Saving NSManagedObjectContext in background - iphone

Is there a way to save my NSManagedObjectContext in the background, off of the main thread? The save slows down how the app is performing, as it routinely takes about 2 seconds.

Yes, there is.
Apple recommends using one context per thread to achieve that.
You can also use GCD for that, but you need to make sure that queues do not share context and you will also need to pass object ID, not the objects themselves between the queues or threads.
See this blog entry for detailed instructions:


Core Data - sharing NSManagedObjects among multiple threads

I suffered all the consequences of using a single MOC in multiple threads - my app crashes at random points because the MOC is created in the main thread and I also use it to fill the DB in another thread.
Though the code is synchronized (#synchronize) using a global singleton the app crashes.
I read that using a separate MOC for each thread will make things ok but I also read that it is considered also a bad approach to share NSManagedObjects across threads.
My use case is the following:
1)I load and parse XML from a server and during the parsing I insert each new NSManagedObject in the database. This all happens in a separate thread.
2)From the main thread the user interacts with the UI which reads data from the database.
In both threads I use NSManagedObjects. How would you suggest me to fix this? I failed multiple times already.
Most often the app creashed with error suggesting that I am modifying a collection while enumerating it which is not true as the code is synchronized and while I am iterating it no modifying happens and vice versa - while I modify it I don't iterate and I save once I am done.
Use one NSManagedObjectContext per thread. If you communicate between threads, pass the NSManagedObjectID, which is thread safe, and fetch the object again from you thread context. In my apps I sometimes even use one context per controller.
To manage the different contexts, register an Observer for the NSManagedObjectContextDidChangeNotification. Within this notification handling, you pass the notification to each of your contexts via the mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: method. This method is thread save and makes the context update its state.
After this you have to refresh your views. If you have a table view based application, have a look at NSFetchedResultsController. This helps you update the table automatically with appropriate animations. If you don't use table views, you have to implement the UI update yourself.
If you are only supporting iOS 5 and above you don't need to deal with NSManagedObjectID and merging contexts anymore. You can use the new concurrency types of NSManagedObjectContext instead. Then do your operations within managedObjectContext:performBlock and they will be merged automatically.
See the answer from svena here for more information:
Core Data and Concurrency using NSOperationQueues

iphone - Should I use NSOperationQueue and NSOperation instead of NSThread?

I am facing a design problem of my app.
Basically, the followings are what I am going to do in my app.
A single task is like this:
Read custom object from the underlying CoreData databse
Download a json from a url
Parse the json to update the custom object or create a new one (parsing may take 1 - 3 secs, big data)
Analyse the custom object (some calculations will be involved, may take 1 - 5 sec)
Save the custom object into CoreData database.
There may be a number of tasks being executed concurrently.
The steps within one task obviously are ordered (i.e., without step 2 downloading the json, step 3 cannot continue), but they also can be discrete. I mean, for example, task2's step 4 can be executed before task1's step 3 (if maybe task2's downloading is faster than task1's)
Tasks have priorities. User can start a task with higher priority so all the task's steps will be tried to be executed before all others.
I hope the UI can be responsive as much as possible.
So I was going to creating a NSThread with lowest priority.
I put a custom priority event queue in that thread. Every step of a task becomes an event (work unit). So, for example, step 1 downloading a json becomes an event. After downloading, the event generates another event for step 3 and be put into the queue. every event has its own priority set.
Now I see this article: Concurrency and Application Design. Apple suggests that we Move Away from Threads and use GCD or NSOperation.
I find that NSOperation match my draft design very much. But I have following questions:
In consideration of iPhone/iPad cpu cores, should I just use one NSOperationQueue or create multiple ones?
Will the NSOperationQueue or NSOperation be executed with lowest thread priority? Will the execution affect the UI response (I care because the steps involve computations)?
Can I generate a NSOpeartion from another one and put it to the queue? I don't see a queue property in NSOperation, how do I know the queue?
How do I cooperate NSOperationQueue with CoreData? Each time I access the CoreData, should I create a new context? Will that be expensive?
Each step of a task become a NSOperation, is this design correct?
In consideration of iPhone/iPad cpu cores, should I just use one NSOperationQueue or create multiple ones?
Two (CPU, Network+I/O) or Three (CPU, Network, I/O) serial queues should work well for most cases, to keep the app responsive and your programs streaming work by what they are bound to. Of course, you may find another combination/formula works for your particular distribution of work.
Will the NSOperationQueue or NSOperation be executed with lowest thread priority? Will the execution affect the UI response (I care because the steps involve computations)?
Not by default. see -[NSOperation setThreadPriority:] if you want to reduce the priority.
Can I generate a NSOpeartion from another one and put it to the queue? I don't see a queue property in NSOperation, how do I know the queue?
Sure. If you use the serial approach I outlined, locating the correct queue is easy enough -- or you could use an ivar.
How do I cooperate NSOperationQueue with CoreData? Each time I access the CoreData, should I create a new context? Will that be expensive?
(no comment)
Each step of a task become a NSOperation, is this design correct?
Yes - dividing your queues to the resource it is bound to is a good idea.
By the looks, NSOperationQueue is what you're after. You can set the number of concurrent operations to be run at the same time. If using multiple NSOperation, they will all run at the same time ... unless you handle a queue on your own, which will be the same as using NSOperationQueue
Thread priority ... I'm not sure what you mean, but in iOS, the UI drawing, events and user interaction are all run on the main thread. If you are running things on the background thread, the interface will still be responsive, no matter how complicated or cpu-heavy operations you are running
Generating and handling of operations you should do it on the main thread, as it won't take any time, you just run them in a background thread so that your main thread doesn't get locked
CoreData, I haven't worked much with it specifically, but so far every Core~ I've worked with it works perfectly on background threads, so it shouldn't be a problem
As far as design goes, it's just a point of view ... As for me, I would've gone with having one NSOperation per task, and have it handle all the steps. Maybe write callbacks whenever a step is finished if you want to give some feedback or continue with another download or something
The affection of computation when multithreading is not going to be different just because you are using NSThread instead of NSOperation. However keep in mind that must current iOS devices are using dual core processors.
Some of the questions you have are not very specific. You may or may not want to use multiple NSOperationQueue. It all depends on how you want to approach it. if you have different NSOperation subclasses, or different NSBlockOperations, you can manage order of execution by using priorities, or you might want to have different queues for different types of operations (especially when working with serial queues). I personally prefer to use 1 operation queue when dealing with the same type of operation, and have a different operation queue when the operations are not related/dependable. This gives me the flexibility to cancel and stop the operations within a queue based on something happening (network dropping, app going to the background).
I have never found a good reason to add an operation based on something happening during the execution of a current operation. Should you need to do so, you can use NSOperationQueue's class method, currentQueue, which will give you the operation queue in which the current operation is operating.
If you are doing core data work using NSOperation, i would recommend to create a context for each particular operation. Make sure to initialize the context inside the main method, since this is where you are on the right thread of the NSOperation background execution.
You do not necessarily need to have one NSOperation object for each task. You can download the data and parse it inside the NSOperation. You can also do the data download abstractly and do the data manipulation of the content downloaded using the completion block property of NSOperation. This will allow you to use the same object to get the data, but have different data manipulation.
My recommendation would be to read the documentation for NSOperation, NSBlockOperation and NSOperationQueue. Check your current design to see how you can adapt these classes with your current project. I strongly suggest you to go the route of the NSOperation family instead of the NSThread family.
Good luck.
Just to add to #justin's answer
How do I cooperate NSOperationQueue with CoreData? Each time I access
the CoreData, should I create a new context? Will that be expensive?
You should be really careful when using NSOperation with Core Data.
What you always have to remember here is that if you want to run CoreData operations on a separate thread you have to create a new NSManagedObjectContext for that thread, and share the main's Managed Object Context persistant store coordinator (the "main" MOC is the one in the app delegate).
Also, it's very important that the new Managed Object Context for that thread is create from that thread.
So if you plan to use Core Data with NSOperation make sure you initialize the new MOC in NSOperation's main method instead of init.
Here's a really good article about Core Data and threading
Use GCD - its a much better framework than NS*
Keep all your CoreData access on one queue and dispatch_async at the end of your routines to save back to your CoreData database.
If you have a developer account, check this WWDC video out:

iPhone programming - Background saving with core data

I am trying to save data into core data in the background thread, as it takes quite some time to save.
I did:
[self performSelectorInBackGround:#selector(insertRecord:) withObject:data];
When all works fine until the line in insertRecord Method hits contextsave:&error. Program received signal : "SIGABRT"
Am I doing anything wrong? it works ok when its in main thread, I just move the codes to another method and run it in background and it doesn't work anymore.
According to the "Concurrency with Core Data" section of Core Data Programming Guide:
The pattern recommended for concurrent programming with Core Data is
thread confinement: each thread must have its own entirely private
managed object context.
Using thread confinement, you should not pass managed objects or
managed object contexts between threads.
It looks like you're passing a managed object to the background thread, which is forbidden. I don't know if you're also trying to share your managed object context between threads.
That document describes a couple of workarounds for passing managed objects to other threads. You'll need to implement one of them.
The problem here is that managed object contexts aren't thread-safe. If your -insertRecord: method uses the main thread's managed object context, you're asking for trouble.
The blog Cocoa Is My Girlfriend has an article, Core Data and Threads, Without the Headache on this very topic and suggests some strategies for saving in the background. The basic idea is to make changes on a context that belongs to a background thread, and then merge the changes into the main thread's context. That gives you an up-to-date context that you can save in the background while still keeping the main thread's context current.

Correct way to poll a webservice in an IPhone app

I am trying to determine the best strategy to poll a webservice once a minute, parse the xml returned and then update an object stored in a shared instance. This process needs to run in a separate thread, and will continue as long as the app is running.
It seems that I could put all the code to call the webservice and parse the xml into an NSOperation and add that NSOperation to an NSOperationQueue stored in the app delegate as soon as the app launches.
Is it a correct approach to use an NSTimer inside the main method of the NSOperation so that the operation will loop once a minute, indefinitely? In that scenario the NSOperation would never actually return - this seems what I want but I am not sure if this is the right way to think about it.
The problem I am trying to solve is of course extremely common, so I am trying to figure out the correct way to implement it. Any advice greatly appreciated.
The real correct way to do it is to use push notifications. If any of your users have cell plans with limited data or data charged based on usage, they will thank you for it.
But if you insist on polling, you may as well use the NSTimer directly rather than messing with a timer inside an NSOperation. This will run on the main thread, but you could have the timer callback use performSelectorInBackground:withObject: to do processing in the background. Or you could just skip the timer altogether and run the whole polling sequence on a separate NSThread, and use sleepForTimeInterval: to delay between polls.
I would highly recommend you take a look at ASIHTTPRequest. What an amazing little class, and really well documented.
Take a look at this answer for what seems to be the optimal solution.
one approach: create a thread and use a run loop, updating or idling as appropriate. then you can perform the request from the secondary thread and post it to the rest of the app after it's been parsed/prepped.
this way offers more control over pause/resume/delays/timing, and you can easily control the number of active requests (which should be exactly zero or one).
I wouldn't use NSTimer for this problem/design. I would create NSThread from the AppDelegate when the application starts. I would lower the priority of this thread. Inside the NSThread main method is basically a loop.
-(void)main {
while(true) {
// get raw data from url
// hash the result
// compare the hash to the last time
if (currentHash != lastHash) {
// post a notification to default center with the new data
lastHash = currentHash;
// sleep the thread sleepForTimeInterval
Your Model object would subscribe to the notification from the thread and parse the new data and updates ivars. Your View object would listen to the Model using KVO and display any updates/changes.

NSManagedObjectContext and GCD

From Apple's Core Data Programming Guide:
You should give each thread its own
entirely private managed object
context and keep their associated
object graphs separated on a
per-thread basis.
How does that scale to Grand Central Dispatch, where you have absolutely no control over threads, which are created automagically on your behalf?
The way I do it now is to have one NSManagedObjectContext for each dispatch queue, but that's the thing: a dispatch queue doesn't necessarily use the same thread every time, right?
I think "What does Apple mean when they say that a NSManagedObjectContext is owned by the thread or queue that created it?" on SO will answer your question.
I have not looked at this article, but maybe you are interested in this post Passing around a NSManagedObjectContext on the iPhone by Marcus Zara.