Having Hello A ssl problems while installing cocoapods - swift

hello guys i am having problems wile trying to install cocoapods in el captian i just updated yesterday and cant install the cocoapods due to this error
terminal results
im kinda new to mac and xcode and everything i have already looked at all the answers that might have helped like
Cannot install cocoa pods after uninstalling, results in error
and entered the codes bud didnt get any result on it so if u could explain the issue in a simple way that would be great thanks

hey after some research and asking from some friends this is what they offered me
Sounds like there is some SSL issue in your RubyGems installation, maybe this can help. Another option is to use the OS X app as installation method instead: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods-app/releases/tag/0.39.0
i used the app and it solved my problem
thanks anyways


Cannot run any flutter commands because of permissions, downloaded using homebrew

I want to learn how to use flutter, so I downloaded it using homebrew on the M1 Mac.
Running which flutter returns /opt/homebrew/bin/flutter
I tried running flutter doctor which errors out. I'm not sure how to handle this.
Please ensure that the SDK and/or project is installed in a location that has read/write permissions for the current user.```
This sounds like a Homebrew permissions question that you happened to have bumped into with Flutter - which is good news, because Homebrew permissions issues are fairly well explored. This question has a ton of great answers.

Firebase iOS Swift Authentication API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst) problem

I've just used identical procedures to those that were working a few weeks ago on an earlier app using Firebase Authentication in iOS/Swift. I've just added authentication code after configuring app, registering app, downloading & performing proper updates with the GoogleService-Info.plist, etc.
When I run, I get an error in OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser.h on the line:
API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst) // currently 38
stating it "expected ;"
Did a quick cross-ref of this Google code with code that worked & loaded via CocoaPods a few weeks ago, and there's no mention of macCatalyst in that code.
Any thoughts on what's up or suggested workarounds?
I tried adding pod 'AppAuth','~> 1.2.0' and it at least compiled for me. I'm going to do some more testing but as a "fix" for now this seems to work.
Seems to be working fine now :) Hopefully they get the new version of AppAuth fixed, but it seems like 1.2.0 works well.
I was running under Xcode 10. Apparently everything works fine in Xcode 11. Perhaps Google's Firebase team didn't update w/backward compatibility in mind?
Same issue with my app also. After some trial and error I found a solution.
Use pod 'GoogleSignIn', '~> 4.1.1' instead of version 5.0.1

Gem bundles error stops metasploit from starting on my iDevice

hope you all doing good,
so my problem is that I can't run metasploit on my iPhone and it's kind of frustrating since I'm sure I followed the installation steps carefully.
When I type "ruby msfconsole" it says that Metasploit requires the bundler gem to be intalled. So I searched for it and found that "gem install bundles" should fix it, but It didn't!
And here's a screenshot of the whole process:
Thanks in advance!
i know this issu i had it my self but when jou see the error it says easy sead that the ruby code doesent get the encryption that happand most of the time on iphone i think that you downloaded ruby from cydia but the ruby 1.9.3 version from cydia is broken what jou can do is go to cydia and install the metasploit pakkage from there after install go back in the terminal and go to whear it is i guase usr or var jou will find it and start it from the metasploit map it will work but it is not the latest version because the version 4 wont work on iphone!!!!!!
3 does.
i hope that this works and jou cant fix ruby that bug dit i dont fix :(
sorry for bad english.

Compilation has not happening in Blackberry Webwork

Am very new to this Blackberry Webworks. My app not getting compile & also I can't able to get the signed .cod whenever I am using blackberry.advertising.
For more ref: Here 's the error am getting, Please let me know any solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,
Krishnakumar P
First thing I notice is you're running JDK 1.7 - You'll want to uninstall that, and install the 32Bit 1.6 JDK.
Secondly, if that doesn't help, are you using any extensions in your app?

Unable to start Stanford's CS106A Eclipse version - "Unable to access jarfile startup.jar" on Mac 10.6

I've been trying to do the Stanford CS106A course through iTunesU, but I keep running into problems with Eclipse. I tried getting Stanford's custom version with Karel, but that kept giving the "unable to access jarfile startup.jar" error. I even tried getting a current version and trying the instructions on http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/getting_stanfords_karel_robot_run_debians_eclipse, but that threw null pointer exceptions when I tried to run a programming assignment.
I'm not sure what information to give, but I'm running Mac OS 10.6.8 (64-bit, I think?), and my Java version is 1.6.0_22.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I've got algorithms in my head, and I need to get them out! :)
The correct download link for the Eclipse package recommended by the course is actually via the class page here: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/
The software link is in the sidebar, but it uses frames so it's difficult to link directly. Here's the software page without the navigation:
I had the same problem and had followed an older handout that pointed me to an older version of eclipse, I think pre OSX Tiger that will never work. Thanks for the tip pointing me to the right location, I downloaded it from http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/ and it worked right away. Thanks becw
For those that are interested, this is even working in MAC OSX 10.10.1