scrolling some part of UIScrollView - iphone

I am developing an app. In which we are placing UIScrollView and buttons & images on UIScrollView.Images are at the bottom of the UIScrollView and Buttons are at top of the UIScrollView.
Problem is that I want to scroll only images not buttons. Is it possible to scroll only some part in UIScrollView. If possible how can we achieve it.
Any one can help or suggest with links.

Instead of putting the buttons on the UIScrollView, make the UIScrollView smaller and add the buttons to the same parent view as the UIScrollView.

You can take another scrollview and add images on it. So that if you scroll the images your buttons will not move.

Create 2 scrollviews, one for button & one for images. Then set scrolling disabled for the one with buttons.


How to slide button vertically in iphone?

How to slide button vertically in iphone by programmatically ?
Hey i have 7 images. and i want to display only 3 images vertically. and other images will be display when user scroll it upward.
Take a look at UIScrollView class :-) and then at UIImageView
If I understand what you want to do...
But we won't code you the thing ;-)
Good Luck.
add scrollview and setPagingEnabled =yes;
two way
1.add all images in view as subview and set the frame of them by one by one one view while scroll up add next image in view and remove old image.
right.Got it?
i think this tutorial will help you

Scrolling horizontally between multiple images using UIScrollView

If we start with the photos app for example. The images can be viewed with a swipe and the images scroll into view as the user swipes.
How is this kind of UIScrollView setup and how are the Images (e.g. from an array) displayed within this UISCrollView?
Are the images added to the scrollview at once or how is this paging look achieved?
This can be achieved using a main UIScrollView with pagingEnabled set to YES and containing nested UIScrollViews. Then you can put an UIImageView in each one of these nested scroll views, so you can also achieve zooming by returning it to - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:
Also, you can take a look at these samples from Apple:

iPhone: UIScrollView not scrolling when adding item via IB

I'm trying to make a very simple scrolling page via IB. What I've got is a UIImageView at the top and 2 UIImageViews at the bottom, with a UITextView in the middle. I've disabled the scrolling in the UITextView as I won't the whole page to scroll up and down including the UIImageViews.
Can anyone tell me why the UIScrollView won't scroll up and down? All of the items above are subviews of UIScrollView via IB.
You can only scroll in a UIScrollView if the contentSize is larger than the frame. Have you set this?

implement UIScrollview on a particular area of screen?

i am creating an app which has two UIImageViews at top and bottom of the screen and few customs buttons in between them which i am using in a UIScrollview so that user can scroll through them while the two images remain on top & bottom as they are.But when i use the scrollview the buttons scroll over the two UIimageview instead of just scrolling between them or hiding behind them as users scroll can i make the UIImagviews remain on top of the buttons in UIScrollview??
I assume that you use the Interface Builder...
Make sure that:
The frame of the scroll view is between the image view
The Clip subviews of the scroll view is checked
The image views appear after the scroll view in the views hierarchy (if not then you can just drag them inside the hierarchy)

how to make horizontal scroll view of images .?

i am new developer on iphone and i am working on a project. the problem i am having is that i have no idea about how to create a horizontal scroll view of images. what i want is that when i click on the table view containing image thumbs, i should view the same image in a much larger size and scroll the other images that are on the left and the right.
The class you want is UIScrollView. You can add multiple UIImageViews to a UIScrollView.
In addition to ScollingMadness recommended by luvieere, check out Apple's UIScrollView sample code which is referneced from the Xcode UIScrollView documentation.