Unable to start Stanford's CS106A Eclipse version - "Unable to access jarfile startup.jar" on Mac 10.6 - eclipse

I've been trying to do the Stanford CS106A course through iTunesU, but I keep running into problems with Eclipse. I tried getting Stanford's custom version with Karel, but that kept giving the "unable to access jarfile startup.jar" error. I even tried getting a current version and trying the instructions on http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/getting_stanfords_karel_robot_run_debians_eclipse, but that threw null pointer exceptions when I tried to run a programming assignment.
I'm not sure what information to give, but I'm running Mac OS 10.6.8 (64-bit, I think?), and my Java version is 1.6.0_22.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I've got algorithms in my head, and I need to get them out! :)

The correct download link for the Eclipse package recommended by the course is actually via the class page here: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/
The software link is in the sidebar, but it uses frames so it's difficult to link directly. Here's the software page without the navigation:

I had the same problem and had followed an older handout that pointed me to an older version of eclipse, I think pre OSX Tiger that will never work. Thanks for the tip pointing me to the right location, I downloaded it from http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/ and it worked right away. Thanks becw
For those that are interested, this is even working in MAC OSX 10.10.1


Unity Hololens project missing SDK (that is certainly installed)

I made a stackoveflow account just to post about this since it's been bothering me for 3 days time (tinkering after work so not much time every day). And this is my first post so please be forgiving if I break a few rules :)
My problem is that after I have installed and configured everything and I have followed the official guide I get these errors thrown by VS
I have researched as much as I can and still nothing. Things I have tried:
Reinstalling VS
Reinsatlling and manually installing the Windows 10 SDK
Adding all the sdk folders to the Path Env. Variable
Rebuilding the project
Building a new project
Changing the version of the UWP
Has anyone else had this issue or know a way to fix it? I really want to start developing for MR after doing a ~10 page documentation on why its the most promising technology...

No such module 'FBAudienceNetwork' in XCode 9 Swift 4

I installed the FBAudienceNetwork (version 4.26.0) with CocoaPods (version 1.3.1). I followed the official manual as published at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/ios, but the Xcode still not recognized the framework.
Just to be clear - I opened the project from xcworkspace file.
I tried the following steps with no success:
Install the framework manually, adding the ~/Documents/FacebookSDK path to Framework Search Path
Make sure that the pods project compiled using Swift 4
Added also FBSDKCoreKit (with Bolts) and FBSDKShareKit (both frameworks imported successfully)
Clean the project, delete DerivedData and also clean the pods cache and reinstalling the pods
Nothing worked so far. Anyone faced the same issue and know the reason?
Fixed in v4.27.0
Another solution that uses latest SDK (until Facebook fixes this) is to add a line to your Objc bridging header:
#import <FBAudienceNetwork/FBAudienceNetwork.h>
Of course this assumes you are using a bridging header, and if you're not then you could add one but that defeats the point of using modules. Hopefully Facebook fixes this soon.
I'm also seeing the same problem. I'm watching the Facebook bug report, but it's already been closed so I don't have high hopes of it being fixed anytime soon. Facebook suggested adding "$(SRCROOT)" to your Framework Search Paths as a work around, but it didn't work for me.
For now, I've manually locked my "FBAudienceNetwork" pod to version 4.25.0 with the following line in my Podfile:
pod 'FBAudienceNetwork', '4.25.0'
Try this solution it will fix your issue.
You need to rename FBAudienceNetwork.modulemap to module.modulemap in FBAudienceNetwork.framework/Modules folder.
From the audience network installation guide
Good luck
Following this post:
and after downgrade to version 4.23 (supported by MoPub mediation as written here: https://github.com/mopub/mopub-ios-sdk/wiki/Integrating-Native-Third-Party-Ad-Networks) the integration is working (by adding the framework manually).
This is a bug in 4.26 version, so anyone that encourage the same issue, you have to wait for Facebook fixing this bug. I recommend to subscribe and follow the discussion I posted.
It works when I'm using only the framework within the "static" folder.

Unity crashes on Launch

I have installed latest version of unity(5.6.0f3) from https://store.unity.com. Every time i try to launch the unity I get unity bug reporter window popped up.I am not able to create a new project or use unity. I uninstalled latest version and installed unity 5.3.5f1 version. But still I am facing the same problem.
Maybe memory problem in your pc, try to end task of anything running even google chrome (because it takes a lot of memory) and then run Unity as administrator.
It can be also that your windows is 32 bits and you wanna run Unity3d 64 bits.
I hope this helped you ;)
I also faced the problem like this.
In my case this bug reporter appeared when I tried to open the "unity-3d-simplefps-master" project downloaded from GitHub.
So I renamed the source folder name and I just avoided this bug reporter.
Best wishes!

Having Hello A ssl problems while installing cocoapods

hello guys i am having problems wile trying to install cocoapods in el captian i just updated yesterday and cant install the cocoapods due to this error
terminal results
im kinda new to mac and xcode and everything i have already looked at all the answers that might have helped like
Cannot install cocoa pods after uninstalling, results in error
and entered the codes bud didnt get any result on it so if u could explain the issue in a simple way that would be great thanks
hey after some research and asking from some friends this is what they offered me
Sounds like there is some SSL issue in your RubyGems installation, maybe this can help. Another option is to use the OS X app as installation method instead: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods-app/releases/tag/0.39.0
i used the app and it solved my problem
thanks anyways

Compilation has not happening in Blackberry Webwork

Am very new to this Blackberry Webworks. My app not getting compile & also I can't able to get the signed .cod whenever I am using blackberry.advertising.
For more ref: Here 's the error am getting, Please let me know any solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,
Krishnakumar P
First thing I notice is you're running JDK 1.7 - You'll want to uninstall that, and install the 32Bit 1.6 JDK.
Secondly, if that doesn't help, are you using any extensions in your app?