when looking for the value 100 i get the function which i can call with arguments as w and h:
(funcall (gethash 100 table) 100 100) ; (110 75)
Now i want to iterate over the rest of the rules and add them to the table. The head of each of these rules could be an expression having reference to the head of the very first rule (called ip) or be just another fresh value (which evaluates to itself. Here is the complete macro definition again):
(defmacro proc-rule (rule table)
(destructuring-bind (ip (ix iy)) (car rule)
;; Record the initial forms
(setf (gethash ,ip ,table) #'(lambda (w h) (list ,ix ,iy)))
;; Add the rest of the rules
(dolist (pattern (cdr rule))
(setf (gethash (car pattern) ,table)
#'(lambda (w h) (list (caadr pattern) (cadadr pattern)))))
The value to this key is also a closure with again two parameters W H which also now can contain references to the passed in arguments which i have labeled as ix iy. Compiling this expansion:
(SETF (GETHASH 100 TABLE) #'(LAMBDA (W H) (LIST (+ W 10) (- H 25))))
leads to a funcall error because of the unquoted ,(cdr rule):
(((+ IP 12) ((* W 0.2) (* H 0.1))) ((* IP 2) ((+ IX (* 2 W)) IY))
(45.5 ((+ IX (* 2 W)) IY)))
Changing that part to (cdr ',rule) results of course in recording quoted conses as values to the keys so that:
(funcall (gethash 45.5 table) 100 100) ;(((+ IX (* 2 W)) IY) NIL)
How could i get tails of these rules to be saved as function bodies and not conses so that calling them computes the supplied expressions?
Second question: is this all in all a good design, and if not please explain why not? (I wanted the user to supply the expressions in a more convenient form like ((+ ip 12) ((* w .2) (* h .1))).
Basic Rule for writing Macros
Write down the code you want to generate. Then write the code transforming code which generates this code.
See this example for generated code - not specifically for your example, but similar - I'm also using LOOP instead of DOLIST, because it does destructuring:
(loop for ((one two)) in '((((+ a b) (- a b)))
(((- a b) (+ a b))))
collect (lambda (a b) (list one two)))
Above does not work as intended, because forms like (+ a b) are treated as lists and a variable like one does just return such a list. It also does not work because of using the iteration variables.
To address the later we could rebind them:
(loop for ((one two)) in '((((+ a b) (- a b)))
(((- a b) (+ a b))))
collect (let ((one one)
(two two))
(lambda (a b) (list one two))))
Still in above code we have lists and not code for the expressions.
If you want to create functions from source code you need to call EVAL or COMPILE:
(loop for ((one two)) in '((((+ a b) (- a b)))
(((- a b) (+ a b))))
collect (compile nil `(lambda (a b) (list ,one ,two))))
Above creates code and compiles it at runtime.
That would be code to generate. But you would generate code which explicitly calls EVAL or COMPILE. This is a typical anti-pattern. A macro creates code which then gets automatically evaluated. One rarely needs another step of evaluation - so always think whether it's possible to get rid of that added evaluation step.
But what you really want is to generate this code:
(list (lambda (a b) (list (+ a b) (- a b)))
(lambda (a b) (list (- a b) (+ a b))))
Think about how to change your macro to create fully expanded code like above.
Macro Syntax
I would name the macro differently, change the argument order and get rid of the list:
(define-proc-rules table
(100 ((+ w 10) (- h 25)))
((+ ip 12) ((* w .2) (* h .1)))
((* ip 2) ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy))
(45.5 ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy)))
The macro would then be defined with:
(defmacro define-proc-rules (table &body rules) ...)
Allow me to format it a bit differently:
(proc-rule ((100 ((+ w 10) (- h 25)))
((+ ip 12) ((* w .2) (* h .1)))
((* ip 2) ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy))
(45.5 ((+ ix (* 2 w)) iy)))
It seems that:
the 100 must be a literal value
the first form of each rule should be evaluated with ip bound to that first key (100)
the second form of each rule is a list of two expressions such that these forms describe a function that returns a list of evaluating these two expressions
the two parameters of these functions are always named w and h
they can also refer to ix and iy which are the two elements of the return list of the first rule function
I see two ways of accomplishing that last part:
either ix and iy are symbol macros that expand to the forms given in the first rule at macro expansion time. This would maybe be a bit hairy.
or each subsequent rule function should call the first rule function and bind ix and iy to its return list; something like this (untested sketch):
(defmacro proc-rule (rules table)
(let ((ip (first (first rules))))
`(setf ,#(loop :for (keyform expr) :in rules
:collect `(gethash (let ((ip ,ip)) ,keyform) ,table)
:collect `(lambda (w h)
(destructuring-bind (ix iy)
(funcall (gethash ,ip ,table) w h)
(declare (ignorable ix iy))
(list ,#expr)))))))
However, from personal convictions, I'd advise against these implicit bindings and try to find a better way to express these rules.

define-modify-macro with operator argument

In Section 12.4 of On Lisp, Paul Graham writes, "Unfortunately, we can't define a correct _f with define-modify-macro, because the operator to be applied to the generalized variable is given as an argument."
But what's wrong with something like this?
(define-modify-macro _f (op operand)
(lambda (x op operand)
(funcall op x operand)))
(let ((lst '(1 2 3)))
(_f (second lst) #'* 6)
=> (1 12 3)
Has there perhaps been a change made to define-modify-macro in ANSI Common Lisp that wasn't valid at the time On Lisp was written? Or are there reasons other than the one stated for not using define-modify-macro here?
It appears that Graham want's to be able to make a call such as
(_f * (second lst) 6)
rather than
(_f #'* (second lst) 6)
But surely that's not in keeping with a Lisp2 such as Common Lisp?
According to both Lispworks's Hyperspec and CLtL2 (look for define-modify-macro), the function is assumed to be a symbol (to a function or a macro). As far as I know, the following definition might not be conforming the specification:
(define-modify-macro _f (op operand)
(lambda (x op operand)
(funcall op x operand)))
But of course, it is possible that an implementation allows it.
To be sure you are conforming to the standard, you can define your own function, or even a macro:
(defmacro funcall-1 (val fun &rest args)
`(funcall ,fun ,val ,#args))
(define-modify-macro _ff (&rest args) funcall-1)
(let ((x (list 1 2 3 4)))
(_ff (third x) #'+ 10)
If you wanted to have the function as a second argument, you could define another macro:
(defmacro ff (fun-form place &rest args)
`(_ff ,place ,fun-form ,#args))
Basically, your approach consists in wrapping funcall in define-modify-macro, and give the desired function as an argument of that function. At first sight, it looks like a hack, but as we can see below, this gives the same macroexanded code as the one in On Lisp, assuming we modify the latter a little.
The macroexpansion of the above is:
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1164 X) (#:G1165 (FUNCALL #'+ (THIRD #:G1164) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1164) #:G1165))
The version in On Lisp behaves as follows:
(defmacro _f (op place &rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (vars forms var set access)
`(let* (,#(mapcar #'list vars forms)
(, (car var) (,op ,access ,#args)))
(let ((x (list 1 2 3 4)))
(_f * (third x) 10)
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1174 X) (#:G1175 (* (THIRD #:G1174) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1174) #:G1175))
Here, the * is injected directly by the macroexpansion, which means that the resulting code has no possible runtime overhead (though compilers would probably handle your (funcall #'+ ...) equally well). If you pass #'+ to the macro, it fails to macroexpand. This is the major difference with your approach, but not a big limitation. In order to allow the On Lisp version to accept #'*, or even (create-closure) as an operator, it should be modified as follows:
(defmacro _f (op place &rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (vars forms var set access)
`(let* (,#(mapcar #'list vars forms)
(, (car var) (funcall ,op ,access ,#args)))
(see the call to funcall)
The previous example is then expanded as follows, for #'*:
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1180 X) (#:G1181 (FUNCALL #'* (THIRD #:G1180) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1180) #:G1181))
Now, it is exactly as your version. On Lisp uses _f to demonstrate how to use get-setf-expansion, and _f is a good example for that. But on the other hand, your implementation seems equally good.
On the question of whether one might prefer to pass * or #'*, we can also note that the define-modify-macro version of _f and #coredump's adapted version (with funcall) both accept lambda forms in the op position with or without #' e.g. both (lambda (x y) (* x y)) and #'(lambda (x y) (* x y)), whereas Graham's original version accepts only the former.
Interestingly in his book Let over Lambda, Doug Hoyte draws attention to a remark by Graham in his book ANSI Common Lisp that being able to omit the #' before a lambda form provides "a specious form of elegance at best" before going on to prefer to omit it.
I'm not taking a stand either way, merely pointing out that given Graham's choice for _f, the absence of the #' is no longer specious but necessary.

Conditional variable binding in Common Lisp

I want to execute a function with 2 local variables, but the values of these of these variables should depend on some condition. For example, let's say I have 2 variables x and y, and I want to swap them inside let if y > x. The swap should be temporary, I don't want to mutate state with rotatef. My code would look something like:
(setq x 2)
(setq y 1)
(let (if (> x y) ((x y) (y x)) ((x x) (y y)))
(cons x y)) ; should return (1 . 2)
But the expression inside let is not valid Lisp. How do I conditionally assign values to local variables? The work around is to put the body in flet and call it with different arguments, but it look clumsy:
(flet ((body (x y) (cons x y)))
(if (< x y)
(body x y)
(body y x)))
Multiple-value-bind and values
There are lots of alternatives, some of which have already been pointed out in other answers. I think that the question in the title ("Conditional variable binding in Common Lisp") is a nice case for multiple-value-bind and values. I've used different variable names in the following just to make it clear where x and y are, and where the original values are coming from. The names can be the same, though; this just shadows them inside.
(let ((a 3)
(b 2))
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(if (< a b)
(values a b)
(values b a))
(cons x y)))
;=> (2 . 3)
Then, using a bit of macrology, we can make this a bit cleaner, much like coredump did:
(defmacro if-let (test bindings &body body)
"* Syntax:
let ({var | (var [then-form [else-form]])}*) declaration* form* => result*
* Description:
Similar to LET, but each binding instead of an init-form can have a
then-form and and else-form. Both are optional, and default to NIL.
The test is evaluated, then variables are bound to the results of the
then-forms or the else-forms, as by LET."
(let ((bindings (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
(destructuring-bind (variable &optional then else)
(if (listp binding) binding (list binding))
(list variable then else)))
`(multiple-value-bind ,(mapcar 'first bindings)
(if ,test
(values ,#(mapcar 'second bindings))
(values ,#(mapcar 'third bindings)))
(pprint (macroexpand-1 '(if-let (< x y) ((x x y)
(y y x))
(cons x y))))
; (IF (< X Y)
; (CONS X Y))
(let ((a 3) (b 2))
(if-let (< a b)
((x a b)
(y b a))
(cons x y)))
;=> (2 . 3)
Comparison with progv
In terms of use, this has some similarities with sindikat's answer, but multiple-value-bind establishes bindings just like let does: lexical by default, but a global or local special declaration will make the bindings dynamic. On the other hand, progv establishes dynamic bindings. This means that if the bindings are entirely introduced by progv, you won't see much difference (except in trying to return closures), but that you can't shadow bindings. We can see this without having to do any conditional work at all. Here are two sample snippets. In the first, we see that the inner reference to x actually refers to the lexical binding, not the dynamic one established by progv. To refer to the one established by progv, you actually need to declare the inner reference to be special. progv doesn't accept declarations, but we can use locally.
(let ((x 1))
(progv '(x) '(2)
;=> 1
(let ((x 1))
(progv '(x) '(2)
(locally (declare (special x))
;=> 2
multiple-value-bind actually does the binding the way we'd expect:
(let ((x 1))
(multiple-value-bind (x) (values 2)
;=> 2
It's probably better to use a binding construct like multiple-value-bind that establishes lexical bindings by default, just like let does.
If you don't want to use progv, as mentioned by sindikat, you always can wtite something like that:
(defmacro let-if (if-condition then-bindings else-bindings &body body)
`(if ,if-condition
(let ,then-bindings
(let ,else-bindings
So expression like
(let-if (> x y) ((x y) (y x)) ((x x) (y y))
(cons x y))
Will expand into:
(IF (> X Y)
(LET ((X Y) (Y X))
(LET ((X X) (Y Y))
(CONS X Y)))
How about:
CL-USER> (defvar x 2)
CL-USER> (defvar y 1)
CL-USER> (let ((x x) ; these variables shadow previously defined
(y y)) ; X and Y in body of LET
(when (> x y)
(rotatef x y))
(cons x y))
(1 . 2)
CL-USER> x ; here the original variables are intact
2 ; ^
CL-USER> y ; ^
1 ; ^
However, I think that in every such practical case there are lispier ways to solve problem without macros. Answer by msandiford is probably the best from functional point of view.
Although rotatef is really efficient method (it probably would be compiled to about three machine instructions swapping pointers in memory), it is not general.
Rainer Joswing posted just a great solution as a comment shortly after posting of the question. To my shame, I checked macro psetf only few minutes ago, and this should be very efficient and general solution.
Macro psetf first evaluates its even arguments, then assigns evaluated values to variables at odd positions just like setf does.
So we can write:
(let ((x x)
(y y))
(when (> x y)
(psetf x y y x))
And that's it, one can conditionally rebind anything to anything. I think it's way better than using macros. Because:
I don't think it's such a common situation;
Some macros in the posted answers repeat their body code, which may be really big: thus you get bigger compiled file (it's fair price for using macro, but not in this case);
Every custom macro does make code harder to understand for other people.
One solution is to use progv instead of let, its first argument is a list of symbols to bind values to, second argument is a list of values, rest is body.
(progv '(x y) (if (< x y) (list x y) (list y x))
(cons x y)) ; outputs (1 . 2)
Another alternative might be:
(let ((x (min x y))
(y (max x y)))
(cons x y))
My suggestion would be one of destructuring-bind or multiple-value-bind.
If you anticipate needing to do this a lot, I would suggest using a macro to generate the bindings. I've provided a possible macro (untested).
(defmacro cond-let (test-expr var-bindings &body body)
"Execute BODY with the VAR-BINDINGS in place, with the bound values depending on
the trueness of TEST-EXPR.
VAR-BINDINGS is a list of (<var> <true-value> <false-value>) with missing values
being replaced by NIL."
(let ((var-list (mapcar #'car var-bindings))
(then-values (mapcar #'(lambda (l)
(when (cdr l)
(nth 1 l)))
(else-values (mapcar #'(lambda (l)
(when (cddr l))
(nth 2 l)))
`(destructuring-bind ,var-list
(if ,test-expr
(list ,#then-values)
(list ,#else-values)))))

Renaming lambda in Common Lisp

I started learning Common Lisp recently, and (just for fun) decided to rename the lambda macro.
My attempt was this:
> (defmacro λ (args &body body) `(lambda ,args ,#body))
It seems to expand correctly when by itself:
> (macroexpand-1 '(λ (x) (* x x)))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))
But when it's nested inside an expression, execution fails:
> ((λ (x) (* x x)) 2)
(Λ (X) (* X X)) is not a function name; try using a symbol instead
I am probably missing something obvious about macro expansion, but couldn't find out what it is.
Maybe you can help me out?
It does work with lambda:
> ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
edit 2:
One way to make it work (as suggested by Rainer):
> (set-macro-character #\λ (lambda (stream char) (quote lambda)))
(tested in Clozure CL)
In Common Lisp LAMBDA is two different things: a macro and a symbol which can be used in a LAMBDA expression.
The LAMBDA expression:
(function (lambda (x) (foo x)))
shorter written as
#'(lambda (x) (foo x))
An applied lambda expression is also valid:
((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4)
Above both forms are part of the core syntax of Common Lisp.
Late in the definition of Common Lisp a macro called LAMBDA has been added. Confusingly enough, but with good intentions. ;-) It is documented as Macro LAMBDA.
(lambda (x) (+ x x))
expands into
(function (lambda (x) (+ x x))
It makes Common Lisp code look slightly more like Scheme code and then it is not necessary to write
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
With the LAMBDA macro we can write
(mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
Your example fails because
((my-lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
is not valid Common Lisp syntax.
Common Lisp expects either
a data object
a variable
a function call in the form (function args...)
a function call in the form ((lambda (arglist ...) body) args...)
a macro form like (macro-name forms...)
a special form using one of the built-in special operators like FUNCTION, LET, ...
defined in the list of special operators in Common Lisp
As you can see a syntax of
((macro-name forms...) forms...)
is not a part of Common Lisp.
It is possible to read the character λ as LAMBDA:
(defun λ-reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char stream))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'λ-reader)
CL-USER 1 > ((λ (x) (* x x)) 3)
CL-USER 2 > '(λ (x) (* x x))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))
You might also think of LAMBDA as an operator which, given a term and a list of free variables, returns a function. This p.o.v. takes LAMBDA out of the family of basic functions and elementary macros -- at least as far as the interpreter is concerned.
(defun lambda-char (stream char)
"A lambda with only ONE arg _"
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((codes (read stream nil)))
`(lambda (_) ,codes)))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'lambda-char t)
λ(+ 1 2 _) ; => (lambda (_) (+ 1 2 _))
Maybe this is more concise, with ONLY ONE arg of _

Modifying function; saving to new function in lisp

So I thought one of the advantages of lisp (among other languages) is its ability to implement function factories (accept functions as arguments; return new functions). I want to use this capability to make small changes to a function and save it as a new function so that if changes are made to the original function, they are also reflected in the new function on which it is based. Note: I am not the one writing the original function so I can't necessarily encapsulate the common parts in a separate function to be called by both, which would be the obvious answer otherwise.
Toy example in emacs lisp (may not be the most ideal as it is a lisp-2):
I have a function, foo that is provided to me:
(defun foo (x y)
(+ x y)))
I want my new function to include a statement that allows me to change the value of a variable if a certain condition is met. For instance:
(defun newfoo (x y)
(if (condition-met-p x)
(setq x (transform x)))
(+ x y))
Please disregard that I could use defadvice in this particular example as I am more interested in the general task of modifying functions where defadvice may not apply. I believe I can modify the body with this form:
(setq conditional-transformation
'(if (condition-met x) (setq x (transform x))))
(setq newbody (append conditional-transformation
(nth 2 (symbol-function 'foo)))))
My questions are specifically how to
create a copy of foo to newfoo
and replace the body with the value
of newbody defined above. (I've
looked into fset, setf, and
function but perhaps not using
them properly.)
possibly wrap this in a function
called makenewfoo() or something
like this so I can invoke
makenewfoo(foo) and allow this to
create newfoo().
And, more generally,
is something like this is commonly
done or there is a more idiomatic
way to modify functions?
this is a very simple case, but is
there a more general way than
specifying the list element number
to nth for the modification. For
instance, the actual function is
more complex so is there a way to
recursively search down this
s-expression tree and test for a
particular syntax and insert this
expression before or after it
(possibly using equal), so it is
less sensitive to changes made in
the original function?
It does work in Emacs Lisp:
elisp> (defun foo (x y)
(+ x y))
elisp> (fset 'newfoo
(append (lambda (x y)
(when (< x 2)
(setq x (* x 2))))
(cddr (symbol-function 'foo))))
(x y)
(< x 2)
(setq x
(* x 2)))
(+ x y))
elisp> (newfoo 1 3)
elisp> (newfoo 3 3)
But I really don't think that it is commonly done or idiomatic. You should use defadvice if you want to modify the behavior of functions.
As far as CL is concerned: Some implementations provide similar functions/macros (for example in CCL: ccl:advise), and you can specify :before, :after, and :around methods for generic functions.
Example code for insertion of expressions:
(defun find-node (elt tree)
(cond ((null tree) nil)
((equal (car tree) elt) tree)
((consp (car tree)) (let ((node (find-node elt (car tree))))
(if node node (find-node elt (cdr tree)))))
(t (find-node elt (cdr tree)))))
(defun insert-before (node elt)
(setcdr node (cons (car node) (cdr node)))
(setcar node elt))
(let* ((function (copy-tree (symbol-function 'foo)))
(node (find-node '(+ x y) function)))
(when node
(insert-before node '(if (< x 2) (setq x (* x 2))))
(fset 'newfoo function)))