loop through structures and finding the correlation - matlab

The following example resembles a similar problem that I'm dealing with, although the code below is merely an example, it is structured in the same format as my actual data set.
clear all
England = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Wales = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Ireland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Scotland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Location = struct('England',England,'Wales', Wales, 'Ireland',Ireland,'Scotland',Scotland);
Data = {England.AirT,Wales.AirT,Scotland.AirT,Ireland.AirT};
Data = [FieldName;Data];
Data = struct(Data{:});
Data = cell2mat(struct2cell(Data)');
[R,P] = corrcoef(Data,'rows','pairwise');
R_Value= [FieldName(nchoosek(1:size(R,1),2)) num2cell(nonzeros(tril(R,-1)))];
So, this script would show the correlation between pairs of Air Temperature of 4 locations. I'm looking for a way of also looking at the correlation between 'SolRad' and 'Rain' between the locations (same process as for AirT) or any variables denoted in the structure. I could do this by replacing the inputs into 'Data' but this seems rather long winded especially when involving many different variables. Any ideas on how to do this? I've tried using a loop but it seems harder than I though to try and get the data into the same format as the example.

Let's see if this helps, or is what you are thinking:
clear all
England = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Wales = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Ireland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Scotland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Location = struct('England',England,'Wales', Wales, 'Ireland',Ireland,'Scotland',Scotland);
% get all the location fields
FieldName = transpose(fieldnames(Location));
% get the variables recorded at the first location
CorrData = fieldnames(Location.(FieldName{1}));
% get variables which were stored at all locations(just to be safe,
% we know that they are all the same)
for ii=2:length(FieldName)
CorrData = intersect(CorrData,fieldnames(Location.(FieldName{ii})));
% process each variable that was recorded
for ii=1:length(CorrData)
Data = cell(1,length(FieldName));
% get the variable data from each location and store in Data
for jj=1:length(FieldName)
Data{jj} = Location.(FieldName{jj}).(CorrData{ii});
% process the data
Data = [FieldName;Data];
Data = struct(Data{:});
Data = cell2mat(struct2cell(Data)');
[R,P] = corrcoef(Data,'rows','pairwise');
R_Value= [FieldName(nchoosek(1:size(R,1),2)) num2cell(nonzeros(tril(R,-1)))];
% display the data, sounds good right?
fprintf(1,'Correlation for %s\n',CorrData{ii});
for jj=1:size(R_Value,1)
Let me know if I misunderstood, or if this is more involved than what you were thinking. Thanks!

fieldnames(s) and dynamic field references are your friend.
What I would suggest is to make one structure in which 'name' is a field, and the other fields are whatever you'd like. Regardless of how you set up your structure s, you can use fn = fieldnames(s); to return a cell array of the fields. You can access the contents of your structure using these names by using parentheses around the variable containing the name.
fn = fieldnames(s);
for i=1:length(fn)
disp([fn{i} ':' s.(fn{i})]
Whatever you do with the values is up to you, of course!


How to forecast electricity consumption using MATLAB's command "forecast"?

I have the data of electricity consumption of a region during the year of 2017. So I have to matrix 1x1, one with the month and other with the consumption. I want to use the command forecast to forecast the consumption of the first month of 2018, but I don't know how to do this even after reading the examples on MATLAB's help page.
data = {1166974.25000000, 1132479.36000000, 1137173.86000000, 1145853.58000000, 1118875.72000000, 1071456.85000000 ,1047171.87000000, 1071179.65000000 ,1077986.32000000 ,1112111.10000000, 1149668.47000000 ,1161649.19000000, 1175576.25000000 ,1126753.31000000 ,1204843.11000000 ,1183946.03000000, 1153080.36000000, 1120182.07000000, 1104726.03000000 ,1108110.02000000 ,1137729.28000000 ,1189699.45000000, 1252975.55000000, 1218118.20000000 ,1259580 ,1208193 ,1194430, 1244458, 1218867, 1205705 ,1177362, 1185584, 1164758, 1226991 ,1286044 ,1305312, 1360681.70000000 ,1332020 ,1306497.90000000 ,1299819.10000000 ,1316167.70000000 ,1246959.40000000 ,1256700.20000000 ,1266490.60000000, 1275642.90000000, 1358839.80000000, 1361440.10000000, 1398059.40000000};
data = [data{:}];
sys = ar(data,4)
K = 49;
p = forecast(sys,data,K);
plot(data,'b',p,'r'), legend('measured','forecasted')
Why does this not work?
I hope you found a solution to your problem. If you have not, maybe I can be of assistance.
MathWork's documentation of the function notes that the "PastData" entry (labeled "data" in your code) can either be an iddata object or an N x N_y matrix of doubles. Your implementation uses a matrix, so I decided to try out the code with an iddata object.
rawdat = [1166974.25000000, 1132479.36000000, 1137173.86000000, 1145853.58000000, 1118875.72000000, 1071456.85000000 ,1047171.87000000, 1071179.65000000 ,1077986.32000000 ,1112111.10000000, 1149668.47000000 ,1161649.19000000, 1175576.25000000 ,1126753.31000000 ,1204843.11000000 ,1183946.03000000, 1153080.36000000, 1120182.07000000, 1104726.03000000 ,1108110.02000000 ,1137729.28000000 ,1189699.45000000, 1252975.55000000, 1218118.20000000 ,1259580 ,1208193 ,1194430, 1244458, 1218867, 1205705 ,1177362, 1185584, 1164758, 1226991 ,1286044 ,1305312, 1360681.70000000 ,1332020 ,1306497.90000000 ,1299819.10000000 ,1316167.70000000 ,1246959.40000000 ,1256700.20000000 ,1266490.60000000, 1275642.90000000, 1358839.80000000, 1361440.10000000, 1398059.40000000];
data = iddata(rawdat',[]);
sys = ar(data,4);
K = 49;
p = forecast(sys,data,K);
plot(data,'b',p,'r'), legend('measured','forecasted')
Notice that I also changed the initial data's variable name and type.
The above code leads to the following figure.
Please update us. Thanks.

How to filter and save each variable on matlab

I have a data (matrix) with 3 columns : DATA=[ID , DATE, Value]
I want to filter my data by ID for example DATAid1= DATA where ID==1 and so on ..
for that I write this code in MATLAB
load calibrage_capteur.mat
data = [ID ,DATE , Valeur]
minid = min(data(:,1));
maxid = max(data(:,1));
for i=minid:maxid
ind=find(data(:,1) == i)
dataID = [ID(ind) ,DATE(ind) , Valeur(ind)]
As a result he register the last value in this example the max ID=31 so he register dataId31. Now I need how to save the variable each iteration. How can I do this?
You will want to use a cell array to hold your data rather than saving them as independent variables that are named based upon the ID.
data_by_ID = cell();
ids = minid:maxid;
for k = 1:numel(ids)
data_by_ID{k} = data(data(:,1) == ids(k),:);
Really though, depending on what you're doing with it, you can use data all of the time since all operations are going to be faster on a numeric matrix than they are on a cell array.
%// Do stuff with data ID = 10
do_stuff(data(data(:,1) == 10, :));
If you absolutely must name your variables you could do the following (but please don't do this and use one of the methods above).
for k = 1:numel(ids)
eval(['dataId', num2str(ids(k)), '= data(k,:);']);
Your question is a bit unclear but it sounds like you simply want to save the result at each iteration of the for loop.
I'm assuming min and max id are arbitrary and not necessarily the variable you are trying to index on.
kk = min_id:max_id;
for ii = 1:numel(kk)
ind=find(data(:,1) == kk(ii))
dataID(kk) = [ID(ind) ,DATE(ind) , Valeur(ind)]
This is better than indexing by min_id or max_id since it isn't clear that min_id starts at at 1 (maybe it starts at 0, or something else.)

retrieve data from structure when entering one field value MATLAB

I have created a structure about patient. Its fields are name, age, etc. I want to be able to retrieve a patient's all info by entering its name or any other unique property. In other words, how can I find the patient's index? Thanks in advance.
patient(10).name = 'Chuck';
patient(10).age = 29;
patient(11).name = 'Sarah';
patient(11).name = 28;
Structures are not a good data type for doing what you want.
I suggest using a table. If you have your data in the structure already, call
patientTable = struct2table(patient);
Then, you get the index as:
chucksIndex = find( strcmp( patientTable.name, 'Chuck'))
And you get that patient's information as
(note: if all you need the index for is lookup, you don't need to call find, the logical index from strcmp suffices).
Double-clicking the table in the workspace browser presents the data in an Excel-like fashion. The only thing you'll have to change in your code is accessing the data. Instead of
You write
If you do not want to use a table, you can get the index as:
chucksIndex = find(strcmp({patient.name},'Chuck'));
First, there is an error, it should be patient(11).name = 28;.
Here is a way this should work. I've started the indexes for Chuck and Sarah at 1.
patient(1).name = 'Chuck';
patient(1).age = 29;
patient(2).name = 'Sarah';
patient(2).age = 28;
% Assign to cell array
plist = {patient.name};
% Choose the name of a patient
choose_patient = 'Sarah';
% Find the chosen patient in the list
ix_patient = find(strcmp(plist, choose_patient))
% Get full entry for that patient

Perform action on all fields of structure

I wonder if it's possible to perform an action on all fields of a structure at once?
My scenario:
I have data from an eye tracker device. It is stored in a struct Data, and has the following fields:
Each field contains a vector of integers. Suppose I want to delete sample number 10 from my data stream. I would have to do the following:
Data.positionX(10) = [];
Data.positionY(10) = [];
Data.velocity(10) = [];
Data.acceleration(10) = [];
How would I do this more efficiently?
Yes, use dynamic field names.
fields = fieldnames(Data);
for i=1:length(fields)
field = fields{i};
Data.(field)(10) = [];
If your data is simple enough, it may be worth switching to a structure where you index the data directly instead of its contents
then it would have been as simple as
Or alternately, if you have a bunch of vectors you want to store together, you may be better off storing them in a matrix:
M = [positionX positionY] %And so on, possibly transposed
Then it would have been as simple as:

IDL and MatLab getting strange values from NetCDF file

I have a NetCDF file, which contains data representing total precipitation across the globe over several months (so it's stored in a three dimensional array). I first ensured that the data was sensible, and the way it was formed, both in XConv and ncdump. All looks sensible - values vary from very small (~10^-10 - this makes sense, as this is model data, and effectively represents zero) to about 5x10^-3.
The problems start when I try to handle this data in IDL or MatLab. The arrays generated in these programs are full of huge negative numbers such as -4x10^4, with occasional huge positive numbers, such as 5000. Strangely, looking at a plot of the data in MatLab with respect to latitude and longitude (at a specific time), the pattern of rainfall looks sensible, but the values are just completely wrong.
In IDL, I'm reading the file in to write it to a text file so it can be handled by some software that takes very basic text files. Here's the code I'm using:
PRO nao_heaps
address = '/Users/levyadmin/Downloads/'
file_base = 'output'
ncid = ncdf_open(address + file_base + '.nc')
varid_field = ncdf_varid(ncid, "tp")
varid_lon = ncdf_varid(ncid, "longitude")
varid_lat = ncdf_varid(ncid, "latitude")
varid_time = ncdf_varid(ncid, "time")
ncdf_varget,ncid, varid_field, total_precip
ncdf_varget,ncid, varid_lat, lats
ncdf_varget,ncid, varid_lon, lons
ncdf_varget,ncid, varid_time, time
lats = reform(lats)
lons = reform(lons)
time = reform(time)
total_precip = reform(total_precip)
total_precip = total_precip*1000. ;put in mm
; the data may not be an integer number of years (otherwise we could make this next loop cleaner)
for month=0, 11 do begin
year = 0
while ( (year*12) + month lt noMonths ) do begin
av_precip(*,*,month) = av_precip(*,*,month) + total_precip(*,*, (year*12)+month )
av_precip(*,*,month) = av_precip(*,*,month)/year
fname = address + file_base + '.dat'
for month=0,11 do begin
Anyone have any ideas why I'm getting such strange values in MatLab and IDL?!
AH! Found the answer. NetCDF files use an offset, and a scale factor for the data to keep the size of the file to a minimum. To get the correct values, I simply need to:
total_precip = offset + (scale_factor * total_precip) ;put into correct range
At present I'm getting the scale factor and offset from ncdump, and hard coding them into my IDL program, but does anyone know how I can get them dynamically in my IDL code..?