GWT - spring security - caching issue - gwt

I have a GWT application which is secured by Spring Security. I have a Main.html which serves the application and Login.html for login. For most part everything works fine everytime. But sometimes after restarting my application I can still access Main.html - although most of the widgets on the page are unusable. I can see the Login.html's HTML in the console being printed as exception. On refreshing, it takes me to login page. Has anyone ran into similar issue? Is this some kind of caching issue? How can this be avoided?

It seems that in your case your bootstrap file is beining cached and thus a wrong version of your app is being loaded.
You have to make sure that your bootstrap file (the one which is named nocache) is never cached. See here for more details.
You can check if your bootstrap file is cached by using Firebug and looking at the HTTP requests for your scripts. You can check two things:
If the correct <md5>.cache.html are loaded (compare it to the ones in your gwt output folder).
The response type of your .nocache. file is not 304 or so.

Adding meta tag on top of my Main.html - helped me resolve my issue for now.
Read this for more details : HTML http-equiv Attribute


ModalPopupExtender doesn't show on some computers

I maintain a website. A button on a page shows an AjaxControlToolkit.dll ModalPopupExtender. When I click the button, the page reloads, but no popup appears.
My tests below cover the scenarios I can think of. Please help me diagnose and fix.
This ModalPopupExtender succeeded in the past. The error might have started when we moved to a new server, or when we implemented https, or a browser update, or at some other time since then.
Tried Chrome (latest) and Firefox.
I RDPed into the server and opened the page in Chrome there. ModalPopupExtender succeeded. Same Chrome version as my PC. So, unlikely to be a code issue.
A different page on the same site uses ModalPopupExtender successfully. So, unlikely to be local PC settings.
I put lines of test code immediately before and after ModalPopupExtender.Show(). Both succeed.
Aha - found it!
The ASPX/HTML referred to Changing the references to https made ModalPopupExtender.Show() work correctly for me.
Explanation/Diagnosis (if you can clarify further, please comment)
When I checked the html served to my browser, I noticed it defined a javascript function called fn(). The definition for fn() didn't appear in the html served to the server's browser. After the https change, fn() no longer appears in the html I receive. The other page, where ModalPopupExtender worked, didn't have any reference to
I assume that using http instead of https caused to provide fn() and that fn() in some way interfered with the normal operation of my ModalPopupExtender.
Here's the fn() definition: (function {var fn = function() {Sys.Extended.UI.ModalPopupBehavior.invokeViaServer('ctl00_cphContent_ModalPopupExtenderConfirm', true); Sys.Application.remove_load(fn);};Sys.Application.add_load(fn);})();
Note: the http also included another javascript function related to the ModalPopupExtender. But there was a similar one on the working page, and in the working version served to the server's browser, and in my fixed version. So, I assume that function is correct.

TYPO3 - Blocked loadin mixed active content in console

On my live site '' I see the following error message in the console:
Blocked loading mixed active content “”
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Blocked loading mixed active content “”
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I have no clue how it got there and don't remember what I changed. Where do I need to look for and how can I fix this?
I do have a Development Site ... ... and for deployment I just move the new files into the live folder.
Edit: I want to fix this problem by loading the files from my live site ... but I don't know from where I'm loading those files.
As those font-files are probably loaded from CSS I assume you already load your CSS from the dev server.
Check this out in the your browser (Network-tab).
You might see it in the HTML source. But the loading also could be initiated by javascript. so you need to check that too for any references to your dev-server.
Then you need to identify the source of this inclusion. If it's in the javascript it's obvious.
The CSS includes can be initiated in multiple places. The most common are in typoscript, so first try: go to the Template Analyzer and look for your dev-server domain. Identify the template and modify it.

Umbraco with Windsor Castle error after adding nuPickers plugin

With an existing Umbraco site running fine we added the nuPickers plugin which does not seem to like Castle. In the browser console we are seeing a lot of 404 / 500 errors being generated for the embedded resources within the plugin. (The plugin is a single DLL with css and js files embedded in it.)
The site continues running fine (back and front ends), except for the plugin.
The Event log is showing: "No component for supporting the service nuPickers.EmbeddedResourceController was found"
We have tried route.ignoreroute in our route config, and also adding a handler in web.config, both unsuccessfully, as we do not think the resource requests should be getting to castle?
Any help or pointers gratefully accepted!
Just in case anyone comes across this ticket, we 'solved' this by
Getting all of the embedded resources, (html, js & css - not the classes)
Physically placing them inside the App_plugins folder in the correct structure (as they were being requested),
Renaming the js and css files (by adding the .nu after the file
extension), and,
Adding the following mime types into the web.config
mimeMap fileExtension="" mimeType="text/css"
mimeMap fileExtension="" mimeType="application/javascript"
Then, everything seems to work - but there MUST be a better solution, surely?

Single page application cache issue

I have an single page application created in MVVM and knockout,typescript technology.
I am using knockout templating for creating different views within a Page.
The application Page has a view which shows a list of tasks user can start,pause,resume tasks.accordingly status changes using knockout.The database is getting updated but the UI doesnt reflect changes.
This application works fine in chrome but in IE the page doesn't get refreshed.In IE when from settings i choose request for new version of stored pages everytime.It works fine in IE also.
can any one help me out with a solution for this problem
It seems that your problem with the non-refreshing UI is a json caching problem.
Try to disable jquery ajax caching
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
globally or just temporarily for the request which causes the problem.
IE is caching JSON responses, you wil find your response as a .json file in the temporary internet files folder :)
More information can be read here

Apps>Menu>Basic 405 Method Not Allowed

I am hosting my pages on my doamain. I put the following info. When I go to view the app it shows 405 Method Not Allowed..Not sure what I am doing wrong.
The first page load a APP makes is a POST request.
Seems your server could be rejecting them.
Its worth checking the server side error log for further information.
Indeed, it will most probably be a setting on your server. I had the same problem, my server didn't allow POST method on .html pages, changed my canvas page source to .php and all works fine now.
If you can look at your apache logs, it will provide a more clear error that we can help you debug with. Though a 405 error typically signifies a problem with the server and usually stems for a POST request.
I have made the mistake 2 times of creating my site in html instead of using a scripting extension. For example, if you are running on a Windows server and coding in Visual Studio, it is tempting to just create .htm or .html files. However, most web servers will not allow a POST operation to these pages. Instead, create .aspx pages, which will still allow you to use the same exact static HTML and JavaScript. This solved my problem in both cases.