Is there a way to have autocompletion for Spring Boot in Eclipse? - eclipse

I know that this functionnality exists in STS but I would like to know if there is any plugin or configuration to obtain this functionnality in Eclipse.

Since the STS is an Eclipse distribution with a bunch of Spring plugins, you can also install these plugins in any other Eclipse installation. To do that, just add their Update Site into your Eclipse and install the plugins. You can find the links for the Update Site at (update sites differ for Eclipse 4.4 and 4.5).
Additionally you can go to the Eclipse Marketplace and install all STS features from there (which will basically convert your Eclipse installation into STS).


Spring Starter Project in Eclipse -- Can not use Maven: M2E

Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 with Java JDK 1.7
I installed
Spring IDE plugin version 3.7.3
Pivotal Software Spring Tool Suite(STS 3.7.3)
plugins successfully, have no problem with switching to the Spring perspective and my File->new->projects has several spring related selections.
I have been building using maven with no problems. My maven version is 3.3.3. Checking the Help->Installation Details dialog shows eclipse m2e-workspace 0.3.1
When accessing the Eclipse Marketplace, the dialog shows Maven Integration for Eclipse(Luna and newer) 1.5 and the update button is greyed out and there is an uninstall button, so I have that installed.
When selecting Spring Starter Project, I get the creation dialog box with an error message at the top reading --
Can not import using Maven because Can not use Maven: M2E (Eclipse
Maven Tooling) is not installed
I have also lost my maven sub-menu when I right click on pom.xml. Its no longer there.
Any ideas on a solution before I start removing things/changing things and possibly making things worse? Explanations also welcome.
When installing the Spring IDE plugin into Eclipse that already has the maven plugin installed results in a serious conflict as Spring IDE also installs maven. It may be resolvable, but I was unable to find a solution.
I did uninstall the Spring IDE, but the problem was not cleared on Eclipse restart. I deleted the corrupted eclipse installation, while keep its workspace intact.
I finally installed STS w/eclipse and pointed it at my previous workspace.
I had the same issue and I have no idea of how to fix that.
To turnaround the this problem, I downloaded the Spring Tool Suite™ by the url:
This Suite have all the tools to build any Spring project that you'll want.
Hope this work for you.

How to use spring tool suite plugin in existing Eclipse Kepler

I've downloaded the '' from STS website. After extracting I could see 'sts-3.2.0.RELEASE' folder. I want to use this plugin in my existing Eclipse Kepler. After putting it in Eclispe Kepler's dropins/plugins folder I could not see the STS anywhere in Eclispe. Let me know what to do for this.
There are two ways to get the Spring Tool Suite running on your machine. The first one is to download the full distribution for your platform, extract it, and run it as it is. It comes as a ready to use distribution that already includes Eclipse and a lot of additional plugins installed. That seems to be the bit that you downloaded. Although I would recommend to use the latest version (STS 3.6.1 on Eclipse 4.4) in that case.
The second way is to install the STS components into an existing Eclipse installation. You can do that by using the Eclipse Marketplace menu in your existing Eclipse installation. Browse for the matching STS version in there (the one that matches your Eclipse version) and install it from there.
Please keep in mind that installing the STS components into an existing Eclipse installation doesn't automatically gives you all the third-party plugins that we bundle with the STS distribution, like the latest Maven integration for Eclipse, the m2e-wtp add-on, the AJDT m2e connector, etc. In case you would like to use them, you would have to install them yourself - or use the STS distribution itself.
I would not recommend to manually install plugins into directories yourself. It usually causes trouble.
Here I would like to add some points in Martin answer that after installing STS how can you begin with it in eclipse. For that click on Window -->Perspective --> Open Perspective -->Other
Now you will find option of Spring in the list. Select it.
Finally you can use STS in your eclipse to make a spring project.

spring development - with or without eclipse + checking eclipse version

Several tutorials mention that you can download spring in a tarball
and install it on your computer but when I go to the springsource
site all I can see is that you can download Spring Tool Suite
which is an eclipse plugin. So my questions are:
What if I wanted to work from the command line or an IDE other than eclipse?
The packages are available for Juno 3.8.2 or Juno 3.4.2, but how can I find
out my eclipse version? I've downloaded the most frequently downloaded version
of eclipse which is the one for Java EE developers but when I click on the Help
-> About entry I get:
Version: Juno Service Release 2
Build id: 20130225-0426
which does not match the eclipse versions on the springsource site 3.8.2 or 3.4.2,
so how do I know which plugin I need?
You can find out your Eclipse version by going to Help -> About Eclipse...
In the dialog that pops up, you will see something like:
Version 4.2.2
Version 3.8.2
If you downloaded the most commonly downloaded version, then you most likely have 4.2.2. The "Juno" release actually has distributions built for both 3.8.x and 4.2.x (a little complicated and confusing, I know). So, you should be able to install the Juno version of STS and be fine no matter what which version of Juno Eclipse you have.
Your question is not very clear. I thought you were asking about how to install STS, but maybe you are asking about whether or not Eclipse is necessary at all. The answer is that of course, Eclipse is not necessary for Spring development, but it really is the easiest way to develop your spring apps (disclaimer, I am on the STS dev team).
There is no single way to just "downlaod the SpringFramework" because the framework is really just a very large set of jar files and their dependencies. Any single project typically only requires a subset of them as well as requiring other third party dependencies. For this reason, most people prefer working with a build tool like gradle or maven.
Probably the easiest way to get started w/o STS is to clone one of the sample projects from github. A list of the templates are available here: which is obvioulsy meant to be consumed from inside of STS. But, you can use the file to grab links to the various github projects.
The Springsource Tool Suite (STS) is not required for developing with Spring. If the question is how you would install the STS, that's actually very easy. In Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or 3.8, 4.2 (Juno), click on the Help menu and select Eclipse Marketplace. If its not in the inital screen, use the find box type spring and click go which should bring up the the STS with the version of eclipse it is for in the title. Click install and the correct version and its dependencies will be installed for you. Try to use the eclipse marketplace for all the plugins you install, if possible. It makes things much simpler

Spring Eclipse Plugin update site

Can anyone point me to spring-eclipse plug-in update location so I can use spring from my Eclipse IDE?
None of the ones I found online are working!
Spring works fine without any special eclipse plugins. Spring have there own version of eclipse called STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) and you could use that. The installation instructions (pdf) for STS include instructions for installing the STS components into an existing Eclipse 3.5 installation.

Eclipse Java EE plugin

I want an Eclipse Java EE plugin which I can install directly from Eclipse.
I searched about it on Google and found some ones but couldn't figure out how to download them directly from Eclipse.
One plugin I found was WTP but couldn't find the location of the WTP repository that I can enter in the Eclipse's Software Update tool.
I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede)
I warmly suggest to install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers which already includes the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and much more (see this page for a full comparison).
As an alternative, you can download a zip of the Web Tools from here or install it via Update Manager using this URL:
If you have Eclipse Galileo you should go to Help > Install New Software. Then the list of available sites to install updates will appear. You should add the WTP plug-in to this list, for example.
To do this, click on Add and enter the name and location (you can get this from the WTP site). Then, select this plug-in and click on Finish. That's it and it's valid to all plug-ins.
when you are searching do a comprehensive search http:// in eclipse
Google search the repository containing Java EE WTP
Install the new software in your IDE, restart your IDE, right click under the project explorer view, select new, the option for creating a dynamic web project should now be available. I did it using the luna version of eclipse which dose not have the default and now have the option.
help---install new software--type
And go from there