Installation of hibernate tools in Eclipse - eclipse

I used this link for the JBoss site.
From above mentioned link I downloaded the entire JBoss Tools 3.2.0,
Hibernate Tools (HT) from Application Development,
HT from Data Services,
JBoss Maven Hibernate Configurator from Maven Support and
HT from Web and Java EE Development. But i am not able to install hibernate tool. Is their any other way to do it. I got error while installing it from above links.

I assume you are using Indigo, simply go to "help=>Eclipse Market Place" type jboss tools/ hibernate tools in Search, You will get list. Select HT from list and click on install/update link. Eclipse will automatically install it.
For Eclipse Galileo, Download zip from jboss, copy and paste the contents of zip file into your eclipse folder.(Keep backup of your eclipse). There are two directories features and plugins in zip file. copy contents of each directory and paste it in your features and plugins directories(under Eclipse's home directory).
And ofcourse, Restart your eclipse.


Is there a way to have autocompletion for Spring Boot in Eclipse?

I know that this functionnality exists in STS but I would like to know if there is any plugin or configuration to obtain this functionnality in Eclipse.
Since the STS is an Eclipse distribution with a bunch of Spring plugins, you can also install these plugins in any other Eclipse installation. To do that, just add their Update Site into your Eclipse and install the plugins. You can find the links for the Update Site at (update sites differ for Eclipse 4.4 and 4.5).
Additionally you can go to the Eclipse Marketplace and install all STS features from there (which will basically convert your Eclipse installation into STS).

Install Glassfish Eclipse Plugin without internet conenction?

I can't connect Eclipse to internet because of security issues in my work, i want to find a way to download the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin manually (Without using the Eclipse Market Place or Eclipse Install Wizard) and install it separately ...
I made many searches and all i found is how to install the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin using the download Link from Eclipse Plugin Installer ...
PS : Glassfish Server is already installed in my Laptop i just need the Eclipse Plugin.
From where can i download the Plugin ?
And how can i install it ?
GlassFish Tools is part of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, which is offered in a number of different download formats, such as a ready-to-run Eclipse install and a downloadable repository. Either of these options is a good choice for users with connection problems. If you already have Eclipse installed, download the offline repository (may be called 'OEPE plugins only' on the download site). Then use the install plugins wizard, but point at the downloaded zip instead of a public URL. Make sure to uncheck the consult other repositories option to keep Eclipse from wandering to the network unnecessary.
OEPE - Main Download Page
OEPE - Latest Release

How to create, use and run the tutorials from "The Java EE 6 Tutorial" in Eclipse?

The Java EE 6 Tutorial references java ee example projects available through the java ee 6 sdk update tool. The tutorial is oriented towards users of NetBeans and not Eclipse, but NetBeans is not an option for me.
I am new to Java EE and don't know how to take these samples and make an eclipse project from them.
The reason I don't just create a project and copy in the source is that I don't know which eclipse template or project structure I should use for each sample.
So, what should I do with these sample projects to get them up and running in Eclipse?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you have all the required software to run the Java EE tutorial:
Install latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers.
Install Maven Integration for Eclipse (M2E) plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace (Main Menu: Help -> Eclipse Marketplace).
Install Subclipse plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Install Glassfish tools plugin for your Eclipse version. Eg: Glassfish tools for Luna.
Add Glassfish server to Eclipse.
Get the Java EE Tutorial code using the Glassfish Update Tool. In my case, the Glassfish Update Tool did not bring all the codes from the example, so I checked out the Java EE tutorial code from the SVN. (File -> Import -> SVN -> Checkout Project from SVN). Create a new repository location specifying the URL. Example URL:
Ones you have the examples imported to an Eclipse workspace, you can build an individual example projects as follows:
From the Eclipse project explorer window select the project folder you want to build. Example: examples/web/jsf/hello1
Right click on the project folder and select import -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects option. Tick the option to add the project to your workspace.
From the project explorer window, now select the newly added project folder.
Now build the project using option Project -> Build project option.
After the successful build, run the application using Run -> Run As -> Run on Server option.
This worked for me. I had exactly the same question and being new to everything Eclipse, I had trouble figuring this out.
From the link you provided there is a Required Software section. Basically you would need to follow all those instructions except for where NetBeans IDE is concerned.
For Eclipse related configuration I would recommend the Eclipse (Helios) online documentation. Indigo is the latest version of Eclipse but not all plugins support that version.
There is a section in the documention for creating enterprise applications:
Creating an enterprise application project
After familiarising yourself with how enterprise projects are created within Eclipse you should be able to import the sample source applications used in the Java EE tutorial without too much hassle.
You would probably want to install the GlassFish plugin for Eclipse as well.

Download Glassfish Adapter plugin separately

Is it possible to download Glass-fish adapter plug-in for eclipse(Helios) separately not with 'Install New Software feature in eclipse'?
Because I want to archive this plug-in and use it on another eclipse instances.
I prefer:
install it through "Install new feature" (see How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6)
and then move all its plugin and features .jar files into a shared dropins directory.
<= move the glassfish plugins.jar files here
<= move the glassfish features.jar files here
(see eclipse.ini to reference a shared dropins)
That way, any Eclipse installation which
You can download the GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse from the home page of the GlassFish Plug-ins.

Eclipse Java EE plugin

I want an Eclipse Java EE plugin which I can install directly from Eclipse.
I searched about it on Google and found some ones but couldn't figure out how to download them directly from Eclipse.
One plugin I found was WTP but couldn't find the location of the WTP repository that I can enter in the Eclipse's Software Update tool.
I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede)
I warmly suggest to install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers which already includes the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and much more (see this page for a full comparison).
As an alternative, you can download a zip of the Web Tools from here or install it via Update Manager using this URL:
If you have Eclipse Galileo you should go to Help > Install New Software. Then the list of available sites to install updates will appear. You should add the WTP plug-in to this list, for example.
To do this, click on Add and enter the name and location (you can get this from the WTP site). Then, select this plug-in and click on Finish. That's it and it's valid to all plug-ins.
when you are searching do a comprehensive search http:// in eclipse
Google search the repository containing Java EE WTP
Install the new software in your IDE, restart your IDE, right click under the project explorer view, select new, the option for creating a dynamic web project should now be available. I did it using the luna version of eclipse which dose not have the default and now have the option.
help---install new software--type
And go from there