Paypal Adaptive Payments - Finalizing payment - paypal

Is there anyway to have user finalize payment on my site instead of on I want to run a script before sending off for final authorization (not just before redirecting and logging into paypal).
I know IPN would help but will not satisfy a race condition completely.
I know Express checkout can do this but I need someone to pay someone else, not direct payment to myself. I don't think that's how Express checkout works if I read correctly.

You're correct in your assumption on Express Checkout; although it can do split payments over multiple different receivers.
With regards to Adaptive Payments; you can still call the Pay API with actionType=CREATE and the transaction is only finalized once you've called the ExecutePayment API call.
See also page 123 in


paypal one time login during paypal payment

I need a help regarding paypal.
That is. Once I have logged in with paypal and made payment, Then for another payment no login will be asked, Direct payment will be done using paypal. Please comment your suggestions. Thanks in Advance.
You have a couple of options for this.
First, you could take a look at Preapproval, which is part of the Adaptive Payments platform. It allows users to create a Preapproval profile that your application can then use to trigger payments at any time without further approval as long as the payment fits within the guidelines of the preapproval profile.
Another option would be to look into Express Checkout with Reference Transactions. This would give you a little bit more flexibility and would be more in line what you're asking for, I think. Users would agree during their first payment with you to allow you to auto-charge this same account in the future. Then you would use DoReferenceTransaction to trigger future payments based on that "billing agreement" which is what it would be called that way.
I would recommend going with Express Checkout, and you might want to look at Digital Goods, too, which just adds some more functionality with quicker PayPal checkout in various ways.
It's all handled through a few simple API calls, so don't let all the info scare you.
My PHP class library for PayPal will make all of the API calls very simple for you regardless of which method you choose. Again, though, I'd recommend Express Checkout.

paypal integration types confusion

I new to paypal integration in . I found very difficult to understand the paypal api .
I under stood two types -
inline html form ( i.e is also called buy button )
payflow api
my questions are :
which one must be used for recurring payment ( subcription packages for end user)?
in first type , few sites suggested to use IPN for confirmation of payment. I want to know is it neccessary since without using IPN, also using notify_url we can confirm the payment success (as per my knowledge notify_url returns to your site when payment is completed at paypal site)?
for recurring payment , do i need to store user account details (i.e credt card or paypal account ) in my databas?
please do reply with you suggestion .
1) You can do it with both, actually. If you want to stick with basic HTML forms then you'd be using Payments Standard, and they call it "Subscriptions". You can easily create a Subscription button from within your PayPal account.
If you're using the API then they call it Recurring Payments (or Recurring Billing). You would use Express Checkout for the PayPal signups, and Payments Pro if you want to handle credit cards directly on your site without any redirect to PayPal.
IPN is useful regardless of what integration method you're using, however, don't get it confused with PDT. PDT sends data back to your site's thank you page, or whatever final page you setup for it, and it only works with Payments Standard. When PDT is configured on Payments Standard, even with Auto-Return enabled, there is no guarantee the user will make it back to your return URL. IPN is very similar, but data will always be POSTed to your IPN listener regardless of whether or not the user makes it back to your site.
You'll also want to use IPN to handle updates for future payments on a subscription / recurring profile. For example, the actual payments, cancelations, suspensions, reactivations, etc.
The notify_url parameter you mentioned is used for IPN. Again, though, this is separate from PDT. A common mistake I've seen many times is when people have their PDT and IPN both set to the same URL. Then when people do make it back to your thank you page, the code actually runs twice. Once from the user actually hitting it, and once again from PayPal's IPN server hitting it. So make sure to avoid that sort of thing.
3) No, you will never save credit card details to your server. The subscription / recurring system handles that using the data that PayPal saves on their servers.

No shipping info with adaptive payments

I have been able to get a PayPal adaptive payments payment to work with a simple payment call.
But I want to get shipping details.
I have tried setting action type to create, then using the payKey returned sending a SetPaymentOptions call setting RequireShippingAddressSelection = True, then using the returned url from the payment call as before but still no shipping info.
I have seen others with this problem but without an answer.
I have the same problem and here's what I got from PayPal Tech Support.
It is not possible for you to supply a shipping address as part of an
Adaptive Payments transaction. However, you can request that the
customer selects a shipping address from the addresses existing on
their PayPal account when they checkout using the embedded flow.
Details of the embedded flow are available here:
(Search for Embedded Payments)
If you think this is an option you would also be required to implement
another API call, SetPaymentOptions, which would be sent after the Pay
API request. Within the SetPaymentOptions API request you would add
the parameter requireShippingAddressSelection. Details of the
SetPaymentOptions API are located here:
If your application requires that you supply a custom shipping address
to PayPal at the time of payment then you will need to consider using
Express Checkout instead of Adaptive Payments.
Are you sure the shipping info isn't passing? I don't think it's anything you'll see during the checkout process, but it will show up in the transaction details of the payment in your PayPal account.
I spent hours researching this and it appears to be an API bug from 2011 (great job PayPal!).
Unfortunately, you have to request the shipping info from the user before redirecting them to PayPal.
Source link

Do you need to use IPN with express checkout to confirm PayPal payments?

When I use the Checkout express API calls do I need to have an IPN listener to confirm payment?
Some places give the idea that once I receive a response from DoExpressCheckoutPayment the payment has gone through and I can take action - update the database etc.
Some posts here suggests that IPN is old or outdated.
You could use either or, or you could use both. The IPN will will update your system if the buyer pays with an echeck once it clears, just as it will update your system of refunds and chargebacks. The respone from the Express Checkout API call wont do this. You would have to check manually.

Dispatch a Paypal checkout to multiple account automatically

My website allows user to buy stuffs, and the payments will be splitted between a few people (generally 1/4 people).
So far, the processus I use is to receive the payment into one account, and then use the Paypal Adaptive Payment API to send this received payment to all the people, based on their percentage.
The problem with this solution is that the "reception paypal account" will have a lot of input/output money and will be the Achille's talon of my e-commerce (if this account is suspended, my commerce is down).
My question is quite simple: is there a way to do this automatically?
I found that if the buyer have a Paypal account, then I could directly use the Paypal API to dispatch it's payment (based on his paypal email) to the people, and that is perfect, but the problem is : what happens if the buyer doesn't have a paypal account and want to pay with, say, a credit card?
Thanks for your help!
Ok, the solution is quite simple in fact but need a complete change :
I had to forget about Web checkout and use Paypal API, do a PAY request with a Chained Payment (defining multiple receivers, with one (me) setted at primary: true). In that request, set the ipnNotificationUrl to be notified of the evolution of payments and that's it!
The response from paypal, if correct, will contain a paykey.
Then, you have to redirect the buyer to :{PAYKEY_HERE}
Then, to be kept updated, all you have to do is send a request to Paypal containing the paykey to know the paymentdetails !
That's it !
I'll answer my question on that, looking into the Paypal Adaptive Payment API, we can see a dedicated section "Guest Payments".
It seems it's possible, but it requires all the people that will receive the money to have a Business Account or Premium account!
Well I'll add a second answer because it's more complete and slightly different from the first one.
The best way to do it quite simply is to use the Express Checkout API (SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, DoExpressCheckoutPayment).
By using it instead of the basic "checkout" bouton with an IPN behind, it is possible to define more than one recipient that will receive the money : the parallel payment.
It's that easy!
(Now I have to rewrite all my code to implement it, yayh!)