How to generate reports in PMD using Command Line - pmd

We can launch PMD on CMD with this command
pmd.bat c:\path\to\my\src xml c:\path\to\mycustomrules.xml
Where is it generating the reports???
I mean in which location?

I found it...
simply type on CMD
pmd.bat c:\path\to\my\src xml c:\path\to\mycustomrules.xml > myfile.txt

You can use reportfile argument for this.
Example is
pmd SourcePath html basic -reportfile C:\PMDReports\PMDoutput.html
pmd SourcePath html basic -reportfile PMDoutput.html
Incase 2 PMDoutput.html is found in current directory.


Doxygen Search and Replace Output

I am working on generating a compiled help file (CHM) for using a C#-based API from IronPython.
In the output I have the type "Ironpython.Runtime.List" which won't make any sense to the Python users. I would like to change this to "PythonList" or something else.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Note - I am using doxygen 1.8.14 on Windows. Thanks!
Hmmm... well I solved it with the following batch file.
set hhc=C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe
doxygen "%cd%\Doxyfile.cfg"
"%cd%\fnr.exe" --cl --find "IronPython.Runtime.List" --replace "List []" --dir "%cd%\html" --fileMask "*.html" --includeSubDirectories
"%hhc%" "%cd%\html\index.hhp"
fnr.exe is available from: http://

CFdirectory with Coldfusion 11, issue with non ascii characters in filenames

I have a similar question to this:
ColdFusion, CFDirectory and the French
which was not given a satisfactory answer.
We have upgraded from Coldfusion 9 to Coldfusion 11. So far no major problems except the following:
When using CFdirectory to display file names that contain non ASCII characters in their names (eg: accents, umlauts) we get to see the file name with replacement characters � instead of the correct UTF equivalent. For example a file named L’État, c’est moi.pdf is displayed as L�����tat, c���est moi.pdf.
We are confident that this is a Coldfusion issue as nothing has changed but the Coldfusion version. With Coldfusion 9 CFdirectory worked OK when listing the same accented filenames. Our OS is Redhat 7.0 and the file names are also displayed correctly on the terminal with the ls command. I have also created a quick PHP script to see if PHP can read correctly the directory with the "readdir" command and there no problems there either, filenames are rendered correctly.
So I believe this has to be a Coldfusion 11 issue. I have added the -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dencoding=UTF-8 parameters in the JVM settings from the Coldfusion administrator server interface but it made no difference.
Any suggestions on how to rectify this would be appreciated.
example of code used follows:
directory="#ExpandPath( './' )#/pdfs"
label="All Files"
Have you tried setting the cfprocessingdirective tag?
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">
CF 11 WikiDocs
Also, In the Chrome Network Inspector, make sure the encoding is being returned correctly. Eg:
Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
If your environment is Linux, you need to have a clean UTF-8 configuration.
Please have a look here.
I had the same problem, I just add into the file ~/.bashrc these lines:
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
After that, don't forget to restart your Coldfusion Server
sudo /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/bin/coldfusion restart
Please see: Why are certain characters not being injected correctly to SQL Server from a CFQUERY?
Make sure your file is saved with encoding Unicode UTF-8.
Also make sure your JVM arguments will process that as well. Admin > Server Settings > Java and JVM. Add " -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" to the Arguments.
I had the same problem this solved my bug
on linux and after change restart coldfusion application

How to call an atom package?

I installed the atom-runner package. I want to create a custom command to execute from the palette to save the current file and then execute the runner. Getting the editor and saving the file works.
runner:run fails as does
atom.workspaceView.command 'MyEntry:runner', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor()
To call a Command Palette command from code, you can use atom.workspaceView.trigger and give it the name of the command as a string. For example:
atom.workspaceView.command 'custom:runner', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor()
atom.workspaceView.trigger 'runner:run'
I changed the name of your custom command to custom:runner to fit in with the conventions of command naming in Atom and the conventions we've been using in the Atom community for simple commands in one's If you wanted to retain the use of "my entry" as the package name (or anything else that has two words in it), I'd recommend formatting it as my-entry:runner.
I found that with version 1.9.x the last line of the accepted answer did not work:
atom.workspaceView.trigger 'runner:run'
After some searching, found that this did:
editorView = atom.views.getView(editor)
atom.commands.dispatch(editorView, 'runner:run')

Is there any MS-DOS command to get the version of an executable (or dll) file?

Is there any MS-DOS command to get the version of am executable (or dll) file?
Of course there is a simple command ;-)
wmic /node:"servername" datafile where name='c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Symantec\\Symantec Endpoint Protection\\smc.exe' get version
you can ommit /node to perform check on the local computer. And if you ommit "get version" you get all the values and column names. Of course there are standard wmic parameters available like /output:filename, /append:filename or /format:csv and you can use #list.txt instead of a server name to perform check on list of machines.
Either user powershell
Get file version in PowerShell
or Windows Explorer
or write your own utility, I don't think that MSDOS supports this natively.
You could load the executable as a binary file and read the PE headers manually...
You can try Resource Hacker with the following syntax:
reshack.exe -extract "path\to\my\file.dll," ver.rc, VERSIONINFO, , && findstr FILEVERSION ver.rc
Beware of commas. Make sure you can create ver.rc.

Reading/Capturing DOS input for use in MsBuild

How do I capture/read DOS input for use in MsBuild?
EDITED for clarification
Currently I have 2 files. One batch file, the other is the core.msbuild file which contains the msbuild stuff. I want to be able to capture an extra user input e.g. an output directory, from the windows command prompt (when the build file is executed) and send it to the msbuild file (and set it to a PropertyGroup). %1 is already taken so I'm thinking to use %2.
Like the following:
build.bat param1 param2
param2 is the one im trying to capture and do the above.
Got it...
In the build.bat file, append this to a build string:
... /p:customOutputDir="%1"
In MsBuild file:
Then OutputDir can be used in Targets.
Isn't the idea of an automated build that the build is repeateable and without user input?
But, i would guess that powershell has some better options for getting input from a user for this than standard dos.
Would it also be possible to query the user input before executing the build file and pass it as a param?