const object for copy constructor - constants

I am reading about copy constructor.
can any body tell me what is happening in the below statement
class Base {
Base() {cout << "Base constructor";}
Base(const Base& a) {cout << "copy constructor with const arg";}
Base(Base& a) {cout << "copy constructor with non-const arg"; return a;}
const Base& operator=(Base &a) {cout << "assignment operator with non-const arg"; return a;}
void main()
Base a;
Base b = Base(); // This is neither calling copy constructor nor assignment operator.
Please tell me what is happening at "Base b = Base()" statement.

Copy constructor will be called in three casess:
When an object is returned by value
When an object is passed (to a function) by value as an argument
When an object is thrown
When an object is caught
When an object is placed in a brace-enclosed initializer list
assignment opertator will be called when below:
B b;
so your statement:
Base b = Base();
does not suit any of the above.


Unable to bind rvalue reference arguments in member function

I'm using pybind11 to create python bindings for a C++ library whose source I cannot change. It contains a class that defines member functions with rvalue reference arguments (eg T &&val). I am unable to create a binding to a member function with rvalue reference arguments but binding to a non-member function with identical arguments works as expected.
A simplified example looks like this:
struct Foo {
// Cannot create a pybinding for this method.
void print_ref(int &&v) const {
std::cout << "Foo::print_ref(" << to_string(v) << ")" <<std::endl;
// Pybinding for standalone function works as expected.
void print_ref(int&& val) {
std::cout << "print_ref(" << to_string(val) << ")" << std::endl;
The pybind11 code looks like this:
PYBIND11_MODULE(refref, m) {
py::class_<Foo>(m, "Foo")
// Both of these attempts to create a pybinding FAILs with same error.
.def("print_ref", &Foo::print_ref)
.def("print_ref", (void (Foo::*) (int&&)) &Foo::print_ref);
// This pybinding of standalone function is SUCCESSful.
m.def("print_ref", &print_ref);
The compilation error on the first binding attempt is:
pybind11/bin/../include/site/python3.4/pybind11/pybind11.h:79:80: error: rvalue reference to type 'int' cannot bind to lvalue of type 'int'
initialize([f](const Class *c, Arg... args) -> Return { return (c->*f)(args...); },
pybind11/bin/../include/site/python3.4/pybind11/pybind11.h:1085:22: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'pybind11::cpp_function::cpp_function<void, Foo, int &&,
pybind11::name, pybind11::is_method, pybind11::sibling>' requested here
cpp_function cf(method_adaptor<type>(std::forward<Func>(f)), name(name_), is_method(*this),
refref.cpp:31:3: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'pybind11::class_<Foo>::def<void (Foo::*)(int &&) const>' requested here
.def("print_ref", &Foo::print_ref);
Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? Since it works fine with non-member functions, I'm inclined to suspect a pybind11 issue but thought I would check here first.
Indeed, the problem comes from rvalues. I learned quite a few things from this SO answer and this blog post.
There's a nice workaround : you can create a wrapper class that will redirect calls to the C++ library you cannot change, taking care of the rvalue with the std::move semantic.
#include <iostream>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
struct Foo {
void print_ref(int&& v) const {
std::cout << "Foo::print_ref(" << +v << ")" <<std::endl;
// This class will interface between PyBind and your library
class Foo_wrap{
Foo _mimu;
void print_ref(int v) const{
PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
py::class_<Foo_wrap>(m, "Foo_wrap")
.def("print_ref", &Foo_wrap::print_ref);
That you can call in Python with
import example as fo
wr = fo.Foo_wrap()

Why does C++11 fail to treat two template typenames T == U in constructor in a template class?

I could not find a short and better title. :(
Suppose I have a simple C++11 template class definition as below:
#include <utility>
template <typename T>
class A
T v;
template <typename U>
A(const A<U>& a); // copy ctor
A(A<T>&& a); // move ctor
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
A<T>::A(const A<U>& a) // copy ctor
v = a.v;
template <typename T> // move ctor
A<T>::A(A<T>&& a)
v = std::move(a.v); // although moving PODs does not make sense in my example
Now, my C++11 code uses the above C++11 class as follows:
int main()
A<char> a;
A<float> b(a); // okay
A<char> c(a); // gcc output is as below:
// error: use of deleted function 'constexpr A<char>::A(const A<char>&)'
// note: 'constexpr A<char>::A(const A<char>&)' is implicitly declared
// as deleted because 'A<char>' declares a move constructor or move
// assignment operator
return 0;
It gives the error use of deleted function 'constexpr A<char>::A(const A<char>&)'.
However, it compiles and runs properly when I am not using any move semantics in the class definition as below:
#include <utility>
template <typename T>
class A
T v;
template <typename U>
A(const A<U>& a);
// A(A<T>&& a); // removed move ctor
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
A<T>::A(const A<U>& a)
v = a.v;
My questions are:
Why the gcc compiler is treating the template <typename U> in copy ctor differently in the two situations?
Why does it fail to treat typenames T == U in the presence of move ctor?
Why do I need to explicitly write yet another template
function template <typename T> A<T>::A(const A<U>& a) when using
move ctor?
You haven't written a copy constructor. From [class.copy] in the C++11 standard:
A non-template constructor for class X is a copy constructor if its first parameter is of type X&, const X&, volatile X& or const volatile X&, and either there are no other parameters or else all other parameters have default arguments (8.3.6).
(I see no provision for a template constructor to be called a copy constructor)
and consequently
If the class definition does not explicitly declare a copy constructor, one is declared implicitly
The difference between the two examples is whether or not you have a move constructor:
If the class definition declares a move constructor or move assignment operator, the implicitly declared copy constructor is defined as deleted; otherwise, it is defined as defaulted (8.4)
Defining the move constructor disabled the copy constructor. What you want is a converting constructor, which as the name implies, converts its argument to the type of the class. If your copy/move constructors don't do anything special, either omit or default them. To explain the final piece of your confusion, the reason you can omit the template arguments in your fake copy constructor is because of the injected class name. Meaning that wherever you see A, it's silently substituted for A<T>. I've included it for clarity.
template <typename T>
class A
T v;
A() = default;
template <typename U>
A<T>(const A<U>& a);
A(const A<T>& a) = default;
A(A<T>&& a) = default;

Shall I build a destructor in this classes?

I am currently working on building an ABM model using C++.
I have classes that have the need to interact with each other, because e.g. class B needs to examine values in class A and return some evaluation on it, which then class C might want to read. Classes need not to change other classes values, only to read from them.
Class B in my current implementation has a po
inter to a vector containing all members of Class A. The pointer is there for two order of reason: it makes easier to initialize the vector, and the vector is left in the scope of main so that I can access and loop over it, calling the members of class A for each agent.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class A; // Forward declaration
class B{
int id,
vector<A> * A_vec;
// Overloaded constructor
B(int ID, vector<A> & PTR)
A_vec = & PTR;
id = ID;
some_value = 0;
// Copy Constructor
B( const B& that ):
// Pointer ??
// Non-default destructor -> uncomment leads to seg_fault
~B(){ delete [] A_vec;};
// Assignment operator
B& operator=(const B& that)
id =;
some_value = that.some_value;
// Pointer ??
return *this;
//Methods to update different variables go here ..
void do_stuff();
class A{
B & class2_ref;
vector<double> o;
int stuff;
// Overloaded constructor
A(int STUFF, B & REF, vector<double> O):
stuff = STUFF;
// Methods to update different variables go here ..
void B::do_stuff()
int L = A_vec->size();
for(int l = 0; l<L; l++) some_value += (*A_vec)[l].stuff; // Perform some operation
int main(){
int I = 5; // Number of objects of A
vector<double> O(12,2); // Some numbers in here
B b(0,A_vec);
for(int i = 0; i< I; i++)
A a(i,b,O);
cout<< "Debugging MCVE" << endl;
return 0;
My question then is:
Should I implement the destructor/copy constructor/assignment operator in class B? What about class A ? If so, can you please point me to the correct syntax(for the destructor the one above in comments leads to seg fault).
My understanding is that this might be one of the case in which I am happy with a "shallow" destruction of the pointer, because both class B and vector<A> will go out of scope at the return statement. class B owns the pointer, which gets destructed when it is due, and the same for vector.
But then, what about the other member from the rule of three?
There is only one object of class B planned, but I might (small chance) want to generalize later on.
if a class have a pointer type, you should implement a destructor, and i would suggest implementing a copy and an assignment operator as well, else you will be dealing with the same object from 2 different places, which could cause you some errors, for example -
void someFunction(B &b)
B a = b;
B b(0,A_vec);
someFunction(b); //After finishing someFunction, it will try to delete the vector from a , but it is the same vector you used in b.
b.do_stuff(); // Would cause a seg error
And for the destructor syntax, just delete the vector, not its content, it will use the vector default destrctor on the content:
delete A_vec
just make sure you dont use it if its not initialized, i would suggest just building a empty vector on each ctor of the class, that way you wont get a seg fault and you can use delete.

How to overload the << operator based on a method display already defined?

I would like to overload the << operator for my class from a method display already defined. I get an compiler error of no match for operator <<.
Here is a minimal example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyClass
ostream& display(ostream& out) const
out << "Display message" << endl;
return out;
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out) const
ostream& output = display(out);
return output;
int main()
MyClass C1;
cout << C1 << endl;
return 0;
Although C1.display(cout); woks without problems!
You have defined operator<< as a member function of MyClass. Therefore, you must call it like member functions are called (object on the left, parameter on the right), like this:
C1 << cout;
But that doesn't seem to be what you want. You probably want to be able to call it like this:
cout << C1;
In that case the function can't be a member of MyClass. It would have to be a member of cout, or a free function (outside any class). And in this case it must be a free function because you can't change the definition of cout.
So, to declare operator<< as a free function, it needs to have two arguments (left-hand-side and right-hand-side):
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const MyClass& c) { ... }
Now you can call it with an ostream on the left and a MyClass object on the right, like this:
cout << C1;

Inheritance with templates

using namespace std;
class C
C (){};
virtual void nothing()=0;
virtual ~C (){};
class A : public C
A (){};
virtual void nothing(){};
class B:public A
void nothing(){};
template <class T>
void hi(T){
cout << " i am something\n";
template <>
void hi<A>(A)
cout << " I am A\n";
template <>
void hi<B>(B)
cout << " I am B\n";
int main ( )
C *array [] = {new A,new B};
hi (*array [0]);
hi (*array [1]);
delete array [0];
delete array [1];
return 0;
i am something
I am something
Currently I am writing a program that has to deal with
Inherited types and specialised templates. In the example above I would l would like to see
I am A
I am B
Is there a way to properly invoke the functions corresponding to the objects although I am handling a base class array? I am not sure if type checking and conversion via dynamic_cast is the most elegant solution. Note that this is just an excerpt from a larger program.
Thank you in advance
In the main routine, the three lines shown below create an array of C*.
So any element of that array is treated as a C* regardless of
what the actual type of the element is.
That is, when you pass *array [0] to the function hi(),
the function that gets called is hi(C) which resolves to
the generic hi function, not either of the specialized functions.
C *array [] = {new A,new B};
hi (*array [0]);
hi (*array [1]);
In order to make hi<A> be invoked, you either have to store the pointer
to the new object in a variable of type A* or you need to cast the
C* to an A*.
In a case like this, a virtual function of C, overridden in A and B,
may serve the purpose better.