iOS Information Button - iphone

On a number of iPhone applications I'm seeing a little blue circular button that, when clicked on, displays information about the application. Is this something that is built into the iOS SDK, or is it simply a custom button with a custom image?

You can make an info button in Interface Builder by placing a button (a Rounded Button) and changing its type into dark or light info button.
You can also crate an info button programmatically like this:
UIButton *infoButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeInfoDark];

It's in the Interface Builder. Place a Round-Rect button and change the type to "Info Light" or "Info Dark"
Then you simply link it to creating a new subview in which you place all the information about the app or whatever else you would like to put there.

Yes, it is built into the SDK.
Place a button in interface builder and choose info dark and info
light from the button types in the attributes inspector.
Is this the button?
It is available in dark gray and light gray only.. if it is not.. Please post a link to which button you are referring to.

You can make an info button in Interface Builder by placing a button (a Rounded Button) and changing its type into dark or light info button.


iPhone app Button style like "add to homescreen" button

i'm new in iphone app developing,
and i just wanted to create a buttonbar like this on the left screenshot.
What kind of buttons are these?
The only buttons i can find in xcode are the "Round Rect buttons" and the "Toolbar Buttons". But both of them do differ to the buttons on the screenshot.
I saw this Buttons in many apps on my iPhone, so i thought they must be Buttons from IOS.
Does anybody know, how to get this buttons?
Thanks, guys.
The left screenshot shows an UIActionSheet. You can use this class to make similar action sheet popups, but if you'd like to use that button style outside of an UIActionSheet class, you'll have to create a custom UIButton with background image.

Add iPhone Sharing Button

I've gotten Tweet sheets to appear in my app, but I'd like to spawn them only when a user presses the particular "Tweet" button in a UIActionSheet.
Currently, my UIActionSheet is being shown in the main view after the user presses a Rounded Rect Button. I would like to change this button to be Apple's "standard" share method, which is using the button with the square image and the arrow jumping out of it, as shown below
Where could I find the image for the button to do this, or is the button already built into XCode?
I hope I'm being clear enough.
Thank you.
You have to just create toolbar item with Bar Button Item. In Attributes Inpector choose 'Action' type of your button.
Attach selector/method from your rounded rect button to this button.

iOS custom navigationBar button item

I would like to set navBar buttons like safari as following image shows. However I can only set a custom image for toolbar button but square button container remains although I set plain style. How to reach it? Thank you
Plain is only for tool bars not nav bars, that's the only way you can achieve no border. You must use a custom UIButton on your navbar to achieve the same results.
If you need an icon somewhat like that, you can check on Default Icon
Use UIBarButtonItem method for creating bar button
- (id)initWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView;
and create custom view with UIButton of type UIButtonTypeCustom

UIBarButtonItem Done State Without Border

I have a UIToolbar where all the buttons have a style of UIBarButtonItemStylePlain. One of these buttons toggles a setting in my app and I would like to have some type of Selected state when that feature is enabled.
Since I am not using bordered buttons, setting the style to UIBarButtonItemStyleDone would not work because the button would not match. Is there an easy way to change to color of the icon on the button?
For a sample, look at the location button in the Maps app on the iPad. It does exactly what I am looking for.
Sure thing. You can set the background image with initWithImage:style:target:action: or supply a custom view with initWithCustomView:

Want to see the image only in iPhone

I have a button connected to an action.
When I set the background image on that button, the result is not visually appealing. I want just to see the image not the button but I want the ibaction functionality of that button.
Please help
You need a button with type UIButtonTypeCustom (this will stop the default button appearance from drawing). You can do this in interface builder or in code (although you can't change it once the button is initialized).