Facebook Facepile users liked vs connected - facebook

I noticed that the Facebook Facepile plugin shows my friends who 'Liked' the page on some apps while it shows my friends who 'Connected' to the app on others.
How do I choose which one Facepile shows?
I am aware that I can assign a custom action to Facepile. If I want to show friends that have connected/authorized the app, does that mean I need to create a new action called "connect"?

According to the facepile social plugin documentation:
To display users who have liked your page, specify the URL of your
page as the href parameter. To display users who have signed up for
your site, specify your application id as the app_id parameter.


Associate Facebook Page likes with website

I have a Facebook page with 50K+ likes on it and a separate website, when analysed with Moz, that only has a few hundred likes (which I believe are coming from WordPress on the site's blog).
For a number of reasons, I would like to associate the two with each other, so is it possible to link my FB page likes to website?
At this stage I don't want a FB Like/Share/Recommend, and simply just want my Facebook page and its like to be representative of my website. I can understand why this might not be possible, but I just thought I would ask.
If it it's not possible (like this post Facebook Open Graph : Associate Website with Facebook Page indicates) to do with Facebook page's pageId, is there way I can associate a FB app (in the form of a website) with my existing facebook page without having to make a new FB page?
There is no way to combine/link Likes of an external Website with the Likes/Fans of a Facebook Page.
About associating an App with a Page: You can install an App on a Page, it is called "Page Tab" or "Page App". Of course you don't need to create a new Page for that, you can install an App on every Page you own. You can also use that exact same App for something else on your external website. Check out the "platforms" in the App settings.

get the facebook user id in fan page using js

I use "html static iframe tab by woobox" to create a fan gate.
The fan gate shows differnt pages for users who liked the page, and another page for non-likers.
I have two aspx pages on my server one for likers and one for none-likers.
For the likers page whitch has an Iframe I link my first webpage.
In this webpage i want to get the facebook userid that is currently in the likers page.
Do I have to create an application in order to get the userid?
Do i have to get the user permission?
How do i use js sdk to do it?
Yes, you have to create an App to get the User ID, and the user must authorize your App. See here for further information about login with the JavaScript SDK: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web/v2.0
But keep in mind that you will NOT get the real User ID, Facebook made some changes recently and you can only get an "App Scoped ID" - see the Changelog for further information: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog
DonĀ“t worry, the App Scoped ID will not change, even if the User deauthorizes and authorizes your App again.

How does Facebook track Like or other activities on my site?

I am using Addthis.com's service to add facebook 'like' button onto my site.
Now I want to manually add some facebook social plugins to my site:
As I see, some plugins require to enter 'app_id', but I didn't specify my 'app_id' for Addthis.com's buttons, so I would like to ask how does facebook track those 'like' or other activities on my site??
For example, if a user clicked 'like' on Addthis.com's button on my site, would this user appear in the "Like Box" and "Facepile" plugins that I manually added to my site??
When using AddThis, the app itself, gets the current page that is liked or the specified Facebook page. When you are referring to the app_id for AddThis, it is their own id that allows you to log into http://www.addthis.com and access their custom statistics page.
When using the Facebook like button or other plugins, Facebook records the number of times someone has pressed the button. It also includes shares and reposts in this number. Using the Facebook API you would be able to seperate the numbers (whether like or share) if desired.
Facebook API
In order to access the information recorded by Facebook you must register and app with them and that will give you a Facebook app_id. This can then be used in any of their plugins.
Since the AddThis app transfers the information to Facebook, Facebook will display your like and share count in any of its plugins.

Fan and nonFan pages for my app

I want my application to have two spare screens, one for the non Fan user (the ones that didn't press the button like) and one for the fans. How can I do that without asking the users to authorize my app? Do I have to use pages or page tabs first? or something else?
I tried with JS SDK and $_REQUEST["signed_request"] but there is no info if the user "likes" the app. I also tried FQL methods, but the most tables ask for the user_likes permission.
I'm totally lost with that and any help would be gratefull.
You can get this from the signed_request parameter, which is added to the request URL for your app on the page tab or canvas URL you provided. The signed_request param contains JSON data which includes the id of the page your app is installed on, and an additional liked field if the user has already liked the page. You can use this field to redirect users to the appropriate view for your app.
See the section labelled "Integrating with Facebook APIs" at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/ for more info.

How to add a "Suggest Our FaceBook Page to A Friend" interface on a website?

With the many programming tools from FaceBook, like FaceBook connect, graph api, etc...
Is there a way to create a form on a website that does this:
I. Website visitor logs into FaceBook (from my website)
II. Form changes. Website visitor is presented with button:
"Invite FaceBook Friends to Like Our FaceBook Page"
III. Form changes to new interface. User is able to view his friends, choose specific friends and suggest FaceBook page to them. User clicks submit button.
IV. FaceBook page is suggested to friends. Data is sent to custom website application/DB to track the FaceBook info of the person who made the suggestion(s).
The whole point of this is that we want to offer a people who refer their FaceBook friends to our FaceBook page some sort of incentive (free product) and we need a way to encourage & track that.
You can refer to this for login with Facebook and knowing whether the user is connected or not: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web#login
To present the user with an "invite friends" type of interface refer to http://fbrell.com/xfbml/fb:server-fbml-multi-friend-selector
You will notice that the <fb:request-form/> tag takes a content attribute that contains a <fb:req-choice/> tag. This tag contains the url where people accepting the invitation will be directed. You can use this url to refer the person who sent the invitation. By adding a query parameter with it's Facebook id for example.